5 research outputs found

    A 2013 workshop: vaccine and drug ontology studies (VDOS 2013)

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    The 2013 “Vaccine and Drug Ontology Studies” (VDOS 2013) international workshop series focuses on vaccine- and drug-related ontology modeling and applications. Drugs and vaccines have contributed to dramatic improvements in public health worldwide. Over the last decade, tremendous efforts have been made in the biomedical ontology community to ontologically represent various areas associated with vaccines and drugs – extending existing clinical terminology systems such as SNOMED, RxNorm, NDF-RT, and MedDRA, as well as developing new models such as Vaccine Ontology. The VDOS workshop series provides a platform for discussing innovative solutions as well as the challenges in the development and applications of biomedical ontologies for representing and analyzing drugs and vaccines, their administration, host immune responses, adverse events, and other related topics. The six full-length papers included in this thematic issue focuses on three main areas: (i) ontology development and representation, (ii) ontology mapping, maintaining and auditing, and (iii) ontology applications

    Designing novel abstraction networks for ontology summarization and quality assurance

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    Biomedical ontologies are complex knowledge representation systems. Biomedical ontologies support interdisciplinary research, interoperability of medical systems, and Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) encoding. Ontologies represent knowledge using concepts (entities) linked by relationships. Ontologies may contain hundreds of thousands of concepts and millions of relationships. For users, the size and complexity of ontologies make it difficult to comprehend “the big picture” of an ontology\u27s content. For ontology editors, size and complexity make it difficult to uncover errors and inconsistencies. Errors in an ontology will ultimately affect applications that utilize the ontology. In prior studies abstraction networks (AbNs) were developed to provide a compact summary of an ontology\u27s content and structure. AbNs have been shown to successfully support ontology summarization and quality assurance (QA), e.g., for SNOMED CT and NCIt. Despite the success of these previous studies, several major, unaddressed issues affect the applicability and usability of AbNs. This thesis is broken into five major parts, each addressing one issue. The first part of this dissertation addresses the scalability of AbN-based QA techniques to large SNOMED CT hierarchies. Previous studies focused on relatively small hierarchies. The QA techniques developed for these small hierarchies do not scale to large hierarchies, e.g., Procedure and Clinical finding. A new type of AbN, called a subtaxonomy, is introduced to address this problem. Subtaxonomies summarize a subset of an ontology\u27s content. Several types of subtaxonomies and subtaxonomy-based QA studies are discussed. The second part of this dissertation addresses the need for summarization and QA methods for the twelve SNOMED CT hierarchies with no lateral relationships. Previously developed SNOMED CT AbN derivation methodologies, which require lateral relationships, cannot be applied to these hierarchies. The Tribal Abstraction Network (TAN) is a new type of AbN derived using only hierarchical relationships. A TAN-based QA methodology is introduced and the results of a QA review of the Observable entity hierarchy are reported. The third part focuses on the development of generic AbN derivation methods that are applicable to groups of structurally similar ontologies, e.g., those developed in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) format. Previously, AbN derivation techniques were applicable to only a single ontology at a time. AbNs that are applicable to many OWL ontologies are introduced, a preliminary study on OWL AbN granularity is reported on, and the results of several QA studies are presented. The fourth part describes Diff Abstraction Networks, which summarize and visualize the structural differences between two ontology releases. Diff Area Taxonomy and Diff Partial-area Taxonomy derivation methodologies are introduced and Diff Partial-area taxonomies are derived for three OWL ontologies. The Diff Abstraction Network approach is compared to the traditional ontology diff approach. Lastly, tools for deriving and visualizing AbNs are described. The Biomedical Layout Utility Framework is introduced to support the automatic creation, visualization, and exploration of abstraction networks for SNOMED CT and OWL ontologies

