6 research outputs found

    Modelo de relaci贸n entre la estrategia organizacional, la pr谩ctica de compensaci贸n y la innovaci贸n personal

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    El presente estudio pretende identificar el modelo de relaci贸n existente entre la estrategia gen茅rica, basado en la teor铆a de Michael Porter, la pr谩ctica de compensaci贸n y la innovaci贸n personal generada en los puestos de trabajo por los miembros de la organizaci贸n. Lo anterior, en base a un estudio de las percepciones de una muestra de los miembros de una empresa particular del sector de la construcci贸n de obra civil sobre las variables mencionadas. Se realizaron an谩lisis de factibilidad y factorial, agrupaci贸n de la muestra y pruebas de hip贸tesis de manera que se pudieron comprobar las relaciones particulares de esta organizaci贸n. El modelo resultante demostr贸 que para la empresa referenciada no se concibe la compensaci贸n dentro del modelo de relaciones, s贸lo se logr贸 demostrar una relaci贸n positiva entre la estrategia gen茅rica y la innovaci贸n personal.Abstract. This study aims to identify the relationship model between generic strategy, based on the theory of Michael Porter, the compensation practice and individual innovation generated in the workplace by members of the organization. In order to prove the particular relationships between variables, it was made reliability analysis, grouping of the sample and hypothesis testing. The resulting model showed, for this particular company, that it is not conceived the compensation variable inside the relationship model. It was just shown a positive relationship between generic strategy and individual innovation.Maestr铆

    Assessing Gender Differences in Software Developers Using the Human Capital Model

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    Previous studies have indicated that discriminatory practices exist in the Information Technology profession. In this paper, we quantify the differences in the current hourly salaries of female software developers with their male counterparts using the human capital model based on economic theory. In addition to the gender factor, the human capital model includes other control variables that may account for the salary differences such as education, experience, and specific skills, such as object-oriented programming and SQL. Our models indicate that gender is still a statistically and practically significant factor in assessing a software developer鈥檚 salary