3 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Precipitation Detection over Various Surfaces from Passive Microwave Imagers and Sounders

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    During the middle part of this decade a wide variety of passive microwave imagers and sounders will be unified in the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission to provide a common basis for frequent (3 hr), global precipitation monitoring. The ability of these sensors to detect precipitation by discerning it from non-precipitating background depends upon the channels available and characteristics of the surface and atmosphere. This study quantifies the minimum detectable precipitation rate and fraction of precipitation detected for four representative instruments (TMI, GMI, AMSU-A, and AMSU-B) that will be part of the GPM constellation. Observations for these instruments were constructed from equivalent channels on the SSMIS instrument on DMSP satellites F16 and F17 and matched to precipitation data from NOAA's National Mosaic and QPE (NMQ) during 2009 over the continuous United States. A variational optimal estimation retrieval of non-precipitation surface and atmosphere parameters was used to determine the consistency between the observed brightness temperatures and these parameters, with high cost function values shown to be related to precipitation. The minimum detectable precipitation rate, defined as the lowest rate for which probability of detection exceeds 50%, and the detected fraction of precipitation, are reported for each sensor, surface type (ocean, coast, bare land, snow cover) and precipitation type (rain, mix, snow). The best sensors over ocean and bare land were GMI (0.22 mm/hr minimum threshold and 90% of precipitation detected) and AMSU (0.26 mm/hr minimum threshold and 81% of precipitation detected), respectively. Over coasts (0.74 mm/hr threshold and 12% detected) and snow-covered surfaces (0.44 mm/hr threshold and 23% detected), AMSU again performed best but with much lower detection skill, whereas TMI had no skill over these surfaces. The sounders (particularly over water) benefited from the use of re-analysis data (vs. climatology) to set the a-priori atmospheric state and all instruments benefit from the use of a conditional snow cover emissivity database over land. It is recommended that real-time sources of these data be used in the operational GPM precipitation algorithms

    Towards variational retrieval of warm rain from passive microwave observations

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    An experimental retrieval of oceanic warm rain is presented, extending a previous variational algorithm to provide a suite of retrieved variables spanning non-raining through predominantly warm raining conditions. The warm rain retrieval is underpinned by hydrometeor covariances and drizzle onset data derived from CloudSat. Radiative transfer modelling and analysis of drop size variability from disdrometer observations permit state-dependent observation error covariances that scale with columnar rainwater during iteration. The state-dependent errors and nuanced treatment of drop distributions in precipitating regions are novel and may be applicable for future retrievals and all-sky data assimilation methods. This retrieval method can effectively increase passive microwave sensors\u27 sensitivity to light rainfall that might otherwise be missed.Comparisons with space-borne and ground radar estimates are provided as a proof of concept, demonstrating that a passive-only variational retrieval can be sufficiently constrained from non-raining through warm rain conditions. Significant deviations from forward model assumptions cause non-convergence, usually a result of scattering hydrometeors above the freezing level. However, for cases with liquid-only precipitation, this retrieval displays greater sensitivity than a benchmark operational retrieval. Analysis against passive and active products from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) satellite shows substantial discrepancies in precipitation frequency, with the experimental retrieval observing more frequent light rain. This approach may be complementary to other precipitation retrievals, and its potential synergy with the operational passive GPM retrieval is briefly explored. There are also implications for data assimilation, as all 13 channels on the GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) are simulated over ocean with fidelity in warm raining conditions

    Exploring the limits of variational passive microwave retrievals

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    2017 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Passive microwave observations from satellite platforms constitute one of the most important data records of the global observing system. Operational since the late 1970s, passive microwave data underpin climate records of precipitation, sea ice extent, water vapor, and more, and contribute significantly to numerical weather prediction via data assimilation. Detailed understanding of the observation errors in these data is key to maximizing their utility for research and operational applications alike. However, the treatment of observation errors in this data record has been lacking and somewhat divergent when considering the retrieval and data assimilation communities. In this study, some limits of passive microwave imager data are considered in light of more holistic treatment of observation errors. A variational retrieval, named the CSU 1DVAR, was developed for microwave imagers and applied to the GMI and AMSR2 sensors for ocean scenes. Via an innovative method to determine forward model error, this retrieval accounts for error covariances across all channels used in the iteration. This improves validation in more complex scenes such as high wind speed and persistently cloudy regimes. In addition, it validates on par with a benchmark dataset without any tuning to in-situ observations. The algorithm yields full posterior error diagnostics and its physical forward model is applicable to other sensors, pending intercalibration. This retrieval is used to explore the viability of retrieving parameters at the limits of the available information content from a typical microwave imager. Retrieval of warm rain, marginal sea ice, and falling snow are explored with the variational retrieval. Warm rain retrieval shows some promise, with greater sensitivity than operational GPM algorithms due to leveraging CloudSat data and accounting for drop size distribution variability. Marginal sea ice is also detected with greater sensitivity than a standard operational retrieval. These studies ultimately show that while a variational algorithm maximizes the effective signal to noise ratio of these observations, hard limitations exist due to the finite information content afforded by a typical microwave imager