4 research outputs found

    Attentive Adversarial Learning for Domain-Invariant Training

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    Adversarial domain-invariant training (ADIT) proves to be effective in suppressing the effects of domain variability in acoustic modeling and has led to improved performance in automatic speech recognition (ASR). In ADIT, an auxiliary domain classifier takes in equally-weighted deep features from a deep neural network (DNN) acoustic model and is trained to improve their domain-invariance by optimizing an adversarial loss function. In this work, we propose an attentive ADIT (AADIT) in which we advance the domain classifier with an attention mechanism to automatically weight the input deep features according to their importance in domain classification. With this attentive re-weighting, AADIT can focus on the domain normalization of phonetic components that are more susceptible to domain variability and generates deep features with improved domain-invariance and senone-discriminativity over ADIT. Most importantly, the attention block serves only as an external component to the DNN acoustic model and is not involved in ASR, so AADIT can be used to improve the acoustic modeling with any DNN architectures. More generally, the same methodology can improve any adversarial learning system with an auxiliary discriminator. Evaluated on CHiME-3 dataset, the AADIT achieves 13.6% and 9.3% relative WER improvements, respectively, over a multi-conditional model and a strong ADIT baseline.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, ICASSP 201

    Conditional Teacher-Student Learning

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    The teacher-student (T/S) learning has been shown to be effective for a variety of problems such as domain adaptation and model compression. One shortcoming of the T/S learning is that a teacher model, not always perfect, sporadically produces wrong guidance in form of posterior probabilities that misleads the student model towards a suboptimal performance. To overcome this problem, we propose a conditional T/S learning scheme, in which a "smart" student model selectively chooses to learn from either the teacher model or the ground truth labels conditioned on whether the teacher can correctly predict the ground truth. Unlike a naive linear combination of the two knowledge sources, the conditional learning is exclusively engaged with the teacher model when the teacher model's prediction is correct, and otherwise backs off to the ground truth. Thus, the student model is able to learn effectively from the teacher and even potentially surpass the teacher. We examine the proposed learning scheme on two tasks: domain adaptation on CHiME-3 dataset and speaker adaptation on Microsoft short message dictation dataset. The proposed method achieves 9.8% and 12.8% relative word error rate reductions, respectively, over T/S learning for environment adaptation and speaker-independent model for speaker adaptation.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, ICASSP 201

    Speaker Adaptation for Attention-Based End-to-End Speech Recognition

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    We propose three regularization-based speaker adaptation approaches to adapt the attention-based encoder-decoder (AED) model with very limited adaptation data from target speakers for end-to-end automatic speech recognition. The first method is Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) regularization, in which the output distribution of a speaker-dependent (SD) AED is forced to be close to that of the speaker-independent (SI) model by adding a KLD regularization to the adaptation criterion. To compensate for the asymmetric deficiency in KLD regularization, an adversarial speaker adaptation (ASA) method is proposed to regularize the deep-feature distribution of the SD AED through the adversarial learning of an auxiliary discriminator and the SD AED. The third approach is the multi-task learning, in which an SD AED is trained to jointly perform the primary task of predicting a large number of output units and an auxiliary task of predicting a small number of output units to alleviate the target sparsity issue. Evaluated on a Microsoft short message dictation task, all three methods are highly effective in adapting the AED model, achieving up to 12.2% and 3.0% word error rate improvement over an SI AED trained from 3400 hours data for supervised and unsupervised adaptation, respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Interspeech 201

    Attention-Inspired Artificial Neural Networks for Speech Processing: A Systematic Review

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    Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) were created inspired by the neural networks in the human brain and have been widely applied in speech processing. The application areas of ANN include: Speech recognition, speech emotion recognition, language identification, speech enhancement, and speech separation, amongst others. Likewise, given that speech processing performed by humans involves complex cognitive processes known as auditory attention, there has been a growing amount of papers proposing ANNs supported by deep learning algorithms in conjunction with some mechanism to achieve symmetry with the human attention process. However, while these ANN approaches include attention, there is no categorization of attention integrated into the deep learning algorithms and their relation with human auditory attention. Therefore, we consider it necessary to have a review of the different ANN approaches inspired in attention to show both academic and industry experts the available models for a wide variety of applications. Based on the PRISMA methodology, we present a systematic review of the literature published since 2000, in which deep learning algorithms are applied to diverse problems related to speech processing. In this paper 133 research works are selected and the following aspects are described: (i) Most relevant features, (ii) ways in which attention has been implemented, (iii) their hypothetical relationship with human attention, and (iv) the evaluation metrics used. Additionally, the four publications most related with human attention were analyzed and their strengths and weaknesses were determined