212 research outputs found

    Track 1: Surgery, anaesthesia and intensive care

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    Surgery, anaesthesia and intensive care

    Outcome late after repair of tetralogy of Fallot

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    Subject index: Abstracts

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    New Advances in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Congenital Heart Disease

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    Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is an indispensable second-line tool, next to CT (computed tomography), in the evaluation and follow-up of congenital heart disease in adults and children, as a complement to echocardiography, without the inconvenience of X-rays. This imaging requires a long examination time and good cooperation from the patient to achieve good apnea, or the use of general anesthesia in children under 8 years of age. In this chapter, we summarize the recent advances in CMR sequences, notably the four-dimensional (4D) flow, in software and hardware technologies that allow a wider use, thanks to the simplification of the examination protocols and the decrease of the acquisition time

    Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance/European Society of Cardiovascular Imaging/American Society of Echocardiography/Society for Pediatric Radiology/North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Guidelines for the Use of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Pediatric Congenital and Acquired Heart Disease: Endorsed by The American Heart Association

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    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance has been utilized in the management and care of pediatric patients for nearly 40 years. It has evolved to become an invaluable tool in the assessment of the littlest of hearts for diagnosis, pre-interventional management and follow-up care. Although mentioned in a number of consensus and guidelines documents, an up-to-date, large, stand-alone guidance work for the use of cardiovascular magnetic resonance in pediatric congenital 36 and acquired 35 heart disease endorsed by numerous Societies involved in the care of these children is lacking. This guidelines document outlines the use of cardiovascular magnetic resonance in this patient population for a significant number of heart lesions in this age group and although admittedly, is not an exhaustive treatment, it does deal with an expansive list of many common clinical issues encountered in daily practice

    Long-term Follow-up in Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease: Assessing determinants of outcome after the Fontan operation and Tetralogy of Fallot repair

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    In this thesis the long-term results of patients with Tetralogy of Fallot and the Fontan circulation are described

    Track 5: Cardiology and the imaging revolution - Part I

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    Cardiology and the imaging revolution

    Outcome late after repair of tetralogy of Fallot

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    4D FLOW CMR in congenital heart disease

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    This thesis showed that the use of a cloud-based reconstruction applicationwith advanced eddy currents correction, integrated with interactiveimaging evaluation tools allowed for remote visualization and interpretationof 4D flow data and that was sufficient for gross visualizationof aortic valve regurgitation. Further, this thesis demonstrated that bulkflow and pulmonary regurgitation can be accurately quantified using 4Dflow imaging analyzed. Peak systolic velocity over the pulmonary valvemay be underestimated. However, the measurement of peak systolicvelocity can be optimized if measured at the level of highest velocity inthe pulmonary artery. Also correlated against invasive measurements (inan animal model), this thesis shows that aorta flow and pulmonary flowcan be accurately and simultaneously measured by 4D flow MRI.When applied in clinical practice, 4D flow has extra advantages, of beingable to visualize flow pattern, vorticity and to predict aortic growth. InASD patients it can measure shunt volume directly following the septumframe by frame. In Fontan patients in can visualize better than standardMRI the Fontan circuit and it can measure flow at multiple points alongthe Fontan circuit. We observed in our Fontan population that shunt lesionswere very common, most of the time via veno-venous collaterals.Further using advanced computations, we showed that WSS angle wasthe only independent predictor of aortic growth in BAV patients. We alsoshowed the feasibility of GLS analysis on 4D flow MRI and presented anintegrative approach in which flow and functional data are acquired inone sequence.From the technical point of view, 4D flow MRI has proved to complementthe traditional components of the standard cardiac MR exams, enablingin-depth insights into hemodynamics. At this moment it proved its addedvalue, but in most of the cases it is not able yet to replace the standardexam. This is still due to long scanning times and relatively longpost-processing times.<br/
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