435,364 research outputs found

    Rape Awareness Video

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    Sexual assault and the number of athletes involved in group assaults over the last year have raised questions about the exemplary status athletes hold in society. Using athletes as actors, the University of Maine has produced a videotape portraying a series of three brief vignettes. Sexual assault dramatizations in the video The first vignette, The Date, portrays a male and female whose assumptions and poor communication at the end of the date leads to acquaintance rape. In the second skit, The Morning After, a male involved in a gang rape at a party the night before is bragging to his friend. The friend goes along with his buddy’s actions, making the erroneous assumption that the woman must have wanted or invited the assault. The final skit, Talking With Friends, involves two friends talking with the victim of the gang rape, but they are not supportive. They question her motives and her dress and suggest that somehow she encouraged the attack. At critical points in each vignette, facilitators talk with the audience and generate suggestions for how the skits can be reworked to end in a positive way

    Smart Sex Posters

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    Comparing smart sex to a popular sport will undoubtedly arouse the curiosity of students. Most can’t resist the temptation to step closer and find out how smart sex is like golf, baseball, diving, or another sport. Printed posters are 11″ x 17″, with twenty posters per set. Sports represented in the series include baseball, basketball, cheerleading, crew, diving, field hockey, football, golf, gymnastics, hockey, lacrosse, rugby, skiing, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball, and wrestling, and many more

    Gambling Behaviors of Former Athletes: The Delayed Competitive Effect

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    Gambling behaviors in current athletes, former athletes and non-athletes were examined. Gambling tendencies were determined from participants\u27 responses on the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS). A delayed competitive effect among athletes that might surface in the form of pathological gambling was investigated. To test this novel theory, participants were divided into three groups: athletes who are currently playing sports, former athletes who used to play competitive sports and non-athletes who have never participated in competitive sporting events. A 2 x 3 independent groups AN OVA was utilized comparing SOGS scores across gender and athletic status. The mean score for former athletes on the SOGS was significantly higher than for both current athletes and non-athletes as was the frequency of those classified as probable pathological gamblers suggesting the possibility that a delayed competitive effect might exist among former athletes. Additionally, a higher percentage of former athletes were involved in sports gambling

    Sport Participation Influences Perceptions of Mate Characteristics

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    Sport provides a context in which mate choice can be facilitated by the display of athletic prowess. Previous work has shown that, for females, team sport athletes are more desirable as mates than individual sport athletes and non-participants. In the present study, the perceptions of males and females were examined regarding potential mates base on sport participation. It was predicted that team sport athletes would be more positively perceived than individual sport athletes and non-participants by both males and females. A questionnaire, a photograph, and manipulated descriptions were used to gauge perceptual differences with respect to team sport athletes, individual sport athletes, and extracurricular club participants for 125 females and 119 males from a Canadian university. Both team and individual sport athletes were perceived as being less lazy, more competitive, and healthier than non-participants by both males and females. Interestingly, females perceived male athletes as more promiscuous than non-athletes, which upholds predictions based on previous research indicating (a) athletes have more sexual partners than non-athletes, and (b) females find athletes more desirable as partners than nonparticipants. Surprisingly, only males perceived female team sport athletes as more dependable than non-participants, and both team and individual sport athletes as more ambitious. This raises questions regarding the initial hypothesis that male team athletes would be perceived positively by females because of qualities such as the ability to cooperate, likeability, and the acceptance of responsibilities necessary for group functioning. Future studies should examine similar questions with a larger sample size that encompasses multiple contexts, taking into account the role of the social profile of sport in relation to mate choice and perception

    Association of MMP3 but not TIMP2 gene variants with elite rugby player status and rugby code

