6,322 research outputs found

    Rounding of continuous random variables and oscillatory asymptotics

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    We study the characteristic function and moments of the integer-valued random variable X+α\lfloor X+\alpha\rfloor, where XX is a continuous random variables. The results can be regarded as exact versions of Sheppard's correction. Rounded variables of this type often occur as subsequence limits of sequences of integer-valued random variables. This leads to oscillatory terms in asymptotics for these variables, something that has often been observed, for example in the analysis of several algorithms. We give some examples, including applications to tries, digital search trees and Patricia tries.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117906000000232 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Transition asymptotics for reaction-diffusion in random media

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    We describe a universal transition mechanism characterizing the passage to an annealed behavior and to a regime where the fluctuations about this behavior are Gaussian, for the long time asymptotics of the empirical average of the expected value of the number of random walks which branch and annihilate on Zd{\mathbb Z}^d, with stationary random rates. The random walks are independent, continuous time rate 2dκ2d\kappa, simple, symmetric, with κ0\kappa \ge 0. A random walk at xZdx\in{\mathbb Z}^d, binary branches at rate v+(x)v_+(x), and annihilates at rate v(x)v_-(x). The random environment ww has coordinates w(x)=(v(x),v+(x))w(x)=(v_-(x),v_+(x)) which are i.i.d. We identify a natural way to describe the annealed-Gaussian transition mechanism under mild conditions on the rates. Indeed, we introduce the exponents Fθ(t):=H1((1+θ)t)(1+θ)H1(t)θF_\theta(t):=\frac{H_1((1+\theta)t)-(1+\theta)H_1(t)}{\theta}, and assume that F2θ(t)Fθ(t)θlog(κt+e)\frac{F_{2\theta}(t)-F_\theta(t)}{\theta\log(\kappa t+e)}\to\infty for θ>0|\theta|>0 small enough, where H1(t):=logH_1(t):=\log and denotes the average of the expected value of the number of particles m(0,t,w)m(0,t,w) at time tt and an environment of rates ww, given that initially there was only one particle at 0. Then the empirical average of m(x,t,w)m(x,t,w) over a box of side L(t)L(t) has different behaviors: if L(t)e1dFϵ(t) L(t)\ge e^{\frac{1}{d} F_\epsilon(t)} for some ϵ>0\epsilon >0 and large enough tt, a law of large numbers is satisfied; if L(t)e1dFϵ(2t) L(t)\ge e^{\frac{1}{d} F_\epsilon (2t)} for some ϵ>0\epsilon>0 and large enough tt, a CLT is satisfied. These statements are violated if the reversed inequalities are satisfied for some negative ϵ\epsilon. Applications to potentials with Weibull, Frechet and double exponential tails are given.Comment: To appear in: Probability and Mathematical Physics: A Volume in Honor of Stanislav Molchanov, Editors - AMS | CRM, (2007

    On the large time asymptotics of decaying Burgers turbulence

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    The decay of Burgers turbulence with compactly supported Gaussian "white noise" initial conditions is studied in the limit of vanishing viscosity and large time. Probability distribution functions and moments for both velocities and velocity differences are computed exactly, together with the "time-like" structure functions . The analysis of the answers reveals both well known features of Burgers turbulence, such as the presence of dissipative anomaly, the extreme anomalous scaling of the velocity structure functions and self similarity of the statistics of the velocity field, and new features such as the extreme anomalous scaling of the "time-like" structure functions and the non-existence of a global inertial scale due to multiscaling of the Burgers velocity field. We also observe that all the results can be recovered using the one point probability distribution function of the shock strength and discuss the implications of this fact for Burgers turbulence in general.Comment: LATEX, 25 pages, The present paper is an extension of the talk delivered at the workshop on intermittency in turbulent systems, Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, June 199

    Extreme gaps between eigenvalues of random matrices

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    This paper studies the extreme gaps between eigenvalues of random matrices. We give the joint limiting law of the smallest gaps for Haar-distributed unitary matrices and matrices from the Gaussian unitary ensemble. In particular, the kth smallest gap, normalized by a factor n4/3n^{-4/3}, has a limiting density proportional to x3k1ex3x^{3k-1}e^{-x^3}. Concerning the largest gaps, normalized by n/lognn/\sqrt{\log n}, they converge in Lp{\mathrm{L}}^p to a constant for all p>0p>0. These results are compared with the extreme gaps between zeros of the Riemann zeta function.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOP710 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Kinetic models of opinion formation

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    We introduce and discuss certain kinetic models of (continuous) opinion formation involving both exchange of opinion between individual agents and diffusion of information. We show conditions which ensure that the kinetic model reaches non trivial stationary states in case of lack of diffusion in correspondence of some opinion point. Analytical results are then obtained by considering a suitable asymptotic limit of the model yielding a Fokker-Planck equation for the distribution of opinion among individuals

    Self-intersection local times of random walks: Exponential moments in subcritical dimensions

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    Fix p>1p>1, not necessarily integer, with p(d2)<dp(d-2)<d. We study the pp-fold self-intersection local time of a simple random walk on the lattice Zd\Z^d up to time tt. This is the pp-norm of the vector of the walker's local times, t\ell_t. We derive precise logarithmic asymptotics of the expectation of exp{θttp}\exp\{\theta_t \|\ell_t\|_p\} for scales θt>0\theta_t>0 that are bounded from above, possibly tending to zero. The speed is identified in terms of mixed powers of tt and θt\theta_t, and the precise rate is characterized in terms of a variational formula, which is in close connection to the {\it Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality}. As a corollary, we obtain a large-deviation principle for tp/(trt)\|\ell_t\|_p/(t r_t) for deviation functions rtr_t satisfying t r_t\gg\E[\|\ell_t\|_p]. Informally, it turns out that the random walk homogeneously squeezes in a tt-dependent box with diameter of order t1/d\ll t^{1/d} to produce the required amount of self-intersections. Our main tool is an upper bound for the joint density of the local times of the walk.Comment: 15 pages. To appear in Probability Theory and Related Fields. The final publication is available at springerlink.co