5 research outputs found

    Predicting Students\u27 Academic Performance with Decision Tree and Neural Network

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    Educational Data Mining (EDM) is a developing research field that involves many techniques to explore data relating to educational background. EDM can analyze and resolve educational data with computational methods to address educational questions. Similar to EDM, neural networks have been utilized in widespread and successful data mining applications. In this paper, synthetic datasets are employed since this paper aims to explore the methodologies such as decision tree classifiers and neural networks to predict student performance in the context of EDM. Firstly, it introduces EDM and some relative works that have been accomplished previously in this field along with their datasets and computational results. Then, it demonstrates how the synthetic student dataset is generated, analyzes some input attributes from the dataset such as gender and high school GPA, and delivers with some visualization results to determine which classification methods approaches are the most efficient. After testing the data with decision tree classifiers and neural networks methodologies, it concludes the effectiveness of both approaches in terms of the model evaluation performance as well as discussing some of the most promising future work of this research

    Modélisation et amélioration d’un réseau de distribution logistique en milieu hospitalier

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    RÉSUMÉ : L’amélioration des processus logistiques est primordiale pour le bon fonctionnement d’un système. Ceci est vrai pour les systèmes de santé tels que les hôpitaux dont le processus logistique général se présente comme un réseau de distribution de matériel. Une revue littérature sur ce sujet permet de cerner les enjeux du milieu hospitalier qui sont complexes d’une part et de l’amélioration des processus d’un réseau de distribution d’autre part. De plus elle permet d’avoir une vue globale sur les nombreuses méthodes qui existent, des méthodes analytiques aux méthodes pratiques. Ce mémoire présente, sous la forme d’un article, l’amélioration des processus logistiques d’un hôpital utilisant comme méthode la simulation. Le modèle de simulation est utilisé pour le test de scénarios pouvant potentiellement contribuer à cette amélioration. De plus il est couplé à une procédure d’optimisation qui permet de déterminer les meilleures routes de distribution. Les résultats du test de différents scenarios mettent en évidence des améliorations concrètes qui pourraient être appliquées par des entreprises. Parmi ces améliorations on peut citer l’utilisation de mêmes chariots pour différents types de matériel, la diminution du nombre de livraison pour certaines unités de soins et l’utilisation de routes optimisées qui permettent de réduire respectivement le nombre de routes, les problèmes de stock dans les unités de soins et les temps de transport.----------ABSTRACT : The improvement of logistic processes is very important for the good working of a system. It concerns health care systems such as hospitals where logistics is mainly a material distribution network. A literature review on this topic gives all great issues of healthcare systems that are complex and improvement of distribution network processes. In addition, it gives an overview on the different methods from the analytic ones to the practical ones. This dissertation presents in an article, the improvement of the logistic processes of a hospital using the simulation method. The simulation model is also used for testing scenario opportunities and paired with an optimization algorithm used to get the best distribution routes. The results of the tests of scenarios highlight concrete improvements that can be used by companies. For example, there are the use of the same cart different types of materials, the reduction of the period of distribution for certain care units and the use optimize routes, reducing respectively the number of routes, the number of care unit stock problems and the transportation time

    Efficient Learning Machines

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    Computer scienc

    Assessing plant design with regard to MPC performance

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    Model Predictive Control is ubiquitous in the chemical industry and offers great advantages over traditional controllers. Notwithstanding, new plants are being projected without taking into account how design choices affect the MPC’s ability to deliver better control and optimization. Thus a methodology to determine if a certain design option favours or hinders MPC performance would be desirable. This paper presents the economic MPC optimization index whose intended use is to provide a procedure to compare different designs for a given process, assessing how well they can be controlled and optimised by a zone constrained MPC. The index quantifies the economic benefits available and how well the plant performs under MPC control given the plant’s controllability properties, requirements and restrictions. The index provides a monetization measure of expected control performance. This approach assumes the availability of a linear state-space model valid within the control zone defined by the upper and lower bounds of each controlled and manipulated variable. We have used a model derived from simulation step tests as a practical way to use the method. The impact of model uncertainty on the methodology is discussed. An analysis of the effects of disturbances on the index illustrates how they may reduce profitability by restricting the ability of a MPC to reach dynamic equilibrium near process restrictions, which in turn increases product quality giveaway and costs. A case of study consisting of four alternative designs for a realistically sized crude oil atmospheric distillation plant is provided in order to demonstrate the applicability of the index

    X Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería = X Congresso Ibérico de Agroengenharia : Libro de actas = Livro de atas

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    In 2017, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) issued a report on the challenges that Agriculture is facing and will face into the 21st century, which can be summarized in one question: will we be able to sustainably and effectively feed everyone by 2050 and beyond, while meeting the additional demand for agricultural commodities due to non- food uses? Agricultural engineers can contribute in this process by releasing the biological and technical constraints on crop and animal productivity, reducing the contribution of the agricultural sector to environmental degradation, and enabling agricultural practices to adapt to environmental changes. To achieve optimal results for agribusiness and the society, the expertise of agricultural engineers must be integrated with expertise from other sciences: breakthrough technologies are needed for agricultural enterprises to meet the increasing list of standards and norms in the areas of energy, animal welfare, product quality, water, and volatile emissions. Recognition of trends in society and networking and participation in debates have thus become important activities for agricultural engineers. The Iberian Agroengineering Congress series brings together Spanish and Portuguese engineers, researchers, educators and practitioners to present and discuss innovations, trends, and solutions to the aforementioned challenges in the interdisciplinary field of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. This biennial congress, jointly organized by the Spanish Society of Agroengineering and the Specialized Section of Rural Engineering of the Sociedade de Ciências Agrárias de Portugal, has proven to be an excellent opportunity to network and discuss future developments. In its 10th edition, the Congress has been held from 3-6 September in Huesca (Spain), at the Escuela Politécnica Superior, located on the Huesca Campus of the University of Zaragoza. The topics of the Congress have included the main areas of Agricultural Engineering: mechanization; soils and water; animal production technology and aquaculture; rural constructions; energy; information technologies and process control; projects, environment, and territory; postharvest technology; and educational innovation in agroengineering. The Congress has received 123 participants, who have submitted 144 papers, 86 oral communications and 58 poster. 22 universities, 4 research centers and 8 companies/professional associations have been represented. The quality of the papers presented to the congress is endorsed not only by the long trajectory of the Iberian Agroengineering Congress, but also by the edition of a Special Issue of Agronomy journal (ISSN 2073-4395) entitled “Selected Papers form 10th Iberian Agroengineering Congress”