4 research outputs found

    Artificial Intersymbol Interference (ISI) to Exploit Receiver Imperfections for Secrecy

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    Abstract—Secure communication over a wireless channel in the presence of a passive eavesdropper is considered. We present a method to exploit the eavesdropper’s inherent receiver vulnerabilities to obtain everlasting secrecy. An ephemeral cryptographic key is pre-shared between the transmitter and the legitimate receiver and is utilized to induce intentional intersymbol interference (ISI). The legitimate receiver uses the key to cancel the ISI while the eavesdropper, since it does not have the key, cannot do such. It is shown that although ISI reduces the capacity of the main channel, it can lead to a net gain in secrecy rate. The achievable secrecy rates for different ISI filter settings are evaluated and the proposed method is compared with other information-theoretic security schemes. I

    A Novel Physical Layer Key Generation and Authenticated Encryption Protocol Exploiting Shared Randomness

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    The use of wireless networks for communication has grown significantly in recent times, and continues to develop further. The broadcast nature of wireless communications makes them susceptible to a wide variety of security attacks. Unlike traditional solutions, which usually handle security at the application layer, the primary concern of this dissertation is to analyse and develop solutions for secure communication using channel coding techniques at the physical-layer. The topic of physical layer authenticated encryption using high rate key generation through shared randomness is investigated in this work. First, a physical layer secret key generation scheme is discussed exploiting channel reciprocity in wireless systems. In order to address the susceptibility of this family of schemes to active attacks, a novel physical layer authentication encryption protocol is presented along with its extension to multi-node networks in the presence of active adversaries. Unlike previous work in the area of generating secret keys through shared randomness, it is demonstrated that the proposed scheme is semantically secure with respect to chosen plaintext and chosen cipher text attacks. Secondly, in order to increase the rate in bits per seconds at which agreed cryptographic keys are been generated, a multi-level quantization algorithm with public feedback is discussed. It is demonstrated that the proposed scheme is superior to direct information distillation approaches and can substantially increase the key generation rates even at low and medium SNRs. Furthermore, the employment of this low-overhead feedback at the information distillation process can largely simplify the information reconciliation process. The proposed secret key generation schemes are tested for randomness such as required for cryptographic keys. The validation test is perfomed with the aid of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) statistical test suite. The P-values obtained in each of the test carried out indicates that the key sequence generated by our algorithm is random

    Dense Small Cell Networks for Next Generation Wireless Systems

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