6 research outputs found

    Towards Sensor Enhanced Virtual Reality Teleoperation in a Dynamic Environment

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    A teleoperation interface is introduced featuring an integrated virtual reality based simulation augmented by sensors and image processing capabilities on-board the remotely operated vehicle. The virtual reality system addresses the typical limitations of video-based teleoperation caused by signal lag and limited field of view, allowing the operator to navigate in a continuous fashion. The vehicle incorporates an on-board computer and a stereo vision system to facilitate obstacle detection. It also enables temporary autonomous operation of the vehicle for local navigation around obstacles and automatic re-establishment of the vehicle’s teleoperated state. Finally, the system provides real time update to the virtual environment based on anomalies encountered by the vehicle. System architecture and preliminary implementation results are discussed, and future work focused on incorporating dynamic moving objects in the environment is described


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    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has acknowledged training as an important tactic to improve the trustworthiness of inspection. This study was conducted to test the transfer of the skills learned with a simulator into the real world. For this purpose, data from seventeen students in the AMT program of Greenville Technical College was analyzed. Objective data was taken to assess the group\u27s performance on the simulator after each session of training. The comparison between two groups was made using objective data, collected while the subjects went through a test on a real engine and using the real borescope, and subjective ratings they gave their respective training system after a minimalist contact with their tool, and at the end of the study. Results showed that performance was not statistically different between the two groups; however, the subjective ratings show that improvements could be made to the simulator as its users do not feel confident of the transferability of the skills learned while using it. This study can be used as a stepping stone in the determination of the most efficient total duration of training as it provides an upper bound

    Towards Sensor Enhanced Virtual Reality Teleoperation in a Dynamic Environment

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    Augmented reality as a tool to aid the telerobotic exploration and characterization of remote environments

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    The three-dimensional characterization and mapping of remote environments is an important task that generates a good deal of attention both by end users and by researchers across several fields of interest. In the mobile robotics community, a great deal of work has been done in equipping vehicles with sensors that can acquire three-dimensional and even multimodal information about the location and nature of features and objects in remote environments. However, the interpretation of such data using fully autonomous methods, such as computer vision, is usually a highly complex problem that, we believe, is much better suited to a humanoriented solution. In this paper, we describe our work in the development of augmented reality (AR) techniques for the telerobotic inspection and characterization of remote environments. We describe how we are using stereoscopic camera feedback from a remote vehicle and equipping the human operator with three-dimensional virtual cursors that can be used to interactively measure and model real features and objects in the remote environment. We include a description of the calibration techniques used to correctly align the real and virtual images both statically and under vehicle and camera motion. We also describe how we are using our system to demonstrate the potential of AR for improving the inspection of underground sewer pipe

    Virtual reality based multi-modal teleoperation using mixed autonomy

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    The thesis presents a multi modal teleoperation interface featuring an integrated virtual reality based simulation aumented by sensors and image processing capabilities onboard the remotely operated vehicle. The virtual reality interface fuses an existing VR model with live video feed and prediction states, thereby creating a multi modal control interface. Virtual reality addresses the typical limitations of video-based teleoperation caused by signal lag and limited field of view thereby allowing the operator to navigate in a continuous fashion. The vehicle incorporates an on-board computer and a stereo vision system to facilitate obstacle detection. A vehicle adaptation system with a priori risk maps and real state tracking system enables temporary autonomous operation of the vehicle for local navigation around obstacles and automatic re-establishment of the vehicle\u27s teleoperated state. As both the vehicle and the operator share absolute autonomy in stages, the operation is referred to as mixed autonomous. Finally, the system provides real time update of the virtual environment based on anomalies encountered by the vehicle. The system effectively balances the autonomy between the human operator and on board vehicle intelligence. The reliability results of individual components along with overall system implementation and the results of the user study helps show that the VR based multi modal teleoperation interface is more adaptable and intuitive when compared to other interfaces

    Virtual Reality Therapie. Entwicklung, Durchführung und Evaluation eines Applikationsmodells für die kunsttherapeutische Arbeit mit psychiatrischen Patienten

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    Auf dem Hintergrund von medientheoretischen und gesellschaftspolitischen Positionen von Autoren wie Rittmann, Nusselder, Rötzer, Volkart, Flusser, McLuhan und Turkle sowie kunsttherapeutischen Perspektiven von Schütz, Neumann, Parker-Bell, Orr und Wichelhaus zur Funktion von virtuellen Welten und digitalen Bildern für Wahrnehmung und Erfahrung heute lebender Menschen rückte zunehmend auch die Frage nach der Bedeutung für die Gesundheit in den Blick. Können diese Medien Krankheiten auslösen oder sinnvoll für Therapien genutzt werden? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage wurde mit der vorliegenden Untersuchung eine kunsttherapeutische Behandlungsmethode in der Virtual Reality „Second Life“ für psychiatrische Patienten entwickelt, durchgeführt und evaluiert. An der randomisierten Pilotstudie nahmen 24 Probanden mit Persönlichkeitsstörungen und Depressionen teil. Ausgehend von der These, dass sich das für die Studie/Untersuchung konzipierte kunsttherapeutische Virtual Therapie Modell positiv auf Körperselbstbild, Befindlichkeit und Identität auswirkt wurden diese Faktoren mit qualitativen und quantitativen diagnostischen Methoden nachgewiesen. Die Resultate sind positiv, zeigen jedoch auch Unterschiede in der Reagibilität auf die Therapieinhalte zwischen Patienten mit Depressionen und Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Anhand einer exemplarischen Fallanalyse werden die Behandlungsmethode und die therapeutischen Ergebnisse abschließend differenziert aufgezeigt