2,728 research outputs found

    FRW and domain walls in higher spin gravity

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    We present exact solutions to Vasiliev's bosonic higher spin gravity equations in four dimensions with positive and negative cosmological constant that admit an interpretation in terms of domain walls, quasi-instantons and Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) backgrounds. Their isometry algebras are infinite dimensional higher-spin extensions of spacetime isometries generated by six Killing vectors. The solutions presented are obtained by using a method of holomorphic factorization in noncommutative twistor space and gauge functions. In interpreting the solutions in terms of Fronsdal-type fields in spacetime, a field-dependent higher spin transformation is required, which is implemented at leading order. To this order, the scalar field solves Klein-Gordon equation with conformal mass in (anti) de Sitter space. We interpret the FRW solution with de Sitter asymptotics in the context of inflationary cosmology and we expect that the domain wall and FRW solutions are associated with spontaneously broken scaling symmetries in their holographic description. We observe that the factorization method provides a convenient framework for setting up a perturbation theory around the exact solutions, and we propose that the nonlinear completion of particle excitations over FRW and domain wall solutions requires black hole-like states.Comment: 63 page

    Dirichlet sigma models and mean curvature flow

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    The mean curvature flow describes the parabolic deformation of embedded branes in Riemannian geometry driven by their extrinsic mean curvature vector, which is typically associated to surface tension forces. It is the gradient flow of the area functional, and, as such, it is naturally identified with the boundary renormalization group equation of Dirichlet sigma models away from conformality, to lowest order in perturbation theory. D-branes appear as fixed points of this flow having conformally invariant boundary conditions. Simple running solutions include the paper-clip and the hair-pin (or grim-reaper) models on the plane, as well as scaling solutions associated to rational (p, q) closed curves and the decay of two intersecting lines. Stability analysis is performed in several cases while searching for transitions among different brane configurations. The combination of Ricci with the mean curvature flow is examined in detail together with several explicit examples of deforming curves on curved backgrounds. Some general aspects of the mean curvature flow in higher dimensional ambient spaces are also discussed and obtain consistent truncations to lower dimensional systems. Selected physical applications are mentioned in the text, including tachyon condensation in open string theory and the resistive diffusion of force-free fields in magneto-hydrodynamics.Comment: 77 pages, 21 figure

    BMN Operators for N=1 Superconformal Yang-Mills Theories and Associated String Backgrounds

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    We study a class of near-BPS operators for a complex 2-parameter family of N=1 superconformal Yang-Mills theories that can be obtained by a Leigh-Strassler deformation of N=4 SYM theory. We identify these operators in the large N and large R-charge limit and compute their exact scaling dimensions using N=1 superspace methods. From these scaling dimensions we attempt to reverse-engineer the light-cone worldsheet theory that describes string propagation on the Penrose limit of the dual geometry.Comment: 47 pages, 1 figure, 1 table; v2 a few typos corrected; v3 added acknowledgements, a reference and improved discussion in section

    Noncommutative Electromagnetism As A Large N Gauge Theory

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    We map noncommutative (NC) U(1) gauge theory on R^d_C X R^{2n}_{NC} to U(N -> \infty) Yang-Mills theory on R^d_C, where R^d_C is a d-dimensional commutative spacetime while R^{2n}_{NC} is a 2n-dimensional NC space. The resulting U(N) Yang-Mills theory on R^d_C is equivalent to that obtained by the dimensional reduction of (d+2n)-dimensional U(N) Yang-Mills theory onto R^d_C. We show that the gauge-Higgs system (A_\mu,\Phi^a) in the U(N -> \infty) Yang-Mills theory on R^d_C leads to an emergent geometry in the (d+2n)-dimensional spacetime whose metric was determined by Ward a long time ago. In particular, the 10-dimensional gravity for d=4 and n=3 corresponds to the emergent geometry arising from the 4-dimensional N=4 vector multiplet in the AdS/CFT duality. We further elucidate the emergent gravity by showing that the gauge-Higgs system (A_\mu,\Phi^a) in half-BPS configurations describes self-dual Einstein gravity.Comment: 25 pages; More clarifications, to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    Complete Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics of Magnetic Monopoles in N=4 SYM Theory

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    We find the most general low energy dynamics of 1/2 BPS monopoles in the N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories (SYM) when all six adjoint Higgs expectation values are turned on. When only one Higgs is turned on, the Lagrangian is purely kinetic. When all six are turned on, however, this moduli space dynamics is augmented by five independent potential terms, each in the form of half the squared norm of a Killing vector field on the moduli space. A generic stationary configuration of the monopoles can be interpreted as stable non BPS dyons, previously found as non-planar string webs connecting D3-branes. The supersymmetric extension is also found explicitly, and gives the complete quantum mechanics of monopoles in N=4 SYM theory. We explore its supersymmetry algebra.Comment: Errors in the SUSY algebra corrected. The version to appear in PR
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