3 research outputs found

    The socio-economic impact of technological innovation. Models and analysis of the digital technologies for cultural and creative industries.

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    The research activity synthesized in this book starts from the consideration that there is a growing need to verify how public investment in innovation can guarantee the best value for money and maximise the impact on economy and society. The cultural heritage sector represents a strategic target for the R&D investment in Europe and it is strongly needed to have also here a set of tools able to assess the socio-economic impact of projects’ activities. With the aim of supporting the maximisation of the research outputs effectiveness and efficiency, thanks to the MAXICULTURE project (FP7-ICT-2011-9-601070) , our research team analysed projects’ outputs both in terms of innovation and improvement related to the state of the art of the ICTs for creative and cultural sector, and in terms of transferability of results to the wider society in general and to the supply-industry in particular. During the research activates we: • performed the analysis of the DigiCult domain through the literature review and analysis of EC FP7 Call 1, Call 3, Call 6, Call 9 and Europeana projects; • developed the assessment methodology for the DigiCult projects’; • gathered the feedback from experts and projects on the methodology through webinars and online questionnaires; • developed the Self-Assessment Toolkit (SAT); • performed the assessment of 19 projects in the DigiCult domain by using the data gathered through the Self-Assessment Toolkit. The analysis produced interesting results such as: • the design of a specific Hype Cycle for the DigiCult projects; • a better understanding about the innovation dynamics in the sector; • the information on how to improve the diffusion of the knowledge generated by DigiCult projects; • the information on how to improve the socio-economic impact of DigiCult projects


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    L'attività di ricerca sintetizzata in questa tesi muove dalla considerazione che c'è una crescente necessità di verificare come gli pubblici investimenti nell'innovazione possano garantire rivelarsi profittevoli e massimizzare il loro impatto sulla società e l'economia europea. Il settore dei beni culturali rappresenta un obiettivo strategico per l'investimento in ricerca e sviluppo in Europa ed è necessario avere anche qui una serie di strumenti utili a valutare l'impatto socio-economico delle attività dei progetti di innovazione tecnologica. Con l'obiettivo di sostenere la massimizzazione dei risultati della ricerca in termini di efficacia ed efficienza, abbiamo analizzato i risultati progettuali sia in termini di avanzamento rispetto allo stato dell'arte delle ICT per il settore creativo e culturale, sia in termini di trasferibilità dei risultati all’industria ed alla società in generale. Durante la ricerca attiva abbiamo effettuato l'analisi del dominio progettuale denominato DigiCult attraverso: • la revisione della letteratura e analisi dei progetti finanziati dalla Commissione Europea nel FP7 a seguito delle Call 1, Call 3, Call 6, Call 9 ed Europeana; • lo sviluppo della metodologia di valutazione per i progetti DigiCult; • la raccolta e l’analisi del feedback di esperti e progetti sulla metodologia attraverso webinar e questionari on-line; • lo sviluppo del Self-Assessment Toolkit (SAT ); • la valutazione di 19 progetti nel settore DigiCult utilizzando i dati raccolti tramite il Self-Assessment Toolkit . L' analisi ha prodotto risultati interessanti quali, tra gli altri: • l’elaborazione di uno specifico Hype Cycle per i progetti DigiCult; • una migliore comprensione delle dinamiche di innovazione nel settore; • l’ottenimento di informazioni su come migliorare la diffusione della conoscenza generata dai progetti DigiCult ; • l’ottenimento di informazioni su come migliorare l'impatto socio-economico dei progetti di DigiCult.The research activity synthesized in this thesis starts from the consideration that there is a growing need to verify how public investment in innovation can guarantee the best value for money and maximise the impact on European economy and society. The cultural heritage sector represents a strategic target for the R&D investment in Europe and it is strongly needed to have also here a set of tool able to assess the socio-economic impact of projects’ activities. With the aim of supporting the maximisation of the research outputs effectiveness and efficiency, we analysed projects’ outputs both in terms of innovation and improvement related to the state of the art of the ICTs for creative and cultural sector, and in terms of transferability of results to the wider society in general and to the supply-industry in particular. During the research activates we: • performed the analysis of the DigiCult domain through the literature review and analysis of EC FP7 Call 1, Call 3, Call 6, Call 9 and Europeana projects; • developed the assessment methodology for the DigiCult projects’; • gathered the feedback from experts and projects on the methodology through webinars and online questionnaires; • developed the Self-Assessment Toolkit (SAT); • performed the assessment of 19 projects in the DigiCult domain by using the data gathered through the Self-Assessment Toolkit. The analysis produced interesting results such as: • the design of a specific Hype Cycle for the DigiCult projects; • a better understanding about the innovation dynamics in the sector; • the information on how to improve the diffusion of the knowledge generated by DigiCult projects; • the information on how to improve the socio-economic impact of DigiCult projects