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    Evaluation of the Benefits Attributable to Automotive Lighweight Materials Program Research and Development Projects

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    Investment Analysis: Peningkatan Performa Dan Effisiensi Dari Adopsi Cloud Engine Pada Industri Kreatif Berbasis Digital Visual Desain Yang Memiliki Kebutuhan Komputasi & Prosesing Tinggi

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    Industri kreatif (Creative Industries) merupakan salah satu sub-sektor baru dalam dunia ekonomi yang perkembangannya sangat pesat. Industri kreatif adalah industri yang mampu menyediakan produk dan layanan dengan nilai ekspresif dan fungsional. Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri kreatif sangat bergantung pada teknologi baru. Lebih dari 90% perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri kreatif tersebut menggunakan teknologi baru sebagai infrastruktur utama penunjang proses aktifitas mereka baik hardware maupun software. Beberapa sektor dalam industri kreatif memiliki aktifitas yang membutuhkan hardware resource lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan aktifitas kerja pada umumnya. Aktifitas berhubungan dengan proses mendesain visual, digitalisasi/virtualisasi dan kontennya seperti contoh arsitektur, animasi 3D, VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality), Gaming, dsb, memerlukan spesifikasi hardware yang mumpuni untuk dapat menghasilkan dan meningkatkan kualitas hasil akhir serta mendukung kinerja pengguna/pelaku industri kreatif tersebut. Kebutuhan tinggi akan infrastruktur pendukung industri kreatif seperti hardware terbatasi dengan tingginya cost untuk penggunaan infrastruktur tersebut. Dimulai dari pembelian awal, running, maintenance, replace, upgrade dsb. Menjawab masalah tersebut, cloud computing menawarkan salah satu bentuk gabungan antara infrastructure dan platform as service sebagai salah satu bentuk layanan untuk menangani kebutuhan hardware serta platform kerja, yang dalam penelitian ini disebut sebagai Cloud Engine. Penelitian ini melakukan analisis untuk membuktikan keuntungan penggunaan Cloud Engine apabila dibandingkan dengan perangkat workstation konvensional (infrastruktur umum), menganalisis perbandingan keuntungan investasi baik pada starting cost, biaya operasional, raw power performance, maintenance, dan kebutuhan daya antara workstation konvensional dan Cloud Engine dan selanjutnya efisiensi dan efektifitas dalam investasi dihitung menggunakan metode CBA (Cost-Benefit Analysis) untuk mendapatkan keuntungan/project dan rekomendasi terbaik dalam rangka investasi infrastruktur pendukung industri kreatif berbasis digital visual desain. ================================================================================================ The creative industry is one of the new sub-sectors in the world of economics whose development is very rapid currently. The creative industry is an industry that is able to provide products and services with expressive and functional values. Companies engaged in the creative industry rely heavily on new technology. More than 90% of companies which engaged in the creative industry use new technology as the main infrastructure to support their activity processes both hardware and software. Some sectors in the creative industry have activities that require higher hardware resources compared to work activities in general. Activities related to the process of visual design, digitalization/virtualization and its content such as architecture, 3D animation, VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality), Gaming, etc., require a high hardware specification to produce and improve the qualities of the end products and support the performance of users/creative industry performer. The high demand for creative industry supporting infrastructure such as hardware is limited by the immense cost of infrastructure use. Starting from the initial purchase, running, maintenance, replace, upgrade, etc. Answering this problem, cloud computing offers one of the combined forms of infrastructure as service and platforms as service to handle hardware and work platform needs, which in this study are referred to as Cloud Engines. This study analyzes to proven the advantages of the Cloud Engine use, when compared to conventional workstation devices, analyzing the comparison of investment benefits both in the starting cost, operational costs, raw power performance, maintenance, and power requirements between conventional workstations and Cloud Engines, subsequently efficiency and effectiveness in investment is calculated using the CBA (Cost-Benefit Analysis) method to get the best benefits/projects and recommendations in order seek the best infrastructure investment for supporting the creative industries based on digital visual design