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    Introduction: Achilles tendon pathology and anterior cruciate ligament rupture are multifactorial conditions for which genetic risk factors have been identified. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the MMP3 (rs591058, rs679620, rs650108) and TIMP2 (rs4789932) genes have previously been associated with tendon and ligament pathologies. Although not entirely clear, prior literature indicates the risk alleles for Achilles tendon pathology as T (rs591058), G (rs679620) and A (rs650108) for MMP3. However, prior evidence regarding TIMP2 is equivocal. MMP3 is considered an essential regulator of matrix degradation and remodelling within diseased and normal musculoskeletal soft tissues. TIMP2 maintains homeostasis in the extracellular matrix in part by inhibiting MMP function. Given the high incidence and severity of tendon and ligament injuries in elite rugby athletes, we hypothesised that the aforementioned SNPs would be associated with career success. Methods: Participants from the RugbyGene project were elite Caucasian male rugby athletes (n = 566; mean (standard deviation) height 1.85 (0.07) m, mass 101 (14) kg, age 29 (7) yr), including 420 rugby union (RU) athletes that for some analyses were divided into forwards and backs and 120 rugby league (RL) athletes. Non-athletes were 589 Caucasian men and women (n = 589, 57% male, height 1.72 (0.10) m, mass 74 (14) kg, age 31 (7) yr). PCR of genomic DNA was used to determine genotypes using TaqMan probes, then groups were compared using Χ2 and odds ratio (OR) statistics. Results: As hypothesized, the MMP3 rs591058 risk genotype (TT) was less frequent in rugby athletes (28%) compared to non-athletes (33%) (Χ2 = 7.265, P = 0.026; OR = 1.18, 95% confidence intervals (CI) = 0.86-1.63). No differences were found for MMP3 rs679620, rs650108 or TIMP2 rs4789932 between rugby athletes and non-athletes. When RL athletes were compared to non-athletes, the risk genotype (TT) of MMP3 rs591058 was underrepresented in RL athletes (19%) compared to non-athletes (33%). The MMP3 rs679620 ‘protective’ allele (C) was more frequent in RL athletes (55%) compared to non-athletes (48%) (OR = 1.3, 95% CI = 0.98-1.74). However, for MMP3 rs650108 the ‘risk’ allele (A) was overrepresented in RL athletes (32%) compared to non-athletes (26%). There were no genotype differences for any gene variant between RU athletes and non-athletes. The ‘risk’ allele (T) of the MMP3 rs679629 polymorphism and the ‘protective’ allele (G) of the MMP3 rs650108 polymorphism were less common in RL (45%, 68%, respectively) than RU athletes (54%, 76%, respectively). Conclusion: We provide evidence for elite rugby athletes possessing a protective genetic profile regarding tendon and ligament injury risk. Notably, a less frequent rs591058 TT genotype in athletes suggests a lower risk of injury could therefore enhance career success in rugby. Furthermore, RL players appear to have differing genetic characteristics compared to their RU counterparts, which might reflect some differences in physiological demands between codes.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    The Effects of Higher Admission Standards on NCAA Student-Athletes: An Analysis of Proposition 16

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    This study examines the effect of an increase in minimum admissions standards on college enrollment and graduation rates of student-athletes. In 1996, the NCAA enacted Proposition 16, which increased the admission standards for freshmen student-athletes at Division I schools in an effort to improve graduation rates. Results indicate that Proposition 16 increased graduation rates significantly for black student-athletes, and had no significant impact on graduation rates for white student-athletes. Results also indicate that graduation rates declined for black student-athletes at Division II schools, which may be driven by students transferring to Division I. As a result of the higher admission standard Division I schools changed recruiting patterns and relied less on freshmen student-athletes, particularly black student-athletes, to fill scholarships. Even though fewer black freshmen student-athletes enrolled in Division I schools, the overall number of black student-athletes did not change, suggesting that greater proportion of transfer students into Division I schools were black

    Sexual harassment and eating disorders in female elite athletes - A controlled study

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    The aims were to examine the percentage of female elite athletes and controls reporting sexual harassment and abuse (SHAB), and whether a higher percentage of female athletes with eating disorders (ED) had experienced SHAB. A questionnaire was administered to the total population of female elite athletes (n=660) and controls (n=780) aged 15-39 years. SHAB were measured through 11 questions, ranging from light to severe SHAB. In addition, questions about dietary-, menstrual- and training history and the Eating Disorder Inventory were included. The response rate was 88% for athletes and 71% for controls. Athletes (n=121) and controls (n=81) classified as “at risk” for ED and non-ED controls participated in a clinical interview. A higher percentage of controls, compared with athletes reported experiences of SHAB in general (59% vs. 51%, p<0.001). A lower percentage of athletes had experienced SHAB in sports than outside sport (28% vs.39%, p<0.001). A higher percentage of ED athletes than non-ED athletes had experienced SHAB (66% vs.48%) (p<0.01), both inside sport and outside sport. In spite of the fact that a higher percentage of controls compared with athletes had experienced SHAB, it is necessary to formulate clear guidelines, set up educational workshops and implement intervention programs for both ED and SHAB in sport

