19 research outputs found

    Asymptotically efficient triangulations of the d-cube

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    Let PP and QQ be polytopes, the first of "low" dimension and the second of "high" dimension. We show how to triangulate the product P×QP \times Q efficiently (i.e., with few simplices) starting with a given triangulation of QQ. Our method has a computational part, where we need to compute an efficient triangulation of P×ΔmP \times \Delta^m, for a (small) natural number mm of our choice. Δm\Delta^m denotes the mm-simplex. Our procedure can be applied to obtain (asymptotically) efficient triangulations of the cube InI^n: We decompose In=Ik×In−kI^n = I^k \times I^{n-k}, for a small kk. Then we recursively assume we have obtained an efficient triangulation of the second factor and use our method to triangulate the product. The outcome is that using k=3k=3 and m=2m=2, we can triangulate InI^n with O(0.816nn!)O(0.816^{n} n!) simplices, instead of the O(0.840nn!)O(0.840^{n} n!) achievable before.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. Only minor changes from previous versions, some suggested by anonymous referees. Paper accepted in "Discrete and Computational Geometry

    Lattice Delone simplices with super-exponential volume

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    In this short note we give a construction of an infinite series of Delone simplices whose relative volume grows super-exponentially with their dimension. This dramatically improves the previous best lower bound, which was linear.Comment: 7 pages; v2: revised version improves our exponential lower bound to a super-exponential on

    Lower bounds for the simplexity of the n-cube

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    In this paper we prove a new asymptotic lower bound for the minimal number of simplices in simplicial dissections of nn-dimensional cubes. In particular we show that the number of simplices in dissections of nn-cubes without additional vertices is at least (n+1)n−12(n+1)^{\frac {n-1} 2}.Comment: 10 page

    Triangulations of Δn−1×Δd−1\Delta_{n-1} \times \Delta_{d-1} and Tropical Oriented Matroids

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    Develin and Sturmfels showed that regular triangulations of Δn−1×Δd−1\Delta_{n-1} \times \Delta_{d-1} can be thought as tropical polytopes. Tropical oriented matroids were defined by Ardila and Develin, and were conjectured to be in bijection with all subdivisions of Δn−1×Δd−1\Delta_{n-1} \times \Delta_{d-1}. In this paper, we show that any triangulation of Δn−1×Δd−1\Delta_{n-1} \times \Delta_{d-1} encodes a tropical oriented matroid. We also suggest a new class of combinatorial objects that may describe all subdivisions of a bigger class of polytopes.Comment: 11 pages and 3 figures. Any comment or feedback would be welcomed v2. Our result is that triangulations of product of simplices is a tropical oriented matroid. We are trying to extend this to all subdivisions. v3 Replaces the proof of Lemma 2.6 with a reference.. Proof of the matrix being totally unimodular is now more detailed. Extended abstract will be submitted to FPSAC '1

    There are only two nonobtuse binary triangulations of the unit nn-cube

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    Triangulations of the cube into a minimal number of simplices without additional vertices have been studied by several authors over the past decades. For 3≤n≤73\leq n\leq 7 this so-called simplexity of the unit cube InI^n is now known to be 5,16,67,308,14935,16,67,308,1493, respectively. In this paper, we study triangulations of InI^n with simplices that only have nonobtuse dihedral angles. A trivial example is the standard triangulation into n!n! simplices. In this paper we show that, surprisingly, for each n≥3n\geq 3 there is essentially only one other nonobtuse triangulation of InI^n, and give its explicit construction. The number of nonobtuse simplices in this triangulation is equal to the smallest integer larger than n!(e−2)n!({\rm e}-2).Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Dyck path triangulations and extendability

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    We introduce the Dyck path triangulation of the cartesian product of two simplices Δn−1×Δn−1\Delta_{n-1}\times\Delta_{n-1}. The maximal simplices of this triangulation are given by Dyck paths, and its construction naturally generalizes to produce triangulations of Δr n−1×Δn−1\Delta_{r\ n-1}\times\Delta_{n-1} using rational Dyck paths. Our study of the Dyck path triangulation is motivated by extendability problems of partial triangulations of products of two simplices. We show that whenever m≥k>nm\geq k>n, any triangulation of Δm−1(k−1)×Δn−1\Delta_{m-1}^{(k-1)}\times\Delta_{n-1} extends to a unique triangulation of Δm−1×Δn−1\Delta_{m-1}\times\Delta_{n-1}. Moreover, with an explicit construction, we prove that the bound k>nk>n is optimal. We also exhibit interesting interpretations of our results in the language of tropical oriented matroids, which are analogous to classical results in oriented matroid theory.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures. Comments very welcome

    Dyck path triangulations and extendability (extended abstract)

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    International audienceWe introduce the Dyck path triangulation of the cartesian product of two simplices Δn−1×Δn−1\Delta_{n-1}\times\Delta_{n-1}. The maximal simplices of this triangulation are given by Dyck paths, and its construction naturally generalizes to produce triangulations of Δr n−1×Δn−1\Delta_{r\ n-1}\times\Delta_{n-1} using rational Dyck paths. Our study of the Dyck path triangulation is motivated by extendability problems of partial triangulations of products of two simplices. We show that wheneverm≥k>nm\geq k>n, any triangulations of Δm−1(k−1)×Δn−1\Delta_{m-1}^{(k-1)}\times\Delta_{n-1} extends to a unique triangulation of Δm−1×Δn−1\Delta_{m-1}\times\Delta_{n-1}. Moreover, with an explicit construction, we prove that the bound k>nk>n is optimal. We also exhibit interpretations of our results in the language of tropical oriented matroids, which are analogous to classical results in oriented matroid theory.Nous introduisons la triangulation par chemins de Dyck du produit cartésien de deux simplexes Δn−1×Δn−1\Delta_{n-1}\times\Delta_{n-1}. Les simplexes maximaux de cette triangulation sont donnés par des chemins de Dyck, et cette construction se généralise de façon naturelle pour produire des triangulations Δr n−1×Δn−1\Delta_{r\ n-1}\times\Delta_{n-1} qui utilisent des chemins de Dyck rationnels. Notre étude de la triangulation par chemins de Dyck est motivée par des problèmes de prolongement de triangulations partielles de produits de deux simplexes. On montre que m≥k>nm\geq k>n alors toute triangulation de Δm−1(k−1)×Δn−1\Delta_{m-1}^{(k-1)}\times\Delta_{n-1} se prolonge en une unique triangulation de Δm−1×Δn−1\Delta_{m-1}\times\Delta_{n-1}. De plus, avec une construction explicite, nous montrons que la borne k>nk>n est optimale. Nous présentons aussi des interprétations de nos résultats dans le langage des matroïdes orientés tropicaux, qui sont analogues aux résultats classiques de la théorie des matroïdes orientés