3 research outputs found

    Numerical convergence of nonlinear nonlocal continuum models to local elastodynamics

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    We quantify the numerical error and modeling error associated with replacing a nonlinear nonlocal bond-based peridynamic model with a local elasticity model or a linearized peridynamics model away from the fracture set. The nonlocal model treated here is characterized by a double well potential and is a smooth version of the peridynamic model introduced in n Silling (J Mech Phys Solids 48(1), 2000). The solutions of nonlinear peridynamics are shown to converge to the solution of linear elastodynamics at a rate linear with respect to the length scale ϵ\epsilon of non local interaction. This rate also holds for the convergence of solutions of the linearized peridynamic model to the solution of the local elastodynamic model. For local linear Lagrange interpolation the consistency error for the numerical approximation is found to depend on the ratio between mesh size hh and ϵ\epsilon. More generally for local Lagrange interpolation of order p≥1p\geq 1 the consistency error is of order hp/ϵh^p/\epsilon. A new stability theory for the time discretization is provided and an explicit generalization of the CFL condition on the time step and its relation to mesh size hh is given. Numerical simulations are provided illustrating the consistency error associated with the convergence of nonlinear and linearized peridynamics to linear elastodynamics

    Multiscale Modeling, Homogenization and Nonlocal Effects: Mathematical and Computational Issues

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    In this work, we review the connection between the subjects of homogenization and nonlocal modeling and discuss the relevant computational issues. By further exploring this connection, we hope to promote the cross fertilization of ideas from the different research fronts. We illustrate how homogenization may help characterizing the nature and the form of nonlocal interactions hypothesized in nonlocal models. We also offer some perspective on how studies of nonlocality may help the development of more effective numerical methods for homogenization