622 research outputs found

    Security in heterogeneous interoperable database environments

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    The paper deals with the security of interoperable heterogeneous database environments. It contains a general discussion of the issues involved as well as a description of our experiences gained during the development and implementation of the security module of IRO-DB - an European ESPRIT III funded project with the goal to develop interoperable access between relational and object-oriented databases

    A Critical Examination of Sustainability Considerations in Yukon Environmental Assessment—Past and Present

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    The Northern regions of Canada, as a result of landscape characteristics and political and cultural dynamics, present unique challenges and opportunities for meeting sustainability goals through environmental assessment (EA) processes. In order to understand the significance of the EA process in the North and its applicability to fulfilling sustainability goals, the past and present EA regimes of the Yukon are evaluated adopting a sustainability-focused framework. Unique changes to the Yukon EA process, as a result of land claim agreements and devolution have created innovative structures and processes, reflective of the environmental, socio-economic, cultural and political circumstances of the region. The evaluative framework was derived from EA and sustainability literature and supplemented by northern environmental management and sustainability considerations. Data collection methods included document reviews and 21 semi-structured interviews with informants familiar with past and present EA regimes of the Yukon. The findings highlight improvements to the Yukon’s EA regime over time, in terms of increased levels of accountability, greater consideration of northern sociocultural and ecological values, improved opportunities for participation and access to information and a greater recognition of First Nations values and role as decision makers. Yet weaknesses remain, such as the level of transparency at the decision making stage, the duplication of effort and lack of integration with other processes, and the failure to incorporate socio-economic mitigation measures. Considering that the Yukon’s EA system is one of the most recent EA processes in the country as well as in the north, its evaluation provides valuable insights into the initiatives and processes required for achieving sustainability within Northern EA regimes

    Wireless Channel Characterization: Modeling the 5 GHz Microwave Landing System Extension Band for Future Airport Surface Communications

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    We describe a recently completed wideband wireless channel characterization project for the 5 GHz Microwave Landing System (MLS) extension band, for airport surface areas. This work included mobile measurements at large and small airports, and fixed point-to-point measurements. Mobile measurements were made via transmission from the air traffic control tower (ATCT), or from an airport field site (AFS), to a receiving ground vehicle on the airport surface. The point-to-point measurements were between ATCT and AFSs. Detailed statistical channel models were developed from all these measurements. Measured quantities include propagation path loss and power delay profiles, from which we obtain delay spreads, frequency domain correlation (coherence bandwidths), fading amplitude statistics, and channel parameter correlations. In this paper we review the project motivation, measurement coordination, and illustrate measurement results. Example channel modeling results for several propagation conditions are also provided, highlighting new findings

    Communication Platform Payload Definition (CPPD) study. Volume 3: Addendum

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    This is Volume 3 (Addendum) of the Ford Aerospace & Communications Corporation Final Report for the Communication Platform Payload Definition (CPPD) Study Program conducted for NASA Lewis Research Center under contract No. NAS3-24235. This report presents the results of the study effort leading to five potential platform payloads to service CONUS and WARC Region 2 traffic demand as projected to the year 2008. The report addresses establishing the data bases, developing service aggregation scenarios, selecting and developing 5 payload concepts, performing detailed definition of the 5 payloads, costing them, identifying critical technology, and finally comparing the payloads with each other and also with non-aggregated equivalent services

    Radar cross section measurements of a scale model of the space shuttle orbiter vehicle

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    A series of microwave measurements was conducted to determine the radar cross section of the Space Shuttle Orbiter vehicle at a frequency and at aspect angles applicable to re-entry radar acquisition and tracking. The measurements were performed in a microwave anechoic chamber using a 1/15th scale model and a frequency applicable to C-band tracking radars. The data were digitally recorded and processed to yield statistical descriptions useful for prediction of orbiter re-entry detection and tracking ranges

    Perceptions and effectiveness of the investor relations function in Greece

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    Analysis of the dynamics of limb transcriptomes during mouse development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The development of vertebrate limbs has been a traditional system to study fundamental processes at work during ontogenesis, such as the establishment of spatial cellular coordinates, the effect of diffusible morphogenetic molecules or the translation between gene activity and morphogenesis. In addition, limbs are amongst the first targets of malformations in human and they display a huge realm of evolutionary variations within tetrapods, which make them a paradigm to study the regulatory genome.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>As a reference resource for future biochemical and genetic analyses, we used genome-wide tiling arrays to establish the transcriptomes of mouse limb buds at three different stages, during which major developmental events take place. We compare the three time-points and discuss some aspects of these datasets, for instance related to transcriptome dynamics or to the potential association between active genes and the distribution of intergenic transcriptional activity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These datasets provide a valuable resource, either for research projects involving gene expression and regulation in developing mouse limbs, or as examples of tissue-specific, genome-wide transcriptional activities.</p

