3 research outputs found

    Propositional calculus for adjointness lattices

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    Recently, Morsi has developed a complete syntax for the class of all adjointness algebras (L,≤,A,K,H)\left( L,\leq ,A,K,H\right) . There, (L,≤)\left( L,\leq \right) is a partially ordered set with top element 11, KK is a conjunction on (L,≤)\left( L,\leq \right) for which 11 is a left identity element, and the two implication-like binary operations AA and HH on LL are adjoints of KK. In this paper, we extend that formal system to one for the class ADJLADJL of all 9-tuples (L,≤,1,0,A,K,H,∧,∨)\left( L,\leq ,1,0,A,K,H,\wedge ,\vee \right) , called \emph{% adjointness lattices}; in each of which (L,≤,1,0,∧,∨)\left( L,\leq ,1,0,\wedge ,\vee \right) is a bounded lattice, and (L,≤,A,K,H)\left( L,\leq ,A,K,H\right) is an adjointness algebra. We call it \emph{Propositional Calculus for Adjointness Lattices}, abbreviated AdjLPCAdjLPC. Our axiom scheme for AdjLPCAdjLPC features four inference rules and thirteen axioms. We deduce enough theorems and inferences in AdjLPCAdjLPC to establish its completeness for ADJLADJL; by means of a quotient-algebra structure (a Lindenbaum type of algebra). We study two negation-like unary operations in an adjointness lattice, defined by means of 00 together with AA and HH. We end by developing complete syntax for all adjointness lattices whose implications are SS-type implications

    Propositional Calculus for Associatively Tied Implications

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    Recently, Morsi [28] has developed a complete syntax for the semantical domain of all adjointness algebras. In [1], Abdel-Hamid and Morsi enrich adjointness algebras with one more conjunction, this time a t-norm T (T need not be commutative) that ties an implication A in the following sense: A(T(a, b), z) = A(a, A(b, z)). In this paper, we develop a new complete syntax for quite a general multiple-valued logic whose semantics is based on this type of algebra. Such a formal system serves as a combined calculus for two, possibly different, types of uncertainty. 1 Tied Adjointness Algebras We here compile basics on implications and their adjoints that will be needed in this work. Throughout, P and