13 research outputs found

    Authenticated Garbling and Efficient Maliciously Secure Two-Party Computation

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    We propose a simple and efficient framework for obtaining efficient constant-round protocols for maliciously secure two-party computation. Our framework uses a function-independent preprocessing phase to generate authenticated information for the two parties; this information is then used to construct a single ``authenticated\u27\u27 garbled circuit which is transmitted and evaluated. We also show how to efficiently instantiate the preprocessing phase by designing a highly optimized version of the TinyOT protocol by Nielsen et al. Our overall protocol outperforms existing work in both the single-execution and amortized settings, with or without preprocessing: - In the single-execution setting, our protocol evaluates an AES circuit with malicious security in 37 ms with an online time of just 1 ms. Previous work with the best online time (also 1 ms) requires 124 ms in total; previous work with the best total time requires 62 ms (with 14 ms online time). - If we amortize the computation over 1024 executions, each AES computation requires just 6.7 ms with roughly the same online time as above. The best previous work in the amortized setting has roughly the same total time but does not support function-independent preprocessing. Our work shows that the performance penalty for maliciously secure two-party computation (as compared to semi-honest security) is much smaller than previously believed

    Developing a Deterministic Polymorphic Circuit Generator Using Random Boolean Logic Expansion

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    Securing applications on untrusted platforms can involve protection against legitimate endusers who act in the role of malicious reverse engineers and hackers. Such adversaries have access to the full execution environment of programs, whether the program comes in the form of software or hardware. In this thesis, we consider the nature of obfuscating algorithms that perform iterative, stepwise transformation of programs into more complex forms that are intended to increase the complexity (time, resources) for malicious reverse engineers. We consider simple Boolean logic programs as the domain of interest and examine a specific transformation technique known as Iterative Selection and Replacement (ISR), which represents a practical, syntactic approach for obfuscation. Specifically, we focus on improving the security of ISR by maximizing the flexibility and potential security of the replacement step of the algorithm which can be formulated in the following question: Given a selection of Boolean logic gates (i.e., a subcircuit), how can we produce a semantically equivalent (polymorphic) version of the subcircuit such that the distribution of potential replacements represents a random, uniform distribution from the set of all possible replacements? This practical question is related to the theoretic study of indistinguishability obfuscation, where a transformer for a class of circuits guarantees that given any two semantically equivalent circuits from the class, the distribution of variants from their obfuscation are computationally indistinguishable. Ideally, polymorphic circuits that follow a random, uniform distribution provide stronger protection against malicious analyzers that target identification of distinct patterns as a basis for deobfuscation and simplification. We introduce a novel approach for polymorphic circuit replacement called Random Boolean Logic Expansion (RBLE), which applies Boolean logic laws (of reduction) in reverse. We compare this approach against another proposed method of polymorphic replacement that relies on static circuit libraries. As a contribution, we show the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, examine initial results from empirical studies to estimate the uniformity of polymorphic distributions, and provide the argument for how such algorithms can be readily applied in software contexts. RBLE provides a unique method to generate polymorphic variants of arbitrary input, output, and gate size. We report initial findings for studying variants produced by this method and, from empirical evaluation, show that RBLE has promise for generating distributions of unique, uniform circuits when size is unconstrained, but for targeted size distributions, the approach requires adjustment for reaching potential circuit variant

