20 research outputs found

    Attention-aware Multi-stroke Style Transfer

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    Neural style transfer has drawn considerable attention from both academic and industrial field. Although visual effect and efficiency have been significantly improved, existing methods are unable to coordinate spatial distribution of visual attention between the content image and stylized image, or render diverse level of detail via different brush strokes. In this paper, we tackle these limitations by developing an attention-aware multi-stroke style transfer model. We first propose to assemble self-attention mechanism into a style-agnostic reconstruction autoencoder framework, from which the attention map of a content image can be derived. By performing multi-scale style swap on content features and style features, we produce multiple feature maps reflecting different stroke patterns. A flexible fusion strategy is further presented to incorporate the salient characteristics from the attention map, which allows integrating multiple stroke patterns into different spatial regions of the output image harmoniously. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, as well as generate comparable stylized images with multiple stroke patterns against the state-of-the-art methods

    Arbitrary Video Style Transfer via Multi-Channel Correlation

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    Video style transfer is getting more attention in AI community for its numerous applications such as augmented reality and animation productions. Compared with traditional image style transfer, performing this task on video presents new challenges: how to effectively generate satisfactory stylized results for any specified style, and maintain temporal coherence across frames at the same time. Towards this end, we propose Multi-Channel Correction network (MCCNet), which can be trained to fuse the exemplar style features and input content features for efficient style transfer while naturally maintaining the coherence of input videos. Specifically, MCCNet works directly on the feature space of style and content domain where it learns to rearrange and fuse style features based on their similarity with content features. The outputs generated by MCC are features containing the desired style patterns which can further be decoded into images with vivid style textures. Moreover, MCCNet is also designed to explicitly align the features to input which ensures the output maintains the content structures as well as the temporal continuity. To further improve the performance of MCCNet under complex light conditions, we also introduce the illumination loss during training. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations demonstrate that MCCNet performs well in both arbitrary video and image style transfer tasks

    Instant Neural Radiance Fields Stylization

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    We present Instant Neural Radiance Fields Stylization, a novel approach for multi-view image stylization for the 3D scene. Our approach models a neural radiance field based on neural graphics primitives, which use a hash table-based position encoder for position embedding. We split the position encoder into two parts, the content and style sub-branches, and train the network for normal novel view image synthesis with the content and style targets. In the inference stage, we execute AdaIN to the output features of the position encoder, with content and style voxel grid features as reference. With the adjusted features, the stylization of novel view images could be obtained. Our method extends the style target from style images to image sets of scenes and does not require additional network training for stylization. Given a set of images of 3D scenes and a style target(a style image or another set of 3D scenes), our method can generate stylized novel views with a consistent appearance at various view angles in less than 10 minutes on modern GPU hardware. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the validity and superiority of our method

    Retinex-guided Channel-grouping based Patch Swap for Arbitrary Style Transfer

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    The basic principle of the patch-matching based style transfer is to substitute the patches of the content image feature maps by the closest patches from the style image feature maps. Since the finite features harvested from one single aesthetic style image are inadequate to represent the rich textures of the content natural image, existing techniques treat the full-channel style feature patches as simple signal tensors and create new style feature patches via signal-level fusion, which ignore the implicit diversities existed in style features and thus fail for generating better stylised results. In this paper, we propose a Retinex theory guided, channel-grouping based patch swap technique to solve the above challenges. Channel-grouping strategy groups the style feature maps into surface and texture channels, which prevents the winner-takes-all problem. Retinex theory based decomposition controls a more stable channel code rate generation. In addition, we provide complementary fusion and multi-scale generation strategy to prevent unexpected black area and over-stylised results respectively. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the existing techniques in providing more style-consistent textures while keeping the content fidelity