2,534 research outputs found

    Physical-layer Network Coding: A Random Coding Error Exponent Perspective

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    In this work, we derive the random coding error exponent for the uplink phase of a two-way relay system where physical layer network coding (PNC) is employed. The error exponent is derived for the practical (yet sub-optimum) XOR channel decoding setting. We show that the random coding error exponent under optimum (i.e., maximum likelihood) PNC channel decoding can be achieved even under the sub-optimal XOR channel decoding. The derived achievability bounds provide us with valuable insight and can be used as a benchmark for the performance of practical channel-coded PNC systems employing low complexity decoders when finite-length codewords are used.Comment: Submitted to IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 201

    A comparison of the HIPERLAN/2 and IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN standards

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    Compute-and-Forward Relay Networks with Asynchronous, Mobile, and Delay-Sensitive Users

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    We consider a wireless network consisting of multiple source nodes, a set of relays and a destination node. Suppose the sources transmit their messages simultaneously to the relays and the destination aims to decode all the messages. At the physical layer, a conventional approach would be for the relay to decode the individual message one at a time while treating rest of the messages as interference. Compute-and-forward is a novel strategy which attempts to turn the situation around by treating the interference as a constructive phenomenon. In compute-and-forward, each relay attempts to directly compute a combination of the transmitted messages and then forwards it to the destination. Upon receiving the combinations of messages from the relays, the destination can recover all the messages by solving the received equations. When identical lattice codes are employed at the sources, error correction to integer combination of messages is a viable option by exploiting the algebraic structure of lattice codes. Therefore, compute-and-forward with lattice codes enables the relay to manage interference and perform error correction concurrently. It is shown that compute-and-forward exhibits substantial improvement in the achievable rate compared with other state-of-the-art schemes for medium to high signal-to-noise ratio regime. Despite several results that show the excellent performance of compute-and-forward, there are still important challenges to overcome before we can utilize compute-and- forward in practice. Some important challenges include the assumptions of \perfect timing synchronization "and \quasi-static fading", since these assumptions rarely hold in realistic wireless channels. So far, there are no conclusive answers to whether compute-and-forward can still provide substantial gains even when these assumptions are removed. When lattice codewords are misaligned and mixed up, decoding integer combination of messages is not straightforward since the linearity of lattice codes is generally not invariant to time shift. When channel exhibits time selectivity, it brings challenges to compute-and-forward since the linearity of lattice codes does not suit the time varying nature of the channel. Another challenge comes from the emerging technologies for future 5G communication, e.g., autonomous driving and virtual reality, where low-latency communication with high reliability is necessary. In this regard, powerful short channel codes with reasonable encoding/decoding complexity are indispensable. Although there are fruitful results on designing short channel codes for point-to-point communication, studies on short code design specifically for compute-and-forward are rarely found. The objective of this dissertation is threefold. First, we study compute-and-forward with timing-asynchronous users. Second, we consider the problem of compute-and- forward over block-fading channels. Finally, the problem of compute-and-forward for low-latency communication is studied. Throughout the dissertation, the research methods and proposed remedies will center around the design of lattice codes in order to facilitate the use of compute-and-forward in the presence of these challenges

    CoCalc as a Learning Tool for Neural Network Simulation in the Special Course "Foundations of Mathematic Informatics"

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    The role of neural network modeling in the learning content of the special course "Foundations of Mathematical Informatics" was discussed. The course was developed for the students of technical universities - future IT-specialists and directed to breaking the gap between theoretic computer science and it's applied applications: software, system and computing engineering. CoCalc was justified as a learning tool of mathematical informatics in general and neural network modeling in particular. The elements of technique of using CoCalc at studying topic "Neural network and pattern recognition" of the special course "Foundations of Mathematic Informatics" are shown. The program code was presented in a CoffeeScript language, which implements the basic components of artificial neural network: neurons, synaptic connections, functions of activations (tangential, sigmoid, stepped) and their derivatives, methods of calculating the network's weights, etc. The features of the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem application were discussed for determination the architecture of multilayer neural networks. The implementation of the disjunctive logical element and approximation of an arbitrary function using a three-layer neural network were given as an examples. According to the simulation results, a conclusion was made as for the limits of the use of constructed networks, in which they retain their adequacy. The framework topics of individual research of the artificial neural networks is proposed.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer (ICTERI, 2018

    Differential Distributed Space-Time Coding with Imperfect Synchronization in Frequency-Selective Channels

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    Differential distributed space-time coding (D-DSTC) is a cooperative transmission technique that can improve diversity in wireless relay networks in the absence of channel information. Conventionally, it is assumed that channels are flat-fading and relays are perfectly synchronized at the symbol level. However, due to the delay spread in broadband systems and the distributed nature of relay networks, these assumptions may be violated. Hence, inter-symbol interference (ISI) may appear. This paper proposes a new differential encoding and decoding process for D-DSTC systems with multiple relays over slow frequency-selective fading channels with imperfect synchronization. The proposed method overcomes the ISI caused by frequency-selectivity and is robust against synchronization errors while not requiring any channel information at the relays and destination. Moreover, the maximum possible diversity with a decoding complexity similar to that of the conventional D-DSTC is attained. Simulation results are provided to show the performance of the proposed method in various scenarios.Comment: to appear in IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, 201
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