9 research outputs found

    Gender Differences in Computer Ethics among Business Administration Students

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    Because of the various benefits and advantages that computers and the Internet offer, these technologies have become an essential part of our daily life. The dependence on these technologies has been continuously and rapidly increasing. Computers and the Internet use also has become an important part for instructional purposes in academic environments. Even though the pervasive use of computers and the Internet has many benefits for almost everyone, but it has also increased the use of these technologies for illegal purposes or unethical activities such as spamming, making illegal copies of software, violations of privacy, hacking and computer viruses. The main purpose of this study is to explore gender differences in computer ethics among Business Administration students and examine their attitudes towards ethical use of computers. Results from 248 students in the Department of Business Administration at a public university in Turkey reveal that significant differences exist between male and female students’ attitudes towards ethical use of computers.computer ethics, gender differences, business administration

    A Cross-National Experimental Examination of Software Piracy Behavior

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    Software piracy has been a problematic issue for several decades. While there is a significant body of research attempting to identify reasons why individuals pirate software, some factors influencing software piracy have yet to be studied completely. One such factor, addressed herein, is differences across countries. Cross-country comparisons of self-report rates of software piracy and aggregate rates of piracy have been published. Such studies have shown that software piracy rates vary by country. Explanations of these differences have been based on country level variables, such as gross national product (GDP). However, we are not aware of any study that has examined the role of social and individual factors to explain cross-country differences. We plan to examine the role of social desirability bias (SDB) as a possible explanatory factor for differences in reports of software piracy behavior in two countries: the United States and the United Arab Emirates


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    Most behavioural aspects of software piracy research are a subset of ethical research. Measures of ethical behaviour in research may be subject to biases in response to the social desirability of behaviours. Few studies in the area of software piracy have explicitly addressed this issu. Literature on social desirability bias (SDB) reports on three ways to address response bias: approaches to reduce bias, approaches to detect bias, and approaches to correct bias. In the current article, the published methods to reduce, detect, and, correct bias are reviewed. Then, the extent of SDB that may be present in the published software piracy literature is subjectively assessed. A study is proposed in which piracy behaviours involving real money are compared to the intent to pirate in paper-based scenarios, under equivalent conditions. The comparison is argud to be useful in compensating for SDB in future research

    Passive Piracy: Why Pirates Are Not Necessarily Potential Buyers of Digital Products

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    Digital piracy is the illegal copying or downloading of copyrighted digital products. Based on individuals’ need for a digital product and the price of the product, we propose a model that distinguishes between active piracy and passive piracy. We believe that passive piracy explains why pirates are not necessarily potential buyers of digital products. The research contributes to the literature by showing that not all piracy behavior is the same. To curb the piracy problem, digital product providers and government agencies should educate the general public not to lend out their copies for piracy purpose

    Ethical Issues in Computer Use: A Study from Islamic Perspective

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    Computer users are continuously facing ethical challenges as society adopts new and increasingly complex tools and technologies. These ethical challenges can be managed by Islamic code of life. In this paper, we have studied and tried to identify, how computer affects the ethical issues of the society. In this regards, we have traced some highly related issues to the ethics of computer usage, namely 2013; misuse of time, honesty and integrity, privacy, security, intellectual property right, and computer crime. We have also tried to explain these issues in the light of Qur2019;an and Hadith. At the end of this paper, we have also suggested some measures that can help in promoting proper use of computer facilities by the Muslim masses without compromising the Islamic principles

    Ethical Issues in Computer Use: A Study from Islamic Perspective

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    Abstract Computer users are continuously facing ethical challenges as society adopts new and increasingly complex tools and technologies. These ethical challenges can be managed by Islamic code of life. In this paper, we have studied and tried to identify, how computer affects the ethical issues of the society. In this regards, we have traced some highly related issues to the ethics of computer usage, namely -misuse of time, honesty and integrity, privacy, security, intellectual property right, and computer crime. We have also tried to explain these issues in the light of Qur'an and Hadith. At the end of this paper, we have also suggested some measures that can help in promoting proper use of computer facilities by the Muslim masses without compromising the Islamic principles

    Ethical Issues in Computer Use: A Study from Islamic Perspective

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    Computer users are continuously facing ethical challenges as society adopts new and increasingly complex tools and technologies. These ethical challenges can be managed by Islamic code of life. In this paper, we have studied and tried to identify, how computer affects the ethical issues of the society. In this regards, we have traced some highly related issues to the ethics of computer usage, namely – misuse of time, honesty and integrity, privacy, security, intellectual property right, and computer crime. We have also tried to explain these issues in the light of Qur’an and Hadith. At the end of this paper, we have also suggested some measures that can help in promoting proper use of computer facilities by the Muslim masses without compromising the Islamic principles

    File-sharing Among College Students: Moral and Legal Implications

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    This study was designed to explore the phenomenon of college students who illegally file-share.The main research question was, “What are the experiences of college students who file-share and what are their perspectives on the moral and legal implications for doing so?”Data were collected from six students using interviews, focus groups, and online communication. This study revealed five themes common to the students in the study.The first theme, Old School Morality vs. Contemporary Morality, revealed that the college students in this study saw a contemporary issue like file-sharing differently then they did other moral issues.The second theme, Absurdity of Buying vs. Benefits of Free, explained how college students found it absurd to pay for files when they knew they could get them for free.The third theme, Malicious Intent vs. No Harm Done, revealed that the students did not see file-sharing the same as stealing because they were not intending to hurt anyone.The fourth theme, Repercussions vs. Everyone Does It, showed that the students were unable to internalize the consequences or repercussions of their file-sharing behavior.The fifth theme, Prolonging Needs vs. Satisfying Needs, explained that students file-share because they value the immediacy and convenience of it.In conclusion, this study revealed that college students did not see file-sharing as a moral dilemma and were unable to internalize the legal side of file-sharing