    Development and evaluation of two instruments to assess nursing staff's competence in mobility care based on kinaesthetics

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    Development and evaluation of two instruments to assess nursing staff’s competence in mobility care based on kinaesthetics Mobility impairment affects the physical, psychological, and social aspects of a care-dependent person’s life. Nursing staff require competence to provide mobility care that is mobilitypromoting and safe. Kinaesthetics is an approach taking into account these requirements. However, it is unclear how competence in mobility care based on kinaesthetics is defined, no suitable instruments are yet available to assess this competence and no data exist about nursing staff’s levels of competence in mobility care. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate an assessment of nursing staff’s competence in mobility care based on kinaesthetics to finally improve care recipients' mobility and thereby quality of life and nursing staff’s musculoskeletal health. The study was carried out in three phases: Phase I involved a concept development on nurses’ competence in kinaesthetics including a literature review and a workshop with kinaesthetics experts (n=7) as well as a systematic literature review about instruments assessing nurses’ skills in patient mobilisation. In phase II, two assessment instruments, the Kinaesthetics Competence Observation (KCO, score from 4-16) and the Kinaesthetics Competence Self-Evaluation (KCSE, score from 4-16) were developed and tested regarding content validity with kinaesthetics experts (n=23). In phase III, a cross-sectional observational study (nursing staff=48, residents=31) using the KCO and a survey (nursing staff=180) using the KCSE was applied in three Swiss nursing homes. The data analysis methods used in this study were content analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics including factor and multivariate analysis. Results of phase I revealed that competence in mobility care based on kinaesthetics includes knowledge, skills, attitude and a dynamic state. In the systematic review, 16 observation instruments were described. Phase II: The KCO (4 domains: interaction, support of the person, nurses’ own movement, environment) and KCSE (4 domains: attitude, dynamic state, knowledge, self-perceived skills) were developed based on the results obtained in Phase I. Their content validity index was very good (KCO=1.0, KCSE=0.93). Phase III results demonstrated acceptable preliminary psychometric properties of the new instruments. Nursing staff’s self-assed average level of competence in mobility care was very good (13, SD 1.44) and the observed average competence level was good (10.8, SD 2.44). Higher competence levels in mobility care based on kinaesthetics were positively correlated with amount of completed kinaesthetics training, experience in nursing home care and rate of employment. In conclusion, nursing staff’s competence in mobility care can be self-evaluated efficiently using the KCSE. In order to glean a more objective assessment, the KCO should be used alongside the KCSE. Future research is necessary concerning psychometrics of both assessment instruments and in the area of nursing staff’s competence development in kinaesthetics in practice. Furthermore, inter-professional and international research on guideline development is needed to enhance basic and continuing education in mobility care for nursing staff. More advanced approaches of mobility care could fundamentally change the quality of nursing care in the future.Entwicklung