6 research outputs found

    Probing Product Description Generation via Posterior Distillation

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    In product description generation (PDG), the user-cared aspect is critical for the recommendation system, which can not only improve user's experiences but also obtain more clicks. High-quality customer reviews can be considered as an ideal source to mine user-cared aspects. However, in reality, a large number of new products (known as long-tailed commodities) cannot gather sufficient amount of customer reviews, which brings a big challenge in the product description generation task. Existing works tend to generate the product description solely based on item information, i.e., product attributes or title words, which leads to tedious contents and cannot attract customers effectively. To tackle this problem, we propose an adaptive posterior network based on Transformer architecture that can utilize user-cared information from customer reviews. Specifically, we first extend the self-attentive Transformer encoder to encode product titles and attributes. Then, we apply an adaptive posterior distillation module to utilize useful review information, which integrates user-cared aspects to the generation process. Finally, we apply a Transformer-based decoding phase with copy mechanism to automatically generate the product description. Besides, we also collect a large-scare Chinese product description dataset to support our work and further research in this field. Experimental results show that our model is superior to traditional generative models in both automatic indicators and human evaluation

    M4LE: A Multi-Ability Multi-Range Multi-Task Multi-Domain Long-Context Evaluation Benchmark for Large Language Models

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    Managing long sequences has become an important and necessary feature for large language models (LLMs). However, it is still an open question of how to comprehensively and systematically evaluate the long-sequence capability of LLMs. One of the reasons is that conventional and widely-used benchmarks mainly consist of short sequences. In this paper, we propose M4LE, a Multi-ability, Multi-range, Multi-task, Multi-domain benchmark for Long-context Evaluation. M4LE is based on a diverse NLP task pool comprising 36 NLP datasets, 11 task types and 12 domains. To alleviate the scarcity of tasks with naturally long sequences and incorporate multiple-ability assessment, we propose an automatic approach (but with negligible human annotations) to convert short-sequence tasks into a unified long-sequence scenario where LLMs have to identify single or multiple relevant spans in long contexts based on explicit or semantic hints. Specifically, the scenario includes five different types of abilities: (1) explicit single-span; (2) semantic single-span; (3) explicit multiple-span; (4) semantic multiple-span; and (5) global context understanding. The resulting samples in M4LE are evenly distributed from 1k to 8k input length. We conducted a systematic evaluation on 11 well-established LLMs, especially those optimized for long-sequence inputs. Our results reveal that: 1) Current LLMs struggle to understand long context, particularly when tasks require multiple-span attention. 2) Semantic retrieval task is more difficult for competent LLMs. 3) Models fine-tuned on longer text with position interpolation have comparable performance to those using Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) aware scaling methods without fine-tuning. We make our benchmark publicly available to encourage future research in this challenging area.Comment: Code and data are available at https://github.com/KwanWaiChung/M4L

    Aspect-Aware Multimodal Summarization for Chinese E-Commerce Products

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    We present an abstractive summarization system that produces summary for Chinese e-commerce products. This task is more challenging than general text summarization. First, the appearance of a product typically plays a significant role in customers' decisions to buy the product or not, which requires that the summarization model effectively use the visual information of the product. Furthermore, different products have remarkable features in various aspects, such as “energy efficiency” and “large capacity” for refrigerators. Meanwhile, different customers may care about different aspects. Thus, the summarizer needs to capture the most attractive aspects of a product that resonate with potential purchasers. We propose an aspect-aware multimodal summarization model that can effectively incorporate the visual information and also determine the most salient aspects of a product. We construct a large-scale Chinese e-commerce product summarization dataset that contains approximately 1.4 million manually created product summaries that are paired with detailed product information, including an image, a title, and other textual descriptions for each product. The experimental results on this dataset demonstrate that our models significantly outperform the comparative methods in terms of both the ROUGE score and manual evaluations

    Aspect-Aware Multimodal Summarization for Chinese E-Commerce Products

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