6 research outputs found

    Assigning channels via the meet-in-the-middle approach

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    We study the complexity of the Channel Assignment problem. By applying the meet-in-the-middle approach we get an algorithm for the ā„“\ell-bounded Channel Assignment (when the edge weights are bounded by ā„“\ell) running in time Oāˆ—((2ā„“+1)n)O^*((2\sqrt{\ell+1})^n). This is the first algorithm which breaks the (O(ā„“))n(O(\ell))^n barrier. We extend this algorithm to the counting variant, at the cost of slightly higher polynomial factor. A major open problem asks whether Channel Assignment admits a O(cn)O(c^n)-time algorithm, for a constant cc independent of ā„“\ell. We consider a similar question for Generalized T-Coloring, a CSP problem that generalizes \CA. We show that Generalized T-Coloring does not admit a 22o(n)poly(r)2^{2^{o\left(\sqrt{n}\right)}} {\rm poly}(r)-time algorithm, where rr is the size of the instance.Comment: SWAT 2014: 282-29

    Assigning Channels Via the Meet-in-the-Middle Approach

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    Tight lower bound for the channel assignment problem

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    We study the complexity of the Channel Assignment problem. A major open problem asks whether Channel Assignment admits an O(cn)O(c^n)-time algorithm, for a constant cc independent of the weights on the edges. We answer this question in the negative i.e. we show that there is no 2o(nlogā”n)2^{o(n\log n)}-time algorithm solving Channel Assignment unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis fails. Note that the currently best known algorithm works in time Oāˆ—(n!)=2O(nlogā”n)O^*(n!) = 2^{O(n\log n)} so our lower bound is tight

    The Fine-Grained Complexity of Computing the Tutte Polynomial of a Linear Matroid

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    We show that computing the Tutte polynomial of a linear matroid of dimension kk on kO(1)k^{O(1)} points over a field of kO(1)k^{O(1)} elements requires kĪ©(k)k^{\Omega(k)} time unless the \#ETH---a counting extension of the Exponential Time Hypothesis of Impagliazzo and Paturi [CCC 1999] due to Dell {\em et al.} [ACM TALG 2014]---is false. This holds also for linear matroids that admit a representation where every point is associated to a vector with at most two nonzero coordinates. We also show that the same is true for computing the Tutte polynomial of a binary matroid of dimension kk on kO(1)k^{O(1)} points with at most three nonzero coordinates in each point's vector. This is in sharp contrast to computing the Tutte polynomial of a kk-vertex graph (that is, the Tutte polynomial of a {\em graphic} matroid of dimension kk---which is representable in dimension kk over the binary field so that every vector has two nonzero coordinates), which is known to be computable in 2kkO(1)2^k k^{O(1)} time [Bj\"orklund {\em et al.}, FOCS 2008]. Our lower-bound proofs proceed via (i) a connection due to Crapo and Rota [1970] between the number of tuples of codewords of full support and the Tutte polynomial of the matroid associated with the code; (ii) an earlier-established \#ETH-hardness of counting the solutions to a bipartite (d,2)(d,2)-CSP on nn vertices in do(n)d^{o(n)} time; and (iii) new embeddings of such CSP instances as questions about codewords of full support in a linear code. We complement these lower bounds with two algorithm designs. The first design computes the Tutte polynomial of a linear matroid of dimension~kk on kO(1)k^{O(1)} points in kO(k)k^{O(k)} operations. The second design generalizes the Bj\"orklund~{\em et al.} algorithm and runs in qk+1kO(1)q^{k+1}k^{O(1)} time for linear matroids of dimension kk defined over the qq-element field by kO(1)k^{O(1)} points with at most two nonzero coordinates each.Comment: This version adds Theorem

    Algorithmes exponentiels pour l'Ć©tiquetage, la domination et l'ordonnancement

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    This manuscript of Habilitation aĢ€ Diriger des Recherches enlights some results obtained since my PhD, I defended in 2007. The presented results have been mainly published in international conferences and journals. Exponential-time algorithms are given to solve various decision, optimization and enumeration problems. First, we are interested in solving the L(2,1)-labeling problem for which several algorithms are described (based on branching, divide-and-conquer and dynamic programming). Some combinatorial bounds are also established to analyze those algorithms. Then we solve domination-like problems. We develop algorithms to solve a generalization of the dominating set problem and we give algorithms to enumerate minimal dominating sets in some graph classes. As a consequence, the analysis of these algorithms implies combinatorial bounds. Finally, we extend our field of applications of moderately exponential-time algorithms to scheduling problems. By using dynamic programming paradigm and by extending the sort-and-search approach, we are able to solve a family of scheduling problems.Ce manuscrit dā€™Habilitation aĢ€ Diriger des Recherches met en lumieĢ€re quelques reĢsultats obtenus depuis ma theĢ€se de doctorat soutenue en 2007. Ces reĢsultats ont eĢteĢ, pour lā€™essentiel, publieĢs dans des confeĢrences et des journaux internationaux. Des algorithmes exponentiels sont donneĢs pour reĢsoudre des probleĢ€mes de deĢcision, dā€™optimisation et dā€™eĢnumeĢration. On sā€™inteĢresse tout dā€™abord au probleĢ€me dā€™eĢtiquetage L(2,1) dā€™un graphe, pour lequel diffeĢrents algorithmes sont deĢcrits (baseĢs sur du branchement, le paradigme diviser-pour-reĢgner, ou la programmation dynamique). Des bornes combinatoires, neĢcessaires aĢ€ lā€™analyse de ces algorithmes, sont eĢgalement eĢtablies. Dans un second temps, nous reĢsolvons des probleĢ€mes autour de la domination. Nous deĢveloppons des algorithmes pour reĢsoudre une geĢneĢralisation de la domination et nous donnons des algorithmes pour eĢnumeĢrer les ensembles dominants minimaux dans des classes de graphes. Lā€™analyse de ces algorithmes implique des bornes combinatoires. Finalement, nous eĢtendons notre champ dā€™applications de lā€™algorithmique modeĢreĢment exponentielle aĢ€ des probleĢ€mes dā€™ordonnancement. Par le deĢveloppement dā€™approches de type programmation dynamique et la geĢneĢralisation de la meĢthode trier-et-chercher, nous proposons la reĢsolution de toute une famille de probleĢ€mes dā€™ordonnancement