    Efficient Maliciously Secure Multiparty Computation for RAM

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    A crucial issue, that mostly affects the performance of actively secure computation of RAM programs, is the task of reading/writing from/to memory in a private and authenticated manner. Previous works in the active security and multiparty settings are based purely on the SPDZ (reactive) protocol, hence, memory accesses are treated just like any input to the computation. However, a garbled-circuit-based construction (such as BMR), which benefits from a lower round complexity, must resolve the issue of converting memory data bits to their corresponding wire keys and vice versa. In this work we propose three techniques to construct a secure memory access, each appropriates to a different level of abstraction of the underlying garbling functionality. We provide a comparison between the techniques by several metrics. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to construct, prove and implement a concretely efficient garbled-circuit-based actively secure RAM computation with dishonest majority. Our construction is based on our third (most efficient) technique, cleverly utilizing the underlying SPDZ authenticated shares (Damgård et al., Crypto 2012), yields lean circuits and a constant number of communication rounds per physical memory access. Specifically, it requires no additional circuitry on top of the ORAM\u27s, incurs only two rounds of broadcasts between every two memory accesses and has a multiplicative overhead of 2 on top of the ORAM\u27s storage size. Our protocol outperforms the state of the art in this settings when deployed over WAN. Even when simulating a very conservative RTT of 100ms our protocol is at least one order of magnitude faster than the current state of the art protocol of Keller and Scholl (Asiacrypt 2015)

    Raziel: Private and Verifiable Smart Contracts on Blockchains

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    Raziel combines secure multi-party computation and proof-carrying code to provide privacy, correctness and verifiability guarantees for smart contracts on blockchains. Effectively solving DAO and Gyges attacks, this paper describes an implementation and presents examples to demonstrate its practical viability (e.g., private and verifiable crowdfundings and investment funds). Additionally, we show how to use Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Proofs (i.e., Proof-Carrying Code certificates) to prove the validity of smart contracts to third parties before their execution without revealing anything else. Finally, we show how miners could get rewarded for generating pre-processing data for secure multi-party computation.Comment: Support: cothority/ByzCoin/OmniLedge

    DECO: Liberating Web Data Using Decentralized Oracles for TLS

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    Thanks to the widespread deployment of TLS, users can access private data over channels with end-to-end confidentiality and integrity. What they cannot do, however, is prove to third parties the {\em provenance} of such data, i.e., that it genuinely came from a particular website. Existing approaches either introduce undesirable trust assumptions or require server-side modifications. As a result, the value of users' private data is locked up in its point of origin. Users cannot export their data with preserved integrity to other applications without help and permission from the current data holder. We propose DECO (short for \underline{dec}entralized \underline{o}racle) to address the above problems. DECO allows users to prove that a piece of data accessed via TLS came from a particular website and optionally prove statements about such data in zero-knowledge, keeping the data itself secret. DECO is the first such system that works without trusted hardware or server-side modifications. DECO can liberate data from centralized web-service silos, making it accessible to a rich spectrum of applications. To demonstrate the power of DECO, we implement three applications that are hard to achieve without it: a private financial instrument using smart contracts, converting legacy credentials to anonymous credentials, and verifiable claims against price discrimination.Comment: This is the extended version of the CCS'20 pape

    Practical Constructions for Single Input Functionality against a Dishonest Majority

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    Single Input Functionality (SIF) is a special case of MPC, where only one distinguished party called dealer holds the secret input. SIF allows the dealer to complete a computation task and send to other parties their respective outputs without revealing any additional information about its secret input. SIF has many applications, including multiple-verifier zero-knowledge and verifiable relation sharing, etc. Recently, several works devote to round-efficient realization of SIF, and achieve 2-round communication in the honest majority setting (Applebaum et al., Crypto 2022; Baum et al., CCS 2022; Yang and Wang, Asiacrypt 2022). In this work, we propose the first practical 2-round protocol for SIF against \emph{a dishonest majority} in the preprocessing model; moreover, the online phase is highly efficient as it requires no cryptographic operations and achieves information theoretical security. For SIF among 5 parties, our construction takes 152.34ms (total) to evaluate an AES-128 circuit with 7.36ms online time. Compared to the state-of-the-art (honest majority) solution (Baum et al., CCS 2022), our construction is roughly 2×\times faster in the online phase, although more preprocessing time is needed. Compared to the state-of-the-art generic MPC against a dishonest majority (Wang et al., CCS 2017; Cramer et al., Crypto 2018), our construction outperforms them w.r.t. both total running time and online running time