173,236 research outputs found

    Future information and assistance systems for train drivers and evaluation of their usability

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    Even though train protection systems are used to avoid critical situations, the train driver remains responsible for the continuous monitoring of signal aspects and derivation of suitable actions. This requirement persists, although the position of signals shifts more and more from external signals to in-cab displays, especially with advanced levels of train protection and automatic train control. Errors in the detection and interpretation of signal- or display information and driver distraction may lead to severe accidents. Aim of our research at the Institute of Transportation Systems (ITS) is to develop innovative concepts of the train driver’s workplace in order to secure a safe and efficient railway system that keeps the driver ‘in the loop’. Therefore, we follow a user centred approach. The train driver participates directly in the development and evaluation process of new systems supporting the work in the driver’s cabin. Using our driver’s cabin simulator recently built at the ITS as a flexible vehicle platform in a simulation environment, we are able to investigate the driving behaviour and the train driver’s information processing during his or her task. From the results, we derive concepts in order to optimize the presentation of necessary information and give recommendations how to assist the train driver. In the present paper, first concepts for supporting the train driver in keeping attention and also our simulation environment and the methodology used are described

    The influence of resistant force equations and coupling system on long train dynamics simulations

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    In the simulation of the longitudinal dynamics of long trains, the modeling of the resistant forces and of the coupling system are two essential aspects. The modeling of the resistant forces directly affects the speed reached by each vehicle as well as the in-train forces. A literature review witnesses different laws for the calculation of both ordinary and accidental resistances. One of the objectives of this paper is to evaluate from the numerical point of view the influence of the resistant forces modeling strategy on the simulation outputs, i.e., on the speeds and in-train forces, by comparing different laws for propulsion and curving resistances. For what concerns the connection between the vehicles of the train, it is well known that the connection system is of utmost importance for the safety and running stability of the train. In this paper, the two existing coupling systems, i.e., the European buffer-hook system and the coupler used outside the European continent are first described, both in terms of operation and modelling techniques, and then they are compared on the same simulation scenario. All the simulations are performed on the first scenario of the International benchmark of the longitudinal train dynamic simulators, using the LTDPoliTO code developed by the railway research team from Politecnico di Torino

    SimCADO - an instrument data simulator package for MICADO at the E-ELT

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    MICADO will be the first-light wide-field imager for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) and will provide difiraction limited imaging (7mas at 1.2mm) over a ~53 arcsecond field of view. In order to support various consortium activities we have developed a first version of SimCADO: an instrument simulator for MICADO. SimCADO uses the results of the detailed simulation efforts conducted for each of the separate consortium-internal work packages in order to generate a model of the optical path from source to detector readout. SimCADO is thus a tool to provide scientific context to both the science and instrument development teams who are ultimately responsible for the final design and future capabilities of the MICADO instrument. Here we present an overview of the inner workings of SimCADO and outline our plan for its further development.Comment: to appear in Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, eds. Evans C., Simard L., Takami H., Proc. SPIE vol. 9908 id 73; 201

    Digitalisation in Medium Voltage Variable Speed Drive Systems to increase productivity in O&G applications

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    TutorialsIn this paper we talk about influence of digitalization in process industries and how it can be adapted to Medium Voltage drive systems. Various aspects of digitalization like monitoring, preventive maintenance and using detailed simulations will be discussed in details. Data logging and monitoring of critical parameters will give clear picture of the drive system conditions. Automated analysis of this data can be used to prevent any unplanned shutdown. Detailed information about medium voltage drive train analytics will be provided. Simulation models can be used to analyse complex drive system topics such as Voltage dips or protective measures in case of short circuits which can not be tested physically in the field. Also simulations can be used to reduce the risk during commissioning by performing pre commissioning studies. This helps to identify the project specific drive system parameters prior to commissioning. Examples of each of these simulation cases and their advantages will be discussed

    Analytical methods and simulation models to assess innovative operational measures and technologies for rail port terminals: the case of Valencia Principe Felipe terminal

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    The topic of freight transport by rail is a complex theme and, in recent years, a main issue of European policy. The legislation evolution and the White Paper 2011 have demonstrated the European intention to re-launch this sector. The challenge is to promote the intermodal transport system to the detriment of road freight transport. In this context intermodal freight terminals, play a primary role for the supply chain, they are the connection point between the various transport nodes and the nodal points where the freight are handled, stored and transferred between different modes to final customer. To achieve the purpose, it is strengthen the improvement of existing intermodal freight terminals and the development of innovative intermodal freight terminals towards higher performance (ERRAC, 2012). Many terminal performances improvements have been proposed and sometime experimented. They are normally basing on combinations of operational measures and innovative technologies (e.g. automatic horizontal and parallel storage and handling, automated gate and sensors for tracking systems data exchange) tested in various terminals, with often-contradictory results. The research work described in this paper (developed within the Capacity4Rail EU project) focusses on the assessment of effects that these innovations can have in the intermodal freight terminals combined in various alternative consistent effective scenarios. The methodological framework setup to assess these innovations is basing on a combination of analytical methods based on sequential algorithms and discrete events simulation models. The output of this assessment method are key performance indicators (KPIs) selected according to terminals typologies and related to different aspects (e.g. management, operation and organization). The present paper illustrates the application of the methodological framework, tuned on the operation of various intermodal terminals, for the validation on today operation and the assessment of possible future scenarios to the case study of the Principe Felipe sea-rail terminal in Valencia

    Assessment Methods for Innovative Operational Measures and Technologies for Intermodal Freight Terminals

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    The topic of freight transport by rail, is a complex theme and, in recent years, a main issue of European policy. The legislation evolution and the White Paper 2011 have demonstrated the European intention to re-launch this sector. The challenge is to promote the intermodal transport system to the detriment of road freight transport. In this context, the intermodal freight terminals play a primary role for the supply chain, they are the connection point between the various transport nodes and the nodal points where the freight are handled, stored and transferred between different modes to final customer. To achieve the purpose, proposed by the EC, are necessary the performances improvement of existing intermodal freight terminals and the development of innovative intermodal freight terminals. Many terminal performances improvement is have been proposed and sometime experimented. They are based both on operational measures (e.g. horizontal and parallel handling, faster and fully direct handling) and on innovative technologies (e.g. automatic system for horizontal and parallel handling, automated gate for data exchange) inside the terminals, with often-contradictory results. The research work described in this paper (developed within the EU project Capacity4Rail) focusses on the assessment of effects that these innovations can have in the intermodal freight terminals. The innovative operational measures and technologies have been combined in different scenarios, to be evaluated by a methodological approach including to other an analytical methods and simulation models. The output of this assessment method are key performance indicators (KPI) setup according to terminals typologies the proposals and related to different aspects (e.g. management, operation and organization. In the present work suitable KPIs (e.g. total/partial transit times) for to evaluate have been applied. Finally, in addition to methodological framework illustrated, a real case of study will be illustrated: the intermodal rail-road freight terminal Munich-Riem (Germany)
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