8 research outputs found

    Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption for Arithmetic circuits

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    Applying access structure to encrypted sensitive data is one of the challenges in communication networks and cloud computing. Various methods have been proposed to achieve this goal, one of the most interesting of which is Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE). In ABE schemes, the access structure, which is defined as a policy, can be applied to the key or ciphertext. Thus, if the policy is applied to the key, it is called the Key Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (KP-ABE), and on the other hand, if it is applied to the ciphertext, it is called the Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE). Since in the KP-ABE, the policy is selected once by a trusted entity and is fixed then, they are not suitable for applications where the policy needs to change repeatedly. This problem is solved in CP-ABE, where the policy is selected by the sender and changed for each message. Furthermore, the access structure should present a strong fine-grained access control. The arithmetic access structure can supply fine-grained access structures stronger than Boolean access structures. We present the first CP-ABE scheme with an arithmetic circuit access policy based on the multilinear maps. First, we outline a basic design and then two improved versions of this scheme, with or without the property of hidden attributes, are introduced. We also define the concept of Hidden Result Attribute Based Encryption (HR-ABE) which means that the result of the arithmetic function will not be revealed to the users. We define a new hardness assumption, called the (k-1)-Distance Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption, which is at least as hard as the k-multilinear decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. Under this assumption, we prove the adaptive security of the proposed scheme

    Reducing the computational complexity of fuzzy identity-based encryption from lattice

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    In order to provide access control on encrypted data, Attribute-based encryption (ABE) defines each user using a set of attributes. Fuzzy identity-based encryption (FIBE) is a variant of ABE that allows for a threshold access structure for users. To address the potential threat posed by future quantum computers, this paper presents a post-quantum fuzzy IBE scheme based on lattices. However, current lattice-based ABE schemes face challenges related to computational complexity and the length of ciphertext and keys. This paper aims to improve the performance of an existing fuzzy IBE scheme by reducing key length and computational complexity during the encryption phase. While negative attributes are not utilized in our scheme, we prove its security under the learning with error (LWE) hard problem assumption in the selective security model. These improvements have significant implications for the field of ABE

    Fuzzy Identity Based Encryption with a flexible threshold value

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    The issue of data and information security on the internet and social network has become more serious and pervasive in recent years. Cryptography is used to solve security problems. However, message encryption cannot merely meet the intended goals because access control over the encrypted messages is required in some applications. To achieve these requirements, attribute-based encryption (ABE) is used. This type of encryption provides both security and access structure for the network users simultaneously. Fuzzy Identity-Based Encryption (FIBE) is a special mode of ABE that provides a threshold access structure for the users. This threshold value is set by the authority for users, which is always fixed and cannot be changed. So, the sender (encryptor) will not play a role in determining the threshold value. The mentioned issue exists also in Key Policy Attribute Based Encryption (KP-ABE) schemes. In this paper, we present a FIBE scheme in addition to the authority, the sender also plays a role in determining the threshold value. Thus, the policy will be more flexible than previous FIBE schemes in that the threshold value is selected only by the authority. We can call the proposed scheme a dual-policy ABE. The proposed technique for flexibility of threshold value can be applied in most of the existing KP-ABE schemes. We use the (indistinguishable) selective security model for security proof. The hardness assumption that we use is the modified bilinear decision Diffie-Hellman problem

    Chiffrement avancé à partir du problème Learning With Errors

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    National audienceLe problèmeLearning With Errors (LWE) est algorithmiquement difficile pour des instances aléatoires. Il a été introduit par Oded Regev en 2005 et, depuis lors, il s'est avéré très utile pour construire des primitives cryptographiques, pour assurer la confidentialité de l'information. Dans ce chapitre, nous présenterons le problème LWE et illustrerons sa richesse, en décrivant des schémas de chiffrement avancés pouvant être prouvés au moins aussi sûrs que LWE est difficile. Nous rappellerons le concept fondamental de chiffrement, puis nous nous focaliserons sur les notions de chiffrement fondé sur l'identité et de chiffrement par attributs

    Fully Key-Homomorphic Encryption, Arithmetic Circuit ABE and Compact Garbled Circuits

