36 research outputs found

    Social-aware Opportunistic Routing Protocol based on User's Interactions and Interests

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    Nowadays, routing proposals must deal with a panoply of heterogeneous devices, intermittent connectivity, and the users' constant need for communication, even in rather challenging networking scenarios. Thus, we propose a Social-aware Content-based Opportunistic Routing Protocol, SCORP, that considers the users' social interaction and their interests to improve data delivery in urban, dense scenarios. Through simulations, using synthetic mobility and human traces scenarios, we compare the performance of our solution against other two social-aware solutions, dLife and Bubble Rap, and the social-oblivious Spray and Wait, in order to show that the combination of social awareness and content knowledge can be beneficial when disseminating data in challenging networks

    Social-aware Forwarding in Opportunistic Wireless Networks: Content Awareness or Obliviousness?

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    With the current host-based Internet architecture, networking faces limitations in dynamic scenarios, due mostly to host mobility. The ICN paradigm mitigates such problems by releasing the need to have an end-to-end transport session established during the life time of the data transfer. Moreover, the ICN concept solves the mismatch between the Internet architecture and the way users would like to use it: currently a user needs to know the topological location of the hosts involved in the communication when he/she just wants to get the data, independently of its location. Most of the research efforts aim to come up with a stable ICN architecture in fixed networks, with few examples in ad-hoc and vehicular networks. However, the Internet is becoming more pervasive with powerful personal mobile devices that allow users to form dynamic networks in which content may be exchanged at all times and with low cost. Such pervasive wireless networks suffer with different levels of disruption given user mobility, physical obstacles, lack of cooperation, intermittent connectivity, among others. This paper discusses the combination of content knowledge (e.g., type and interested parties) and social awareness within opportunistic networking as to drive the deployment of ICN solutions in disruptive networking scenarios. With this goal in mind, we go over few examples of social-aware content-based opportunistic networking proposals that consider social awareness to allow content dissemination independently of the level of network disruption. To show how much content knowledge can improve social-based solutions, we illustrate by means of simulation some content-oblivious/oriented proposals in scenarios based on synthetic mobility patterns and real human traces.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Encaminhamento oportunista baseado em aspectos sociais

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    Doutoramento conjunto MAP-Tele, Engenharia Eletrotécnica TelecomunicaçõeThe increased capabilities (e.g., processing, storage) of portable devices along with the constant need of users to retrieve and send information have introduced a new form of communication. Users can seamlessly exchange data by means of opportunistic contacts among them and this is what characterizes the opportunistic networks (OppNets). OppNets allow users to communicate even when an end-to-end path may not exist between them. Since 2007, there has been a trend to improve the exchange of data by considering social similarity metrics. Social relationships, shared interests, and popularity are examples of such metrics that have been employed successfully: as users interact based on relationships and interests, this information can be used to decide on the best next forwarders of information. This Thesis work combines the features of today's devices found in the regular urban environment with the current social-awareness trend in the context of opportunistic routing. To achieve this goal, this work was divided into di erent tasks that map to a set of speci c objectives, leading to the following contributions: i) an up-to-date opportunistic routing taxonomy; ii) a universal evaluation framework that aids in devising and testing new routing proposals; iii) three social-aware utility functions that consider the dynamic user behavior and can be easily incorporated to other routing proposals; iv) two opportunistic routing proposals based on the users' daily routines and on the content traversing the network and interest of users in such content; and v) a structure analysis of the social-based network formed based on the approaches devised in this work.A maior capacidade (e.g., processamento, armazenamento) dos dispositivos portáteis, juntamente com a necessidade constante dos utilizadores de poder obter e enviar informação, introduz uma nova forma de comunicação. Os utilizadores podem trocar dados de uma forma transparente através de contatos oportunistas entre eles, o que caracteriza as Redes Oportunistas. Este tipo de rede permite a comunicação entre utilizadores mesmo quando não existe um caminho m-a- m entre eles. Uma tendência observada nos últimos anos do encaminhamento oportunista refere-se a levar em conta métricas de similaridade social para melhorar a troca de informação. Os relacionamentos sociais, interesses em comum e popularidade são exemplos deste tipo de métrica que tem sido empregue com sucesso no âmbito do encaminhamento oportunista: como os utilizadores interagem com base nos seus relacionamentos e interesses, esta informação pode ser utilizada para decidir sobre quando encaminhar dados. Esta Tese combina as características dos dispositivos pessoais e que são facilmente encontrados no ambiente urbano com a tendência para uso de similaridade social no contexto de encaminhamento oportunista. Para alcancar este objetivo principal, este trabalho foi dividido em diferentes tarefas mapeadas em objetivos especí cos, o que resulta nas seguintes contribuições: i) uma taxonomia atualizada sobre encaminhamento oportunista; ii) um modelo de avaliação universal de encaminhamento oportunista que permite a implementação e teste de novas propostas; iii) três funções sociais que consideram o comportamento dinâmico dos utilizadores e podem ser facilmente utilizadas em outras propostas de encaminhamento; iv) duas propostas de encaminhamento oportunista baseadas nas rotinas diárias dos utilizadores e no conteúdo e interesse dos utilizadores neste conteúdo; e v) uma análise estrutural da rede social formada a partir das abordagens desenvolvidas neste trabalho

    Establishing trust relationships and secure channels in opportunistic networks

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    &nbsp;An effective system with techniques and algorithms that preserve the completeness and integrity of packets in a network and protects Opportunistic Networks from packet dropping and modification attacks has been proposed in this thesis. The techniques and attributes used to create the system involve using Merkle trees, trust, and reputation.<br /

    The Four-C Framework for High Capacity Ultra-Low Latency in 5G Networks: A Review

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    Network latency will be a critical performance metric for the Fifth Generation (5G) networks expected to be fully rolled out in 2020 through the IMT-2020 project. The multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) technology is a key enabler for the 5G massive connectivity criterion, especially from the massive densification perspective. Naturally, it appears that 5G MU-MIMO will face a daunting task to achieve an end-to-end 1 ms ultra-low latency budget if traditional network set-ups criteria are strictly adhered to. Moreover, 5G latency will have added dimensions of scalability and flexibility compared to prior existing deployed technologies. The scalability dimension caters for meeting rapid demand as new applications evolve. While flexibility complements the scalability dimension by investigating novel non-stacked protocol architecture. The goal of this review paper is to deploy ultra-low latency reduction framework for 5G communications considering flexibility and scalability. The Four (4) C framework consisting of cost, complexity, cross-layer and computing is hereby analyzed and discussed. The Four (4) C framework discusses several emerging new technologies of software defined network (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV) and fog networking. This review paper will contribute significantly towards the future implementation of flexible and high capacity ultra-low latency 5G communications