240 research outputs found

    Developing a Systematic Process for Mobile Surveying and Analysis of WLAN security

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    Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), familiarly known as Wi-Fi, is one of the most used wireless networking technologies. WLANs have rapidly grown in popularity since the release of the original IEEE 802.11 WLAN standard in 1997. We are using our beloved wireless internet connection for everything and are connecting more and more devices into our wireless networks in every form imaginable. As the number of wireless network devices keeps increasing, so does the importance of wireless network security. During its now over twenty-year life cycle, a multitude of various security measures and protocols have been introduced into WLAN connections to keep our wireless communication secure. The most notable security measures presented in the 802.11 standard have been the encryption protocols Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). Both encryption protocols have had their share of flaws and vulnerabilities, some of them so severe that the use of WEP and the first generation of the WPA protocol have been deemed irredeemably broken and unfit to be used for WLAN encryption. Even though the aforementioned encryption protocols have been long since deemed fatally broken and insecure, research shows that both can still be found in use today. The purpose of this Master’s Thesis is to develop a process for surveying wireless local area networks and to survey the current state of WLAN security in Finland. The goal has been to develop a WLAN surveying process that would at the same time be efficient, scalable, and easily replicable. The purpose of the survey is to determine to what extent are the deprecated encryption protocols used in Finland. Furthermore, we want to find out in what state is WLAN security currently in Finland by observing the use of other WLAN security practices. The survey process presented in this work is based on a WLAN scanning method called Wardriving. Despite its intimidating name, wardriving is simply a form of passive wireless network scanning. Passive wireless network scanning is used for collecting information about the surrounding wireless networks by listening to the messages broadcasted by wireless network devices. To collect our research data, we conducted wardriving surveys on three separate occasions between the spring of 2019 and early spring of 2020, in a typical medium-sized Finnish city. Our survey results show that 2.2% out of the located networks used insecure encryption protocols and 9.2% of the located networks did not use any encryption protocol. While the percentage of insecure networks is moderately low, we observed during our study that private consumers are reluctant to change the factory-set default settings of their wireless network devices, possibly exposing them to other security threats

    Wireless Handheld Solution for the Gaming Industry

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    of the essential elements of success in the gaming industry is the requirement of providing exceptional customer service. Technology plays a significant role in bringing state of the art solutions that enhance the overall customer experience. Currently a guest must go through multiple steps and a variety of departments to simply resolve issues with their player accounts (loyalty programs), update customer profiles, book hotel and restaurant reservations, sign up for promotions, etc. In order to effectively take care of these customers in both a timely and efficient manner, a wireless handheld device is needed that employees can carry with them to resolve and address these concerns. This project is aimed at identifying the proper wireless infrastructure for the gaming environment and also the wireless handheld device, such as an Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC) to effectively and efficiently take care of customers

    IP Flow Mobility support for Proxy Mobile IPv6 based networks

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    The ability of offloading selected IP data traffic from 3G to WLAN access networks is considered a key feature in the upcoming 3GPP specifications, being the main goal to alleviate data congestion in celular networks while delivering a positive user experience. Lately, the 3GPP has adopted solutions that enable mobility of IP-based wireless devices relocating mobility functions from the terminal to the network. To this end, the IETF has standardized Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6), a protocol capable to hide often complex mobility procedures from the mobile devices. This thesis, in line with the mentioned offload requirement, further extends Proxy Mobile IPv6 to support dynamic IP flow mobility management across access wireless networks according to operator policies. In this work, we assess the feasibility of the proposed solution and provide an experimental analysis based on a prototype network setup, implementing the PMIPv6 protocol and the related enhancements for flow mobility support. *** La capacità di spostare flussi IP da una rete di accesso 3G ad una di tipo WLAN è considerata una caratteristica chiave nelle specifiche future di 3GPP, essendo il principale metodo per alleviare la congestione nelle reti cellulari mantenendo al contempo una ragionevole qualità percepita dall'utente. Recentemente, 3GPP ha adottato soluzioni di mobilità per dispositivi con accesso radio basato su IP, traslando le funzioni di supporto dal terminale alla rete, e, a questo scopo, IETF ha standardizzato Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6), un protocollo studiato per nascondere le procedure di mobilità ai sistemi mobili. Questa tesi, in linea con la citata esigenza di spostare flussi IP, estende ulteriormente PMIPv6 per consentire il supporto alla mobilità di flussi tra diverse reti di accesso wireless, assecondando le regole e/o politiche definite da un operatore. In questo lavoro, ci proponiamo di asserire la fattibilità della soluzione proposta, fornendo un'analisi sperimentale di essa sulla base di un prototipo di rete che implementa il protocollo PMIPv6 e le relative migliorie per il supporto alla mobilità di flussiope

