21,450 research outputs found

    Explainable Artificial Intelligence Applications in Cyber Security: State-of-the-Art in Research

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    This survey presents a comprehensive review of current literature on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods for cyber security applications. Due to the rapid development of Internet-connected systems and Artificial Intelligence in recent years, Artificial Intelligence including Machine Learning and Deep Learning has been widely utilized in the fields of cyber security including intrusion detection, malware detection, and spam filtering. However, although Artificial Intelligence-based approaches for the detection and defense of cyber attacks and threats are more advanced and efficient compared to the conventional signature-based and rule-based cyber security strategies, most Machine Learning-based techniques and Deep Learning-based techniques are deployed in the “black-box” manner, meaning that security experts and customers are unable to explain how such procedures reach particular conclusions. The deficiencies of transparencies and interpretability of existing Artificial Intelligence techniques would decrease human users’ confidence in the models utilized for the defense against cyber attacks, especially in current situations where cyber attacks become increasingly diverse and complicated. Therefore, it is essential to apply XAI in the establishment of cyber security models to create more explainable models while maintaining high accuracy and allowing human users to comprehend, trust, and manage the next generation of cyber defense mechanisms. Although there are papers reviewing Artificial Intelligence applications in cyber security areas and the vast literature on applying XAI in many fields including healthcare, financial services, and criminal justice, the surprising fact is that there are currently no survey research articles that concentrate on XAI applications in cyber security. Therefore, the motivation behind the survey is to bridge the research gap by presenting a detailed and up-to-date survey of XAI approaches applicable to issues in the cyber security field. Our work is the first to propose a clear roadmap for navigating the XAI literature in the context of applications in cyber security

    Artificial intelligence in the cyber domain: Offense and defense

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    Artificial intelligence techniques have grown rapidly in recent years, and their applications in practice can be seen in many fields, ranging from facial recognition to image analysis. In the cybersecurity domain, AI-based techniques can provide better cyber defense tools and help adversaries improve methods of attack. However, malicious actors are aware of the new prospects too and will probably attempt to use them for nefarious purposes. This survey paper aims at providing an overview of how artificial intelligence can be used in the context of cybersecurity in both offense and defense.Web of Science123art. no. 41

    Cyberspace and Artificial Intelligence: The New Face of Cyber-Enhanced Hybrid Threats

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    While, until recently, cyber operations have constituted a specific subset of defense and security concerns, the synergization of cyberspace and artificial intelligence (AI), which are driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has raised the threat level of cyber operations, making them a centerpiece of what are called hybrid threats. The concept of hybrid threat is presently a key concern for the defense and security community; cyber-enabled and cyber-enhanced hybrid operations have been amplified in scope, frequency, speed, and threat level due to the synergies that come from the use of cyberspace and machine learning (ML)-based solutions. In the present work, we address the relevance of cyberspace-based operations and artificial intelligence for the implementation of hybrid operations and reflect on what this cyber dimension of hybrid operations implies for the concept of what constitutes a cyberweapon, the concept of hybrid human intelligence (hybrid HUMINT) and possible responses to the hybrid threat patterns

    Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics in Support of Cyber Defense

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    Cybersecurity analysts rely on vast volumes of security event data to predict, identify, characterize, and deal with security threats. These analysts must understand and make sense of these huge datasets in order to discover patterns which lead to intelligent decision making and advance warnings of possible threats, and this ability requires automation. Big data analytics and artificial intelligence can improve cyber defense. Big data analytics methods are applied to large data sets that contain different data types. The purpose is to detect patterns, correlations, trends, and other useful information. Artificial intelligence provides algorithms that can reason or learn and improve their behavior, and includes semantic technologies. A large number of automated systems are currently based on syntactic rules which are generally not sophisticated enough to deal with the level of complexity in this domain. An overview of artificial intelligence and big data technologies in cyber defense is provided, and important areas for future research are identified and discussed

    Artificial Intelligence Applications in Cybersecurity

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    For the past decades, cyber threats have been increasing significantly and are designed in a sophisticated way that is tough to detect using traditional protection tools. As a result, privacy and sensitive personal information such as credit card numbers are being continuously compromised. Therefore, it is time to find a solution that can stand against the spreading of such threats. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning could be among the top methods of detecting cyber threats. These methods could help to improve the detection technologies and engines for computer network defense. This chapter mainly focuses on artificial intelligence in cybersecurity. The main goal of this chapter is to highlight the drawbacks of the traditional security protection tools and discuss the improvements that has been made so far by applying artificial intelligence to solve the current cybersecurity problems