15,787 research outputs found

    Uniform Asymptotics of Orthogonal Polynomials Arising from Coherent States

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    In this paper, we study a family of orthogonal polynomials {ϕn(z)}\{\phi_n(z)\} arising from nonlinear coherent states in quantum optics. Based on the three-term recurrence relation only, we obtain a uniform asymptotic expansion of ϕn(z)\phi_n(z) as the polynomial degree nn tends to infinity. Our asymptotic results suggest that the weight function associated with the polynomials has an unusual singularity, which has never appeared for orthogonal polynomials in the Askey scheme. Our main technique is the Wang and Wong's difference equation method. In addition, the limiting zero distribution of the polynomials ϕn(z)\phi_n(z) is provided

    Plancherel-Rotach asymptotic expansion for some polynomials from indeterminate moment problems

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    We study the Plancherel--Rotach asymptotics of four families of orthogonal polynomials, the Chen--Ismail polynomials, the Berg-Letessier-Valent polynomials, the Conrad--Flajolet polynomials I and II. All these polynomials arise in indeterminate moment problems and three of them are birth and death process polynomials with cubic or quartic rates. We employ a difference equation asymptotic technique due to Z. Wang and R. Wong. Our analysis leads to a conjecture about large degree behavior of polynomials orthogonal with respect to solutions of indeterminate moment problems.Comment: 34 pages, typos corrected and references update

    Asymptotic Gap Probability Distributions of the Gaussian Unitary Ensembles and Jacobi Unitary Ensembles

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    In this paper, we address a class of problems in unitary ensembles. Specifically, we study the probability that a gap symmetric about 0, i.e. (a,a)(-a,a) is found in the Gaussian unitary ensembles (GUE) and the Jacobi unitary ensembles (JUE) (where in the JUE, we take the parameters α=β\alpha=\beta). By exploiting the even parity of the weight, a doubling of the interval to (a2,)(a^2,\infty) for the GUE, and (a2,1)(a^2,1), for the (symmetric) JUE, shows that the gap probabilities maybe determined as the product of the smallest eigenvalue distributions of the LUE with parameter α=1/2,\alpha=-1/2, and α=1/2\alpha=1/2 and the (shifted) JUE with weights x1/2(1x)βx^{1/2}(1-x)^{\beta} and x1/2(1x)βx^{-1/2}(1-x)^{\beta} The σ\sigma function, namely, the derivative of the log of the smallest eigenvalue distributions of the finite-nn LUE or the JUE, satisfies the Jimbo-Miwa-Okamoto σ\sigma form of PVP_{V} and PVIP_{VI}, although in the shift Jacobi case, with the weight xα(1x)β,x^{\alpha}(1-x)^{\beta}, the β\beta parameter does not show up in the equation. We also obtain the asymptotic expansions for the smallest eigenvalue distributions of the Laguerre unitary and Jacobi unitary ensembles after appropriate double scalings, and obtained the constants in the asymptotic expansion of the gap probablities, expressed in term of the Barnes GG- function valuated at special point.Comment: 38 page