    Applications of graph theory to wireless networks and opinion analysis

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    La teoría de grafos es una rama importante dentro de la matemática discreta. Su uso ha aumentado recientemente dada la conveniencia de los grafos para estructurar datos, para analizarlos y para generarlos a través de modelos. El objetivo de esta tesis es aplicar teoría de grafos a la optimización de redes inalámbricas y al análisis de opinión. El primer conjunto de contribuciones de esta tesis versa sobre la aplicación de teoría de grafos a redes inalámbricas. El rendimiento de estas redes depende de la correcta distribución de canales de frecuencia en un espacio compartido. Para optimizar estas redes se proponen diferentes técnicas, desde la aplicación de heurísticas como simulated annealing a la negociación automática. Cualquiera de estas técnicas requiere un modelo teórico de la red inalámbrica en cuestión. Nuestro modelo de redes Wi-Fi utiliza grafos geométricos para este propósito. Los vértices representan los dispositivos de la red, sean clientes o puntos de acceso, mientras que las aristas representan las señales entre dichos dispositivos. Estos grafos son de tipo geométrico, por lo que los vértices tienen posición en el espacio, y las aristas tienen longitud. Con esta estructura y la aplicación de un modelo de propagación y de uso, podemos simular redes inalámbricas y contribuir a su optimización. Usando dicho modelo basado en grafos, hemos estudiado el efecto de la interferencia cocanal en redes Wi-Fi 4 y mostramos una mejora de rendimiento asociada a la técnica de channel bonding cuando se usa en regiones donde hay por lo menos 13 canales disponibles. Por otra parte, en esta tesis doctoral hemos aplicado teoría de grafos al análisis de opinión dentro de la línea de investigación de SensoGraph, un método con el que se realiza un análisis de opinión sobre un conjunto de elementos usando grafos de proximidad, lo que permite manejar grandes conjuntos de datos. Además, hemos desarrollado un método de análisis de opinión que emplea la asignación manual de aristas y distancias en un grafo para estudiar la similaridad entre las muestras dos a dos. Adicionalmente, se han explorado otros temas sin relación con los grafos, pero que entran dentro de la aplicación de las matemáticas a un problema de la ingeniería telemática. Se ha desarrollado un sistema de votación electrónica basado en mixnets, secreto compartido de Shamir y cuerpos finitos. Dicha propuesta ofrece un sistema de verificación numérico novedoso a la vez que mantiene las propiedades esenciales de los sistemas de votación

    Experimenting with commodity 802.11 hardware: overview and future directions

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    The huge adoption of 802.11 technologies has triggered a vast amount of experimentally-driven research works. These works range from performance analysis to protocol enhancements, including the proposal of novel applications and services. Due to the affordability of the technology, this experimental research is typically based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) devices, and, given the rate at which 802.11 releases new standards (which are adopted into new, affordable devices), the field is likely to continue to produce results. In this paper, we review and categorise the most prevalent works carried out with 802.11 COTS devices over the past 15 years, to present a timely snapshot of the areas that have attracted the most attention so far, through a taxonomy that distinguishes between performance studies, enhancements, services, and methodology. In this way, we provide a quick overview of the results achieved by the research community that enables prospective authors to identify potential areas of new research, some of which are discussed after the presentation of the survey.This work has been partly supported by the European Community through the CROWD project (FP7-ICT-318115) and by the Madrid Regional Government through the TIGRE5-CM program (S2013/ICE-2919).Publicad