5 research outputs found

    Bounds on Differential and Linear Branch Number of Permutations

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    Nonlinear permutations (S-boxes) are key components in block ciphers. The differential branch number measures the diffusion power of a permutation, whereas the linear branch number measures resistance against linear cryptanalysis. There has not been much analysis done on the differential branch number of nonlinear permutations of F2n\mathbb{F}_2^n, although it has been well studied in case of linear permutations. Similarly upper bounds for the linear branch number have also not been studied in general. In this paper we obtain bounds for both the differential and the linear branch number of permutations (both linear and nonlinear) of F2n\mathbb{F}_2^n. We also prove that in the case of F24\mathbb{F}_2^4, the maximum differential branch number can be achieved only by affine permutations

    Constructing TI-Friendly Substitution Boxes Using Shift-Invariant Permutations

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    The threat posed by side channels requires ciphers that can be efficiently protected in both software and hardware against such attacks. In this paper, we proposed a novel Sbox construction based on iterations of shift-invariant quadratic permutations and linear diffusions. Owing to the selected quadratic permutations, all of our Sboxes enable uniform 3-share threshold implementations, which provide first order SCA protections without any fresh randomness. More importantly, because of the shift-invariant property, there are ample implementation trade-offs available, in software as well as hardware. We provide implementation results (software and hardware) for a four-bit and an eight-bit Sbox, which confirm that our constructions are competitive and can be easily adapted to various platforms as claimed. We have successfully verified their resistance to first order attacks based on real acquisitions. Because there are very few studies focusing on software-based threshold implementations, our software implementations might be of independent interest in this regard

    An Improved Affine Equivalence Algorithm for Random Permutations

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    In this paper we study the affine equivalence problem, where given two functions F⃗,G⃗:{0,1}n→{0,1}n\vec{F},\vec{G}: \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^n, the goal is to determine whether there exist invertible affine transformations A1,A2A_1,A_2 over GF(2)nGF(2)^n such that G⃗=A2∘F⃗∘A1\vec{G} = A_2 \circ \vec{F} \circ A_1. Algorithms for this problem have several well-known applications in the design and analysis of Sboxes, cryptanalysis of white-box ciphers and breaking a generalized Even-Mansour scheme. We describe a new algorithm for the affine equivalence problem and focus on the variant where F⃗,G⃗\vec{F},\vec{G} are permutations over nn-bit words, as it has the widest applicability. The complexity of our algorithm is about n32nn^3 2^n bit operations with very high probability whenever F⃗\vec{F} (or G⃗)\vec{G}) is a random permutation. This improves upon the best known algorithms for this problem (published by Biryukov et al. at EUROCRYPT 2003), where the first algorithm has time complexity of n322nn^3 2^{2n} and the second has time complexity of about n323n/2n^3 2^{3n/2} and roughly the same memory complexity. Our algorithm is based on a new structure (called a \emph{rank table}) which is used to analyze particular algebraic properties of a function that remain invariant under invertible affine transformations. Besides its standard application in our new algorithm, the rank table is of independent interest and we discuss several of its additional potential applications

    The QARMA Block Cipher Family. Almost MDS Matrices Over Rings With Zero Divisors, Nearly Symmetric Even-Mansour Constructions With Non-Involutory Central Rounds, and Search Heuristics for Low-Latency S-Boxes

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    This paper introduces QARMA, a new family of lightweight tweakable block ciphers targeted at applications such as memory encryption, the generation of very short tags for hardware-assisted prevention of software exploitation, and the construction of keyed hash functions. QARMA is inspired by reflection ciphers such as PRINCE, to which it adds a tweaking input, and MANTIS. However, QARMA differs from previous reflector constructions in that it is a three-round Even-Mansour scheme instead of a FX-construction, and its middle permutation is non-involutory and keyed. We introduce and analyse a family of Almost MDS matrices defined over a ring with zero divisors that allows us to encode rotations in its operation while maintaining the minimal latency associated to {0, 1}-matrices. The purpose of all these design choices is to harden the cipher against various classes of attacks. We also describe new S-Box search heuristics aimed at minimising the critical path. QARMA exists in 64- and 128-bit block sizes, where block and tweak size are equal, and keys are twice as long as the blocks. We argue that QARMA provides sufficient security margins within the constraints determined by the mentioned applications, while still achieving best-in-class latency. Implementation results on a state-of-the art manufacturing process are reported. Finally, we propose a technique to extend the length of the tweak by using, for instance, a universal hash function, which can also be used to strengthen the security of QARMA