und Evaluierung von zwei Instrumenten zur Erfassung der pflegerischen Kompetenz in der BewegungsunterstĂŒtzung basierend auf KinĂ€sthetik. MobilitĂ€tseinschrĂ€nkungen beeinflussen Menschen in ihren physischen, psychischen und sozialen Aspekten des Lebens. Pflegepersonen benötigen Kompetenz um diese Menschen so zu pflegen, dass deren MobilitĂ€t gefördert wird und keine negativen Konsequenzen entstehen. KinĂ€sthetik ist ein Ansatz der diese Aspekte berĂŒcksichtigt. Es ist jedoch unklar, wie Kompetenz in KinĂ€sthetik definiert ist. Es fehlen passende Instrumente um diese Kompetenz zu erfassen und es existieren keine Daten zu Kompetenzlevel in der Pflege. Daher war es das Ziel dieser Studie, ein Assessment zur Evaluation der pflegerischen Kompetenz in KinĂ€sthetik zu entwickeln, mit dem Zweck die funktionale Bewegung von pflegebedĂŒrftigen Menschen als auch die muskuloskeletale Gesundheit der Pflegepersonen zu verbessern. Die Studie wurde in drei Phasen ausgefĂŒhrt: Phase I beinhaltete die Entwicklung des Konzeptes „Kompetenz in KinĂ€sthetik“ basierend auf einer LiteraturĂŒbersicht und einem Workshop mit KinĂ€sthetik-Experten (n=7) sowie eine systematische LiteraturĂŒbersicht ĂŒber Instrumente zur Erfassung der pflegerischen FĂ€higkeiten in der Patientenmobilisation. In Phase II wurden zwei Assessmentinstrumente – das KinĂ€sthetik Kompetenz Beobachtungsinstrument (KCO, Score von 4-16) und das KinĂ€sthetik Kompetenz SelbsteinschĂ€tzungsinstrument (KSCE, Score von 4-16) – entwickelt und hinsichtlich InhaltsvaliditĂ€t mit KinĂ€sthetik-Experten (n=23) getestet. In Phase III, wurde eine Querschnittsbeobachtungsstudie (Pflegepersonen=48, Pflegeheimbewohner=31) unter Verwendung des KCO und eine Fragebogenerhebung (Pflegepersonen=180) mittels des KCSE in drei Schweizer Pflegeheimen durchgefĂŒhrt. Datenanalysemethoden waren Inhaltsanalyse, beschreibende und schließende Statistik inklusive Faktorenanalyse und multivariate Analyse. Phase I zeigte, dass Kompetenz in KinĂ€sthetik Wissen, Fertigkeiten, Haltung und Weiterentwicklung beinhaltet. Basierend auf der systematischen LiteraturĂŒbersicht wurden 16 Beobachtungsinstrumente beschrieben. Phase II: basierend auf den Ergebnissen von Phase I wurde das KCO (4 Bereiche: Interaktion, BewegungsunterstĂŒtzung der Person, eigene Bewegung, Umgebungsgestaltung) und das KCSE (4 Bereiche: Haltung, Weiterentwicklung, Wissen und selbsteingeschĂ€tzte Fertigkeiten) entwickelt. Deren InhaltsvaliditĂ€t war sehr gut (KCO=1.0, KCSE=0.93). Phase III zeigte erste zufriedenstellende psychometrische Eigenschafen der Instrumente. Die selbsteingeschĂ€tzte Kompetenz der Pflegenden war sehr gut (13, SD 1.44) und die beobachtete Kompetenz war gut (10.8, SD 2.44). Höhere Kompetenzlevel waren positiv korreliert mit mehr absolviertem KinĂ€sthetik-Training, lĂ€ngerer Erfahrung in der Langzeitpflege und einem höheren Anstellungsgrad. Pflegerische Kompetenz in KinĂ€sthetik kann effizient anhand des KCSE eingeschĂ€tzt werden. Um ein objektivere EinschĂ€tzung zu erhalten, sollte das KCO zusĂ€tzlich angewandt werden. Hinsichtlich der psychometrischen Eigenschaften der Instrumente und der Entwicklung der Kompetenz in KinĂ€sthetik in der Praxis ist weitere Forschung notwendig. Zudem sollten interprofessionelle und internationale Leitlinien erarbeitet werden, um die Aus- und Weiterbildung von Pflegenden hinsichtlich guter Praxis in der BewegungsunterstĂŒtzung weiterzuentwickeln. Fortschrittlichere Methoden hinsichtlich der BewegungsunterstĂŒtzung könnten die PflegequalitĂ€t in der Zukunft grundlegend verĂ€ndern.Kahden kinestetiikkaan pohjautuvan mittarin kehittĂ€minen ja