    Enrichment of ontologies using machine learning and summarization

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    Biomedical ontologies are structured knowledge systems in biomedicine. They play a major role in enabling precise communications in support of healthcare applications, e.g., Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR) systems. Biomedical ontologies are used in many different contexts to facilitate information and knowledge management. The most widely used clinical ontology is the SNOMED CT. Placing a new concept into its proper position in an ontology is a fundamental task in its lifecycle of curation and enrichment. A large biomedical ontology, which typically consists of many tens of thousands of concepts and relationships, can be viewed as a complex network with concepts as nodes and relationships as links. This large-size node-link diagram can easily become overwhelming for humans to understand or work with. Adding concepts is a challenging and time-consuming task that requires domain knowledge and ontology skills. IS-A links (aka subclass links) are the most important relationships of an ontology, enabling the inheritance of other relationships. The position of a concept, represented by its IS-A links to other concepts, determines how accurately it is modeled. Therefore, considering as many parent candidate concepts as possible leads to better modeling of this concept. Traditionally, curators rely on classifiers to place concepts into ontologies. However, this assumes the accurate relationship modeling of the new concept as well as the existing concepts. Since many concepts in existing ontologies, are underspecified in terms of their relationships, the placement by classifiers may be wrong. In cases where the curator does not manually check the automatic placement by classifier programs, concepts may end up in wrong positions in the IS-A hierarchy. A user searching for a concept, without knowing its precise name, would not find it in its expected location. Automated or semi-automated techniques that can place a concept or narrow down the places where to insert it, are highly desirable. Hence, this dissertation is addressing the problem of concept placement by automatically identifying IS-A links and potential parent concepts correctly and effectively for new concepts, with the assistance of two powerful techniques, Machine Learning (ML) and Abstraction Networks (AbNs). Modern neural networks have revolutionized Machine Learning in vision and Natural Language Processing (NLP). They also show great promise for ontology-related tasks, including ontology enrichment, i.e., insertion of new concepts. This dissertation presents research using ML and AbNs to achieve knowledge enrichment of ontologies. Abstraction networks (AbNs), are compact summary networks that preserve a significant amount of the semantics and structure of the underlying ontologies. An Abstraction Network is automatically derived from the ontology itself. It consists of nodes, where each node represents a set of concepts that are similar in their structure and semantics. Various kinds of AbNs have been previously developed by the Structural Analysis of Biomedical Ontologies Center (SABOC) to support the summarization, visualization, and quality assurance (QA) of biomedical ontologies. Two basic kinds of AbNs are the Area Taxonomy and the Partial-area Taxonomy, which have been developed for various biomedical ontologies (e.g., SNOMED CT of SNOMED International and NCIt of the National Cancer Institute). This dissertation presents four enrichment studies of SNOMED CT, utilizing both ML and AbN-based techniques

    Applications of big knowledge summarization

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    Advanced technologies have resulted in the generation of large amounts of data ( Big Data ). The Big Knowledge derived from Big Data could be beyond humans\u27 ability of comprehension, which will limit the effective and innovative use of Big Knowledge repository. Biomedical ontologies, which play important roles in biomedical information systems, constitute one kind of Big Knowledge repository. Biomedical ontologies typically consist of domain knowledge assertions expressed by the semantic connections between tens of thousands of concepts. Without some high-level visual representation of Big Knowledge in biomedical ontologies, humans cannot grasp the big picture of those ontologies. Such Big Knowledge orientation is required for the proper maintenance of ontologies and their effective use. This dissertation is addressing the Big Knowledge challenge - How to enable humans to use Big Knowledge correctly and effectively (referred to as the Big Knowledge to Use (BK2U) problem) - with a focus on biomedical ontologies. In previous work, Abstraction Networks (AbNs) have been demonstrated successful for the summarization, visualization and quality assurance (QA) of biomedical ontologies. Based on the previous research, this dissertation introduces new AbNs of various granularities for Big Knowledge summarization and extends the applications of AbNs. This dissertation consists of three main parts. The first part introduces two advanced AbNs. One is the weighted aggregate partial-area taxonomy with a parameter to flexibly control the summarization granularity. The second is the Ingredient Abstraction Network (IAbN) for the National Drug File - Reference Terminology (NDF-RT) Chemical Ingredients hierarchy, for which the previously developed AbNs for hierarchies with outgoing relationships, are not applicable. Since NDF-RT\u27s Chemical Ingredients hierarchy has no outgoing relationships. The second part describes applications of the two advanced AbNs. A study utilizing the weighted aggregate partial-area taxonomy for the identification of major topics in SNOMED CT\u27s Specimen hierarchy is reported. A multi-layer interactive visualization system of required granularity for ontology comprehension, based on the weighted aggregate partial-area taxonomy, is demonstrated to comprehend the Neoplasm subhierarchy of National Cancer Institute thesaurus (NCIt). The IAbN is applied for drug-drug interaction (DDI) discovery. The third part reports eight family-based QA studies on NCIt\u27s Neoplasm, Gene, and Biological Process hierarchies, SNOMED CT\u27s Infectious disease hierarchy, the Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ontology, and the Chemical Ingredients hierarchy in NDF-RT. There is no one-size-fits-all QA method and it is impossible to find a QA method for each individual ontology. Hence, family-based QA is an effective way, i.e., one QA technique could be applicable to a whole family of structurally similar ontologies. The results of these studies demonstrate that complex concepts and uncommonly modeled concepts are more likely to have errors. Furthermore, the three studies on overlapping concepts in partial-area taxonomies reported in this dissertation combined with previous three studies prove the success of overlapping concepts as a QA methodology for a whole family of 76 similar ontologies in BioPortal