12 research outputs found

    Authenticating Multi-Dimensional Query Results in Data Publishing

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    Abstract. In data publishing, the owner delegates the role of satisfying user queries to a third-party publisher. As the publisher may be untrusted or susceptible to attacks, it could produce incorrect query results. This paper introduces a mechanism for users to verify that their query answers on a multi-dimensional dataset are correct, in the sense of being complete (i.e., no qualifying data points are omitted) and authentic (i.e., all the result values originated from the owner). Our approach is to add authentication information into a spatial data structure, by constructing certifiedchainsonthepointswithineachpartition,aswellasonallthe partitions in the data space. Given a query, we generate proof that every data point within those intervals of the certified chains that overlap the query window either is returned as a result value, or fails to meet some query condition. We study two instantiations of the approach: Verifiable KD-tree (VKDtree) that is based on space partitioning, and Verifiable R-tree (VRtree) that is based on data partitioning. The schemes are evaluated on window queries, and results show that VRtree is highly precise, meaning that few data points outside of a query result are disclosed in the course of proving its correctness.

    Parity-based Data Outsourcing: Extension, Implementation, and Evaluation

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    Our research has developed a Parity-based Data Outsourcing (PDO) model. This model outsources a set of raw data by associating it with a set of parity data and then distributing both sets of data among a number of cloud servers that are managed independently by different service providers. Users query the servers for the data of their interest and are allowed to perform both authentication and correction. The former refers to the capability of verifying if the query result they receive is correct (i.e., all data items that satisfy the query condition are received, and every data item received is original from the data owner), whereas the latter, the capability of correcting the corrupted data, if any. Existing techniques all rely on complex cryptographic techniques and require the cloud server to build verification objects. In particular, they support only query authentication, but not error correction. In contrast, our approach enables users to perform both query authentication and error correction, and does so without having to install any additional software on a cloud server, which makes it possible to take advantage of the many cloud data management services available on the market today. This thesis makes the following contributions. 1) We extend the PDO model, which was originally designed for one-dimensional data, to handle multi-dimensional data. 2) We implement the PDO model, including parity coding, data encoding, data retrieval, query authentication and correction. 3) We evaluate the performance of the PDO model. We compare it with Merkle Hash Tree (MH-tree) and Signature Chain, two existing techniques that support query authentication, in terms of storage, communication, and computation overhead

    Authentication of Freshness for OutsourcedMulti-Version Key-Value Stores

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    Data outsourcing offers cost-effective computing power to manage massive data streams and reliable access to data. For example, data owners can forward their data to clouds, and the clouds provide data mirroring, backup, and online access services to end users. However, outsourcing data to untrusted clouds requires data authentication and query integrity to remain in the control of the data owners and users. In this paper, we address this problem specifically for multiversion key-value data that is subject to continuous updates under the constraints of data integrity, data authenticity, and “freshness” (i.e., ensuring that the value returned for a key is the latest version).We detail this problem and propose INCBMTREE, a novel construct delivering freshness and authenticity. Compared to existing work, we provide a solution that offers (i) lightweight signing and verification on massive data update streams for data owners and users (e.g., allowing for small memory footprint and CPU usage on mobile user devices), (ii) integrity of both real-time and historic data, and (iii) support for both real-time and periodic data publication. Extensive benchmark evaluations demonstrate that INCBMTREE achieves more throughput (in an order of magnitude) for data stream authentication than existing work. For data owners and end users that have limited computing power, INCBM-TREE can be a practical solution to authenticate the freshness of outsourced data while reaping the benefits of broadly available cloud services

    MMBcloud-tree: Authenticated Index for Verifiable Cloud Service Selection

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    Cloud brokers have been recently introduced as an additional computational layer to facilitate cloud selection and service management tasks for cloud consumers. However, existing brokerage schemes on cloud service selection typically assume that brokers are completely trusted, and do not provide any guarantee over the correctness of the service recommendations. It is then possible for a compromised or dishonest broker to easily take advantage of the limited capabilities of the clients and provide incorrect or incomplete responses. To address this problem, we propose an innovative Cloud Service Selection Verification (CSSV) scheme and index structures (MMBcloud-tree) to enable cloud clients to detect misbehavior of the cloud brokers during the service selection process. We demonstrate correctness and efficiency of our approaches both theoretically and empirically

    Authenticating the Query Results of Text Search Engines

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    The number of successful attacks on the Internet shows that it is very difficult to guarantee the security of online search engines. A breached server that is not detected in time may return incorrect results to the users. To prevent that, we introduce a methodology for generating an integrity proof for each search result. Our solution is targeted at search engines that perform similarity-based document retrieval, and utilize an inverted list implementation (as most search engines do). We formulate the properties that define a correct result, map the task of processing a text search query to adaptations of existing threshold-based algorithms, and devise an authentication scheme for checking the validity of a result. Finally, we confirm the efficiency and practicality of our solution through an empirical evaluation with real documents and benchmark queries. 1

    Scalable Verification for Outsourced Dynamic Databases

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    Query answers from servers operated by third parties need to be verified, as the third parties may not be trusted or their servers may be compromised. Most of the existing authentication methods construct validity proofs based on the Merkle hash tree (MHT). The MHT, however, imposes severe concurrency constraints that slow down data updates. We introduce a protocol, built upon signature aggregation, for checking the authenticity, completeness and freshness of query answers. The protocol offers the important property of allowing new data to be disseminated immediately, while ensuring that outdated values beyond a pre-set age can be detected. We also propose an efficient verification technique for ad-hoc equijoins, for which no practical solution existed. In addition, for servers that need to process heavy query workloads, we introduce a mechanism that significantly reduces the proof construction time by caching just a small number of strategically chosen aggregate signatures. The efficiency and efficacy of our proposed mechanisms are confirmed through extensive experiments. 1

    Localizing unauthorized updates in published micro-data tables through secret order-based watermarking

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    The study of micro-data disclosure issue has largely focused on the privacy preservation aspect, whereas the integrity of a published micro-data table has received limited attention. Unauthorized updates to such a table may lead users to believe in misleading data. Traditional cryptographic stamp-based approaches allow users to detect unauthorized updates using credentials issued by the data owner. However, to localize the exact corrupted tuples would require a large number of cryptographic stamps to be stored, leading to prohibitive storage requirements. In this thesis, we explore the fact that tuples in a micro-data table must be stored in a particular order, which has no inherent meaning under the relational model. We propose a series of algorithms for embedding watermarks through reordering the tuples. The embedded watermarks allow users to detect, localize, and restore corrupted tuples with a single secret key issued by the data owner, and no additional storage is required. At the same time, our algorithms also allow for efficient updates by the data owner or legitimate users who know the secret key. The proposed algorithms are implemented and evaluated through experiments with real data

    Verifying Completeness of Relational Query Answers from Online Servers

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    10.1145/1330332.1330337ACM Transactions on Information and System Security11