4 research outputs found

    Air born dust particles effects on microwave propagation in arid-area

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    Dust storms can degrade visibility and increase atmospheric attenuation. Therefore, microwave (MW) propagation is severely affected by dust storms in many parts of the world. Air-born dust particles may affect electromagnetic waves during a dust storm. In this paper air- born dust particles effects are studied based on measured visibility. Recent analytical and numerical models results are compared to the measured at 14 GHz. Consequently, measured attenuation is significantly greater than the predicted using recent analytical and numerical models. Dust storms can degrade visibility and increase atmospheric attenuation. Therefore, microwave (MW) propagation is severely affected by dust storms in many parts of the world. Air-born dust particles may affect electromagnetic waves during a dust storm. In this paper air- born dust particles effects are studied based on measured visibility. Recent analytical and numerical models results are compared to the measured at 14 GHz. Consequently, measured attenuation is significantly greater than the predicted using recent analytical and numerical models

    Microwave attenuation and phase rotation by ellipsoidal dust particles

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    Abstract: Electromagnetic wave propagation suffers attenuation and phase rotation by suspended dust particles where occurrence of sand and dust storms (SDS) is predominant especially in arid and semi-arid regions. The SDS phenomenon has received considerable interest in recent times with emphasis on signal attenuation and phase rotation effects. To this end, mathematical models of dust induced complex scattering are developed and proposed using Rayleigh method to compute attenuation and phase rotation of electromagnetic waves by considering dust particle shapes and best fit ellipsoids. This work also presents a new expression for the relation between visibility and dust concentration. The expression was included in the proposed models whose simulated results, when compared with some published results, show close agreement. Attenuation and phase rotation in dry dust are found to be significant only when visibility becomes severe or at increased microwave bands

    Prediction of dust particle-induced cross polarization at microwave and millimeter wave bands

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    Abstract: The use of dual orthogonal polarizations to optimally conserve frequency spectrum in microwave link, otherwise known as cross polarization, has received considerable interest in the recent time in the field of electromagnetic wave propagation in sand and dust storms. Cross polarization in dust storms occurs due to the non-sphericity of the falling dust particles and the tendency of the particles to align in a direction at a time i.e. canting angle. The realization of a dual-polarized system is however limited by degree of cross polarization discrimination (XPD) that can be achieved between the two orthogonal channels. Therefore, theoretical investigation has been carried out in this work to estimate the cross polarization at microwave and millimeter wave bands by non-spherical dust particles in dust storms. The XPD being the parameter for characterization of cross polarization, is predicted using propagation constantsโ€™ differentials and canting angles, as inputs. Apart from both differential phase rotation and attenuation, it has been found that the cross polarization produced by ellipsoidal dust particles strongly depend on the particle canting. XPD decreases with an increase in canting angle. It has also been observed that the values of differential attenuation increase with increasing frequency for visibility and thus depends directly on frequency. Lastly, the obtained results show that cross polarization is significant during severe visibility and for dry dust storm; the XPD is good and acceptable for dual polarization systems

    Artificial Dust Based Attack Modelling: A Threat to the Security of Next Generation WCN

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    This paper introduces a systematic and novel mechanism for devising a security attack in the WCN (Wireless Communication Network). The proposed model involves the implementation of the AD (Artificial Dust) by the intruder, followed by the execution of the HD (Half-Duplex) attack. The communication network is based on the deployment of urban and rural scenarios with an unknown CSI (Channel State Information). Depending on the achieved path loss based on the distance of the user from the BS, the user with the highest path loss is particularized for the attack. The formulation of AD divulges the increased susceptibilities of the secure network specifically for the selected legitimate user. The parameter of visibility defines the amount of AD present in the communication channel. Based on the enumerated attenuation created by the artificial dust, the parameter of secrecy rate is evaluated with varying distance of the user from the BS and the operating frequency. Furthermore, the proposed scheme of the HD attack is initiated by the intruder at the specified valid user. The strategy of the attack focuses on the continuous monitor of the uplink and attempts the spoofing attack on the downlink wherein the allocation of the resources takes place. The efficacy of the proposed approach is corroborated through the examination of simulation results. The assessment of the proposed mechanism highlights notable characteristics as compared to the conventional methodology of the FD (Full- Duplex) attack