1,061 research outputs found

    Asymptotic analysis of a system of algebraic equations arising in dislocation theory

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    The system of algebraic equations given by\ud \ud j=0,jinsgn(xixj)/xixja=1,i=1,2,n,x0=0,\sum_{j=0, j \neq i}^n sgn(x_i - x_j) / |x_i - x_j|^a = 1, i = 1, 2, \ldots n, x_0 = 0,\ud \ud appears in dislocation theory in models of dislocation pile-ups. Specifically, the case a = 1 corresponds to the simple situation where n dislocations are piled up against a locked dislocation, while the case a = 3 corresponds to n dislocation dipoles piled up against a locked dipole.\ud \ud We present a general analysis of systems of this type for a > 0 and n large. In the asymptotic limit n -> ∞, it becomes possible to replace the system of discrete equations with a continuum equation for the particle density. For 0 < a < 2, this takes the form of a singular integral equation, while for a > 2 it is a first-order differential equation. The critical case a = 2 requires special treatment but, up to corrections of logarithmic order, it also leads to a differential equation.\ud \ud The continuum approximation is only valid for i not too small nor too close to n. The boundary layers at either end of the pile-up are also analyzed, which requires matching between discrete and continuum approximations to the main problem

    Disclination vortices in elastic media

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    The vortex-like solutions are studied in the framework of the gauge model of disclinations in elastic continuum. A complete set of model equations with disclination driven dislocations taken into account is considered. Within the linear approximation an exact solution for a low-angle wedge disclination is found to be independent from the coupling constants of the theory. As a result, no additional dimensional characteristics (like the core radius of the defect) are involved. The situation changes drastically for 2\pi vortices where two characteristic lengths, l_\phi and l_W, become of importance. The asymptotical behaviour of the solutions for both singular and nonsingular 2\pi vortices is studied. Forces between pairs of vortices are calculated.Comment: 13 pages, published versio

    Vortex-glass phases in type-II superconductors

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    A review is given on the theory of vortex-glass phases in impure type-II superconductors in an external field. We begin with a brief discussion of the effects of thermal fluctuations on the spontaneously broken U(1) and translation symmetries, on the global phase diagram and on the critical behaviour. Introducing disorder we restrict ourselves to the experimentally most relevant case of weak uncorrelated randomness which is known to destroy the long-ranged translational order of the Abrikosov lattice in three dimensions. Elucidating possible residual glassy ordered phases, we distinguish betwee positional and phase-coherent vortex glasses. The discussion of elastic vortex glasses, in two and three dimensions occupy the main part of our review. In particular, in three dimensions there exists an elastic vortex-glass phase which still shows quasi-long-range translational order: the `Bragg glass'. It is shown that this phase is stable with respect to the formation of dislocations for intermediate fields. Preliminary results suggest that the Bragg-glass phase may not show phase-coherent vortex-glass order. The latter is expected to occur in systems with weak disorder only in higher dimensions. We further demonstrate that the linear resistivity vanishes in the vortex-glass phase. The vortex-glass transition is studied in detail for a superconducting film in a parallel field. Finally, we review some recent developments concerning driven vortex-line lattices moving in a random environment.Comment: 133 pages Latex with figures. accepted for publication in Adv. Phy

    Sequential inverse problems Bayesian principles and the\ud logistic map example

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    Bayesian statistics provides a general framework for solving inverse problems, but is not without interpretation and implementation problems. This paper discusses difficulties arising from the fact that forward models are always in error to some extent. Using a simple example based on the one-dimensional logistic map, we argue that, when implementation problems are minimal, the Bayesian framework is quite adequate. In this paper the Bayesian Filter is shown to be able to recover excellent state estimates in the perfect model scenario (PMS) and to distinguish the PMS from the imperfect model scenario (IMS). Through a quantitative comparison of the way in which the observations are assimilated in both the PMS and the IMS scenarios, we suggest that one can, sometimes, measure the degree of imperfection

    Upscaling a model for the thermally-driven motion of screw dislocations

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    We formulate and study a stochastic model for the thermally-driven motion of interacting straight screw dislocations in a cylindrical domain with a convex polygonal cross-section. Motion is modelled as a Markov jump process, where waiting times for transitions from state to state are assumed to be exponentially distributed with rates expressed in terms of the potential energy barrier between the states. Assuming the energy of the system is described by a discrete lattice model, a precise asymptotic description of the energy barriers between states is obtained. Through scaling of the various physical constants, two dimensionless parameters are identified which govern the behaviour of the resulting stochastic evolution. In an asymptotic regime where these parameters remain fixed, the process is found to satisfy a Large Deviations Principle. A sufficiently explicit description of the corresponding rate functional is obtained such that the most probable path of the dislocation configuration may be described as the solution of Discrete Dislocation Dynamics with an explicit anisotropic mobility which depends on the underlying lattice structure.Comment: Major revision, including overhaul of notation, additions to Section 6 on Large Deviations, and resolution of conjecture in original version. 45 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Nonuniversal Correlations and Crossover Effects in the Bragg-Glass Phase of Impure Superconductors

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    The structural correlation functions of a weakly disordered Abrikosov lattice are calculated in a functional RG-expansion in d=4ϵd=4-\epsilon dimensions. It is shown, that in the asymptotic limit the Abrikosov lattice exhibits still quasi-long-range translational order described by a {\it nonuniversal} exponent ηG\eta_{\bf G} which depends on the ratio of the renormalized elastic constants κ=c66/c11\kappa ={c}_{66}/ {c}_{11} of the flux line (FL) lattice. Our calculations clearly demonstrate three distinct scaling regimes corresponding to the Larkin, the random manifold and the asymptotic Bragg-glass regime. On a wide range of {\it intermediate} length scales the FL displacement correlation function increases as a power law with twice the manifold roughness exponent ζRM(κ)\zeta_{\rm RM}(\kappa) , which is also {\it nonuniversal}. Correlation functions in the asymptotic regime are calculated in their full anisotropic dependencies and various order parameters are examined. Our results, in particular the κ\kappa-dependency of the exponents, are in variance with those of the variational treatment with replica symmetry breaking which allows in principle an experimental discrimination between the two approaches.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    The mechanics of a chain or ring of spherical magnets

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    Strong magnets, such as neodymium-iron-boron magnets, are increasingly being manufactured as spheres. Because of their dipolar characters, these spheres can easily be arranged into long chains that exhibit mechanical properties reminiscent of elastic strings or rods. While simple formulations exist for the energy of a deformed elastic rod, it is not clear whether or not they are also appropriate for a chain of spherical magnets. In this paper, we use discrete-to-continuum asymptotic analysis to derive a continuum model for the energy of a deformed chain of magnets based on the magnetostatic interactions between individual spheres. We find that the mechanical properties of a chain of magnets differ significantly from those of an elastic rod: while both magnetic chains and elastic rods support bending by change of local curvature, nonlocal interaction terms also appear in the energy formulation for a magnetic chain. This continuum model for the energy of a chain of magnets is used to analyse small deformations of a circular ring of magnets and hence obtain theoretical predictions for the vibrational modes of a circular ring of magnets. Surprisingly, despite the contribution of nonlocal energy terms, we find that the vibrations of a circular ring of magnets are governed by the same equation that governs the vibrations of a circular elastic ring