4 research outputs found

    Combining Model Checking and Discrete-Event Supervisor Synthesis

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    We present an approach to facilitate the design of provably correct concurrent systems by recasting recent work that uses discrete-event supervisor synthesis to automatically generate concurrency control code in Promela and combine it with model checking in Spin. This approach consists of the possibly repeated execution of three steps: manual preparation, automatic synthesis, and semi-automatic analysis. Given a concurrent Promela program C devoid of any concurrency control and an informal specification E_in , the preparation step is assumed to yield a formal specification E of the allowed system behaviours and two versions of C: C_e to identify the specification-relevant events in C and enable supervisor synthesis, and C_e,a to introduce “checkable redundancy” and used during the analysis step to locate bugs in: the specification formalization E, the event markup in C_e, or the implementation of the synthesis. The result is supervised Promela code C_sup that is more likely to be correct with respect to E and E_in. The approach is illustrated with an example. A prototype tool implementing the approach is described

    Augmenting B with Control Annotations

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    CSP||B is an integration of the process algebra Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP), and the B-Method, which enables consistent controllers to be written for B machines in a verifiable way. Controllers are consistent if they call operations only when they are enabled. Previous work has established a way of verifying consistency between controllers and machines by translating control flow to AMN and showing that a control loop invariant is preserved. This paper offers an alternative approach, which allows fragments of control flow expressed as annotations to be associated with machine operations. This enables designers’ understanding about local relationships between successive operations to be captured at the point the operations are written, and used later when the controller is developed. Annotations provide a bridge between controllers and machines, expressing the relevant aspects of control flow so that controllers can be verified simply by reference to the annotations without the need to consider the details of the machine operations. This paper presents the approach through two instances of annotations with their associated control languages, covering recursion, prefixing, choice, and interrupt