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    We construct the first (key-policy) attribute-based encryption (ABE) system with short secret keys: the size of keys in our system depends only on the depth of the policy circuit, not its size. Our constructions extend naturally to arithmetic circuits with arbitrary fan-in gates thereby further reducing the circuit depth. Building on this ABE system we obtain the first reusable circuit garbling scheme that produces garbled circuits whose size is the same as the original circuit plus an additive poly(λ,d) bits, where λ is the security parameter and d is the circuit depth. All previous constructions incurred a multiplicative poly(λ) blowup. We construct our ABE using a new mechanism we call fully key-homomorphic encryption, a public-key system that lets anyone translate a ciphertext encrypted under a public-key x into a ciphertext encrypted under the public-key (f(x),f) of the same plaintext, for any efficiently computable f. We show that this mechanism gives an ABE with short keys. Security of our construction relies on the subexponential hardness of the learning with errors problem. We also present a second (key-policy) ABE, using multilinear maps, with short ciphertexts: an encryption to an attribute vector x is the size of x plus poly(λ,d) additional bits. This gives a reusable circuit garbling scheme where the garbled input is short.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Grant FA8750-11-2-0225)Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Sloan Research Fellowship

    Projective Arithmetic Functional Encryption and Indistinguishability Obfuscation From Degree-5 Multilinear Maps

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    In this work, we propose a variant of functional encryption called projective arithmetic functional encryption (PAFE). Roughly speaking, our notion is like functional encryption for arithmetic circuits, but where secret keys only yield partially decrypted values. These partially decrypted values can be linearly combined with known coefficients and the result can be tested to see if it is a small value. We give a degree-preserving construction of PAFE from multilinear maps. That is, we show how to achieve PAFE for arithmetic circuits of degree d using only degree-d multilinear maps. Our construction is based on an assumption over such multilinear maps, that we justify in a generic model. We then turn to applying our notion of PAFE to one of the most pressing open problems in the foundations of cryptography: building secure indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) from simpler building blocks. iO from degree-5 multilinear maps. Recently, the works of Lin [Eurocrypt 2016] and Lin-Vaikuntanathan [FOCS 2016] showed how to build iO from constant-degree multilinear maps. However, no explicit constant was given in these works, and an analysis of these published works shows that the degree requirement would be in excess of 30. The ultimate dream goal of this line of work would be to reduce the degree requirement all the way to 2, allowing for the use of well-studied bilinear maps, or barring that, to a low constant that may be supportable by alternative secure low-degree multilinear map candidates. We make substantial progress toward this goal by showing how to leverage PAFE for degree-5 arithmetic circuits to achieve iO, thus yielding the first iO construction from degree-5 multilinear maps

    Watermarking Cryptographic Functionalities from Standard Lattice Assumptions

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    A software watermarking scheme allows one to embed a mark into a program without significantly altering the behavior of the program. Moreover, it should be difficult to remove the watermark without destroying the functionality of the program. Recently, Cohen et al. (STOC 2016) and Boneh et al. (PKC 2017) showed how to watermark cryptographic functions such as PRFs using indistinguishability obfuscation. Notably, in their constructions, the watermark remains intact even against arbitrary removal strategies. A natural question is whether we can build watermarking schemes from standard assumptions that achieve this strong mark-unremovability property. We give the first construction of a watermarkable family of PRFs that satisfy this strong mark-unremovability property from standard lattice assumptions (namely, the learning with errors (LWE) and the one-dimensional short integer solution (SIS) problems). As part of our construction, we introduce a new cryptographic primitive called a translucent PRF. Next, we give a concrete construction of a translucent PRF family from standard lattice assumptions. Finally, we show that using our new lattice-based translucent PRFs, we obtain the first watermarkable family of PRFs with strong unremovability against arbitrary strategies from standard assumptions

    Attribute-Based Encryption for Arithmetic Circuits

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    We present an Attribute Based Encryption system where access policies are expressed as polynomial size arithmetic circuits. We prove security against arbitrary collusions of users based on the learning with errors problem on integer lattices. The system has two additional useful properties: first, it naturally handles arithmetic circuits with arbitrary fan-in (and fan-out) gates. Second, secret keys are much shorter than in previous schemes: secret key size is proportional to the depth of the circuit where as in previous constructions the key size was proportional to the number of gates or wires in the circuit. The system is well suited for environments where access policies are naturally expressed as arithmetic circuits as is the case when policies capture statistical properties of the data or depend on arithmetic transformations of the data. The system also provides complete key delegation capabilities.