2 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Normality for EMS Option Price Estimator with Continuous or Discontinuous Payoff Functions

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    Empirical martingale simulation (EMS) was proposed by Duan and Simonato (Duan, J.-C., J.-G. Simonato. 1998. Empirical martingale simulation for asset prices. Management Sci. 44(9) 1218-1233) as an adjustment to the standard Monte Carlo simulation to reduce simulation errors. The EMS price estimator of derivative contracts was shown to be asymptotically normally distributed in Duan et al. (Duan, J.-C., G. Gauthier, J.-G. Simonato. 2001. Asymptotic distribution of the EMS option price estimator. Management Sci. 47(8) 1122-1132) when the payoffs are piecewise linear and continuous. In this paper, we extend the asymptotic normality result to more general continuous payoffs, and for discontinuous payoffs we make a conjecture.empirical martingale simulation, Monte Carlo, Black-Scholes, GARCH, options, regression analysis, asymptotic normality, coverage rate

    A Two-Step Approach for Transforming Continuous Variables to Normal: Implications and Recommendations for IS Research

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    This article describes and demonstrates a two-step approach for transforming non-normally distributed continuous variables to become normally distributed. Step 1 involves transforming the variable into a percentile rank, which will result in uniformly distributed probabilities. The second step applies the inverse-normal transformation to the results of Step 1 to form a variable consisting of normally distributed z-scores. The approach is little-known outside the statistics literature, has been scarcely used in the social sciences, and has not been used in any IS study. The article illustrates how to implement the approach in Excel, SPSS, and SAS and explains implications and recommendations for IS research