6 research outputs found

    Capacity Management for Cloud Computing: A System Dynamics Approach

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    As the demand for cloud computing as a preferred computing architecture grows, the need for effective capacity planning by cloud providers becomes crucial for their long term viability. Situations involving under-capacity and over-capacity represent lost opportunities and increased overhead. Economic conditions play a critical role in determining the capacity, cost, and revenue of cloud-based services. Using a system dynamics approach, this study evaluates the different conditions in cloud ecosystem from a capacity planning and management perspective, with a view to providing cloud service providers guidance for cloud capacity building strategies

    An Integrated Framework for Managing Information Technology Security Uncertainty

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    Information security to date has been driven a lot of attention in business world. The cyber security standards play significant and crucial role in promoting feasible approaches to organizations while making comprehensive strategical planning. This paper aims at providing a systematic overview of information technology (IT) security management in organizations. Conducted a structured literature from academic database and industry whitepapers, we review a number of the critical issues and challenges facing the industry today and in the future. In line with the fundamental elements of information security, we propose an integrated framework to understand the current situation of IT security management. In particular, we focus on several critical fundamental functions of IT security management: Security and Risk Management, Security Operations, and Security Assessments and Testing. Then, we use the proposed framework as a lens to discuss and solve the security issues in bring your own device (BYOD) in organizations. Keywords: IT security, IT security framework, bring your own device DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-18-01 Publication date:June 30th 202


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    U radu se predlaže konceptualni model prihvaćanja uslužnog računalstva. Model uključuje varijable TAM modela, TOE okvira i varijablu sigurnosnog rizika. Cilj rada je provjeriti prikladnost predloženog modela za mjerenje prihvaćanja uslužnog računalstva od strane revizora i asistenata revizora u Republici Hrvatskoj. Za potrebe istraživanja prikupljeni su podaci putem anketnog upitnika. Uzorak je obuhvaćao 111 ovlaštenih revizora i 28 asistenata revizora. Korišteno je strukturalno modeliranje (SEM metoda) kako bi se analizirali prikupljeni podaci i procijenio predloženi model. Rezultati su potvrdili utjecaj percipirane korisnosti te vremena i kompleksnosti na namjeru korištenja. Potvrđen je utjecaj ugleda, edukacije, percipirane lakoće upotrebe i sigurnosnog rizika na percipiranu korisnost, dok se utjecaj percipirane lakoće upotrebe na namjeru korištenja nije pokazao značajnim. Konstrukti percipirana korisnost, percipirana lakoća upotrebe te vrijeme i kompleksnost objašnjavaju 31% varijance namjere korištenja uslužnog računalstva. U radu su navode ograničenja istraživanja kao i znanstveni doprinos.The paper proposes a conceptual model of cloud computing acceptance. The model includes variables from TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), TOE (Technology-organization-environment) framework, and the security risk variable. This study aims to verify the suitability of the proposed model for measuring cloud computing acceptance by the auditors and auditors\u27 assistants in the Republic of Croatia. For the purposes of the study, data were collected through a questionnaire. The sample included 111 certified auditors and 28 auditing assistants. The structural equation modeling (SEM) method was used to analyze the data collected and evaluate the proposed model. The results confirmed the impact of perceived usefulness and time and complexity on the intention to use. The influence of image, education, perceived ease of use and security risk on perceived usefulness was confirmed, while the effect of perceived ease of use on the intention to use did not prove significant. Constructs perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and time and complexity explain 31% of the variance in intention to use cloud computing. The paper outlines the limitations of the research as well as the scientific contribution

    Exploring Security, Privacy, and Reliability Strategies to Enable the Adoption of IoT

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    The Internet of things (IoT) is a technology that will enable machine-to-machine communication and eventually set the stage for self-driving cars, smart cities, and remote care for patients. However, some barriers that organizations face prevent them from the adoption of IoT. The purpose of this qualitative exploratory case study was to explore strategies that organization information technology (IT) leaders use for security, privacy, and reliability to enable the adoption of IoT devices. The study population included organization IT leaders who had knowledge or perceptions of security, privacy, and reliability strategies to adopt IoT at an organization in the eastern region of the United States. The diffusion of innovations theory, developed by Rogers, was used as the conceptual framework for the study. The data collection process included interviews with organization IT leaders (n = 8) and company documents and procedures (n = 15). Coding from the interviews and member checking were triangulated with company documents to produce major themes. Through methodological triangulation, 4 major themes emerged during my analysis: securing IoT devices is critical for IoT adoption, separating private and confidential data from analytical data, focusing on customer satisfaction goes beyond reliability, and using IoT to retrofit products. The findings from this study may benefit organization IT leaders by enhancing their security, privacy, and reliability practices and better protect their organization\u27s data. Improved data security practices may contribute to social change by reducing risk in security and privacy vulnerabilities while also contributing to new knowledge and insights that may lead to new discoveries such as a cure for a disease

    A framework to manage uncertainties in cloud manufacturing environment

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    This research project aims to develop a framework to manage uncertainty in cloud manufacturing for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The framework includes a cloud manufacturing taxonomy; guidance to deal with uncertainty in cloud manufacturing, by providing a process to identify uncertainties; a detailed step-by-step approach to managing the uncertainties; a list of uncertainties; and response strategies to security and privacy uncertainties in cloud manufacturing. Additionally, an online assessment tool has been developed to implement the uncertainty management framework into a real life context. To fulfil the aim and objectives of the research, a comprehensive literature review was performed in order to understand the research aspects. Next, an uncertainty management technique was applied to identify, assess, and control uncertainties in cloud manufacturing. Two well-known approaches were used in the evaluation of the uncertainties in this research: Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) to prioritise uncertainties; and a fuzzy rule-based system to quantify security and privacy uncertainties. Finally, the framework was embedded into an online assessment tool and validated through expert opinion and case studies. Results from this research are useful for both academia and industry in understanding aspects of cloud manufacturing. The main contribution is a framework that offers new insights for decisions makers on how to deal with uncertainty at adoption and implementation stages of cloud manufacturing. The research also introduced a novel cloud manufacturing taxonomy, a list of uncertainty factors, an assessment process to prioritise uncertainties and quantify security and privacy related uncertainties, and a knowledge base for providing recommendations and solutions