    An attachment theory perspective in the examination of relational processes associated with coach-athlete dyads

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    The aim of the current study was to examine actor and partner effects of (a) athletes' and coaches' attachment styles (avoidant and anxious) on the quality of the coach-athlete relationship, and (b) athletes' and coaches' quality of the coach-athlete relationship on relationship satisfaction employing the actor-partner interdependence model (Kenny, Kashy, & Cook, 2006). Coaches (N = 107) and athletes (N = 107) completed a questionnaire related to attachment styles, relationship quality, and relationship satisfaction. Structural equation model analyses revealed (a) actor effects for coaches' and athletes' avoidant attachment styles on their own perception of relationship quality and coaches' and athletes' perception of relationship quality on their own perception of relationship satisfaction, and (b) partner effects for athletes' avoidant attachment style on coaches' perceptions of relationship quality and for coaches' perceptions of relationship quality on athletes' perceptions of relationship satisfaction. The findings highlight that attachments styles can help us understand the processes involved in the formation and maintenance of quality relational bonds between coaches and athletes

    Association between MAPT polymorphism but not APOE promoter and elite rugby athlete status

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    INTRODUCTION: Incidence and outcomes of concussions have been hypothesised to be genetically influenced. The APOE Promoter G219T (rs405509) polymorphism has been associated with differential promoter activity and unfavourable outcomes after traumatic brain injury. The TT genotype is associated with a 3-fold greater risk of multiple concussions. The TT genotype of MAPT (rs10445337) has also been associated with poorer outcomes after concussion. Rugby has one of the highest incidences of concussion in sport, so it was hypothesised that APOE Promoter TT and MAPT TT genotypes would be less prevalent in elite rugby athletes because those genotypes, previously associated with increased risk, would be less compatible with achieving elite athlete status. METHODS: Participants were from the RugbyGene project, comprising elite Caucasian male rugby athletes (n = 528; mean (standard deviation) height 1.85 (0.07) m, mass 101 (14) kg, age 29 (7) yr), including 420 rugby union (RU) athletes that for some analyses were divided into forwards and backs and 108 rugby league (RL) athletes. Non-athletes were 592 Caucasian men and women (57% male, height 1.72 (0.10) m, mass 74 (14) kg, age 31 (7) yr). PCR of genomic DNA was used to determine genotypes using TaqMan probes, then groups were compared using χ2 and odds ratio (OR) statistics. RESULTS: All genotype data were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. For MAPT (rs10445337), the risk genotype (TT) was underrepresented in rugby athletes (60%) compared to non-athletes (66%), CT more common in rugby athletes (34%) than non-athletes (29%) and little difference in CC genotype frequencies (χ2 = 7.092, P = 0.029; TT genotype frequency OR = 0.80, 95% confidence intervals (CI) = 0.62-1.02). There were no differences in MAPT (rs10445337) genotype frequencies between RU forwards and backs. For APOE Promoter G219T (rs405509), there were no differences in genotype frequencies between all athletes (RU and RL) and non-athletes (27% TT genotype in players and non-athletes), nor between RU forwards and backs. CONCLUSION: The MAPT (rs10445337) TT genotype is 6% less common in elite rugby athletes than non-athletes. Therefore, carrying at least one rs10445337 C allele appears to increase the probability of sustained career success in the high-risk concussion environment of elite rugby, perhaps via a greater ability to recover from concussions.Peer reviewe

    Body Image and Disordered Eating Among UAF Female Athletes and Non-Athletes

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    •Disordered eating and poor body image is a problem in our society for many women •Most eating disorder patients are young females, and female athletes may be particularly at risk •Disordered eating is often associated with perfectionism, poor mental health, and other health-risk behaviors •This research explored associations between eating behavior, body image, perfectionism, depression, binge drinking, and alcohol consequences in a sample of female athletes and non-athletes •Analyses were conducted to determine differences in these variables between athletes and non-athletes, and between sports in the subsample of athlete