evaluointi hoitohenkilökunnan osaamisperustan arviointiin liikkumisen avustustilanteissa Liikuntarajoite vaikuttaa hoidosta riippuvaisen henkilön fyysiseen, psyykkiseen ja sosiaaliseen elĂ€mÀÀn. Hoitohenkilökunta tarvitsee osaamisperustan toteuttaakseen liikkumista edistĂ€vÀÀ ja turvallista avustamista. Kinestetiikan lĂ€hestymistapa huomioi nĂ€mĂ€ vaatimukset. EpĂ€selvÀÀ on, miten osaamisperusta kinestetiikkaan pohjautuvassa liikkumisen avustamisessa mÀÀritellÀÀn, ei ole olemassa sopivia mittareita kyseisen osaamisperustan arviointiin tai tietoa hoitajien osaamisperustan tasosta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittÀÀ ja evaluoida hoitajien kinestetiikan osaamisperustan arviointia ja siten edistÀÀ hoidosta riippuvaisen henkilön liikkumista, elĂ€mĂ€nlaatua sekĂ€ henkilöstön tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön terveyttĂ€. Tutkimus toteutettiin kolmessa vaiheessa: EnsimmĂ€isenĂ€ kehitettiin konsepti hoitajien kinestetiikan osaamisperustaa varten perustuen kirjallisuuskatsaukseen, työpajaan kinestetiikan asiantuntijoiden (n=7) kanssa sekĂ€ systemaattiseen kirjallisuuskatsaukseen hoitajien osaamista arvioivista mittareista potilaiden liikkumisen avustamisessa. Toisessa vaiheessa kehitettiin KCO (Kinaesthetics Competence Observation, asteikko 4–16) ja KCSE (Kinaesthetics Competence Self-Evaluation, asteikko 4–16) mittarit. Mittareiden sisĂ€ltöÀ kehitettiin ja testattiin kinestetiikan asiantuntijoiden (n=23) kanssa. Kolmannessa vaiheessa tehtiin havainnoiva poikittaistutkimus kolmessa sveitsilĂ€isessĂ€ hoitolaitoksessa (hoitajat=48, asukkaat=31) kĂ€yttĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ KCO-mittaria sekĂ€ KCSE kyselyĂ€ (hoitajat=180). AnalyysimenetelminĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin sisĂ€llön analyysia, kuvailevaa tilastoanalyysia ja tilastollista pÀÀttelyĂ€, mukaan lukien faktori- ja monimuuttuja-analyysi. EnsimmĂ€isen vaiheen tulokset osoittivat kinestetiikan osaamisperustan koostuvan tiedoista, taidoista, asenteesta ja dynaamisesta tilasta. Systemaattisessa kirjallisuuskatsauksessa kuvattiin 16 havainnointimittaria. Toisessa vaiheessa KCO (neljĂ€ osa-aluetta: vuorovaikutus, henkilön avustaminen, hoitajan oma liikkuminen, ympĂ€ristö) ja KCSE (neljĂ€ osa-aluetta: asenne, dynaaminen tila, osaaminen, itsearvioidut taidot) kehitettiin nĂ€iden tulosten pohjalta. Mittareiden sisĂ€llön luotettavuusindeksi oli erittĂ€in hyvĂ€ (KCO=1.0, KCSE=0.93). Kolmannen vaiheen tulokset osoittavat mittareiden alustavien psykometristen ominaisuuksien olevan hyvĂ€ksyttĂ€viĂ€. Hoitajien itsearvioima avustamisen keskimÀÀrĂ€inen osaamistaso oli erittĂ€in hyvĂ€ (13, SD 1.44) ja havainnoitu keskimÀÀrĂ€inen osaamistaso hyvĂ€ (10.8, SD 2.44). Korkeammat osaamistasot korreloivat positiivisesti kinestetiikkakoulutuksen mÀÀrĂ€n, työkokemuksen hoitolaitoksessa sekĂ€ työajan (kokoaikainen- tai osaaikainen työ) kanssa. JohtopÀÀtöksinĂ€ voidaan todeta, ettĂ€ KSCE mittaa hoitajien itsearvioimaa kinestetiikan osaamisperusta luotettavasti. Objektiivisempaan arviointiin tulisi kĂ€yttÀÀ lisĂ€ksi KCO-havainnointimittaria. Jatkotutkimusta tarvitaan mittareiden psykometristen ominaisuuksien edelleen testaamiseksi sekĂ€ hoitohenkilökunnan kinestetiikan osaamisperustan kehittymisestĂ€ kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€. Moniammatillista ja kansainvĂ€listĂ€ tutkimusta tarvitaan suositusten kehittĂ€miseksi, jotta hoitajien liikkumisen avustamisen opetuksen tasoa perus- ja jatkokoulutuksessa voidaan parantaa. EdistyksellisemmĂ€t liikkumisen tukemisen lĂ€hestymistavat voivat tulevaisuudessa muuttaa hoitotyön laatua merkittĂ€vĂ€sti
