614 research outputs found

    The complexity of classification problems for models of arithmetic

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    We observe that the classification problem for countable models of arithmetic is Borel complete. On the other hand, the classification problems for finitely generated models of arithmetic and for recursively saturated models of arithmetic are Borel; we investigate the precise complexity of each of these. Finally, we show that the classification problem for pairs of recursively saturated models and for automorphisms of a fixed recursively saturated model are Borel complete.Comment: 15 page

    Arithmetic Surjectivity for Zero-Cycles

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    Let f:XYf:X\to Y be a proper, dominant morphism of smooth varieties over a number field kk. When is it true that for almost all places vv of kk, the fibre XPX_P over any point PY(kv)P\in Y(k_v) contains a zero-cycle of degree 11? We develop a necessary and sufficient condition to answer this question. The proof extends logarithmic geometry tools that have recently been developed by Denef and Loughran-Skorobogatov-Smeets to deal with analogous Ax-Kochen type statements for rational points.Comment: 25 pages with referee suggestions, to appear in MR

    Countable Short Recursively Saturated Models of Arithmetic

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    Short recursively saturated models of arithmetic are exactly the elementary initial segments of recursively saturated models of arithmetic. Since any countable recursively saturated model of arithmetic has continuum many elementary initial segments which are already recursively saturated, we turn our attention to the (countably many) initial segments which are not recursively saturated. We first look at properties of countable short recursively saturated models of arithmetic and show that although these models cannot be cofinally resplendent (an expandability property slightly weaker than resplendency), these models have non-definable expansions which are still short recursively saturated

    Pathologies in satisfaction classes

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    We study subsets of countable recursively saturated models of PA\mathsf{PA} which can be defined using pathologies in satisfaction classes. More precisely, we characterize those subsets XX such that there is a satisfaction class SS where SS behaves correctly on an idempotent disjunction of length cc if and only if cXc \in X. We generalize this result to characterize several types of pathologies including double negations, blocks of extraneous quantifiers, and binary disjunctions and conjunctions. We find a surprising relationship between the cuts which can be defined in this way and arithmetic saturation: namely, a countable nonstandard model is arithmetically saturated if and only if every cut can be the "idempotent disjunctively correct cut" in some satisfaction class. We describe the relationship between types of pathologies and the closure properties of the cuts defined by these pathologies

    Initial segments and end-extensions of models of arithmetic

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    This thesis is organized into two independent parts. In the first part, we extend the recent work on generic cuts by Kaye and the author. The focus here is the properties of the pairs (M, I) where I is a generic cut of a model M. Amongst other results, we characterize the theory of such pairs, and prove that they are existentially closed in a natural category. In the second part, we construct end-extensions of models of arithmetic that are at least as strong as ATR0_0. Two new constructions are presented. The first one uses a variant of Fodor’s Lemma in ATR0_0 to build an internally rather classless model. The second one uses some weak versions of the Galvin–Prikry Theorem in adjoining an ideal set to a model of second-order arithmetic

    Expansions, omitting types, and standard systems

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    Recursive saturation and resplendence are two important notions in models of arithmetic. Kaye, Kossak, and Kotlarski introduced the notion of arithmetic saturation and argued that recursive saturation might not be as rigid as first assumed. In this thesis we give further examples of variations of recursive saturation, all of which are connected with expandability properties similar to resplendence. However, the expandability properties are stronger than resplendence and implies, in one way or another, that the expansion not only satisfies a theory, but also omits a type. We conjecture that a special version of this expandability is in fact equivalent to arithmetic saturation. We prove that another of these properties is equivalent to \beta-saturation. We also introduce a variant on recursive saturation which makes sense in the context of a standard predicate, and which is equivalent to a certain amount of ordinary saturation. The theory of all models which omit a certain type p(x) is also investigated. We define a proof system, which proves a sentence if and only if it is true in all models omitting the type p(x). The complexity of such proof systems are discussed and some explicit examples of theories and types with high complexity, in a special sense, are given. We end the thesis by a small comment on Scott's problem. We prove that, under the assumption of Martin's axiom, every Scott set of cardinality <2^{\aleph_0} closed under arithmetic comprehension which has the countable chain condition is the standard system of some model of PA. However, we do not know if there exists any such uncountable Scott sets.Comment: Doctoral thesi