126,981 research outputs found

    Interactive visualization of information hierarchies and applications on the web

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    The visualization of information hierarchies is concerned with the presentation of abstract hierarchical information about relationships between various entities. It has many applications in diverse domains such as software engineering, information systems, biology, and chemistry. Information hierarchies are typically modeled by an abstract tree, where vertices are entities and edges represent relationships between entities. The aim of visualizing tree drawings is to automatically produce drawings of trees which clearly reflect the relationships of the information hierarchy. This thesis is primarily concerned with problems related to the automatic generation of area-efficient grid drawings of trees, interactively visualizing information hierarchies, and applying our techniques on Web data. The main achievements of this thesis include: 1. An experimental study on algorithms that produce planar straight-line grid drawings of binary trees, 2. An experimental study that shows the algorithm for producing planar straight-line grid drawings of degree-d trees with n nodes with optimal linear area and with user-defined arbitrary aspect ratio, works well in practice, 3. A rings-based technique for interactively visualizing information hierarchies, in real-time, 4. A survey of Web visualization systems developed to address the lost in cyberspace problem, 5. A separation-based Web visualization system that we present as a viable solution to the lost in cyberspace problem, 6. A rings-based Web visualization system that we propose as a solution to the lost in cyberspace problem


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    It has been observed that Virtual Geographic Environments (VGEs) has been taking a lot of attention over the last decade, particularly within the domain of geographical information systems (GIS) and geographic analysis area. In this paper, we shed the light on the benefits of implementing archaeological visualization systems through the use of Google Earth application. Our application helps the end users and archaeologists working in data exploration and excavation analysis to deal with new web services that allows them to visualize huge amount of data in a new and usable way. For the purposed of our study, have tested our system with data from The Rocha Castle (an historic castle in the Galicia region (Spain) that was built in the 12th century). The system provides access to the excavation database and automatically updates the visualization, whenever the database is changed. The system can handle various types of Data, which could be, one, two or three-dimensional data. The paper aims to answer four fundamental questions regarding archaeological GIS systems: I. How to integrate a one and three dimensions representation into the same scenes? II. How to adapt data resolution to fit them into a particular Level of Visualization Detail (LOD) III. How to optimize data retrieval for efficient recovery data interpolation or continuous visualization? And finally IV. How to represent many objects in the same coordinates without overlapping

    Virtual Reality Simulation: An Innovative Teaching Tool for Dietetics Experiential Education

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    This paper investigates the role of virtual reality and web technologies in the field of dietetics education. Within this frame, special emphasis is given on the building of web-based virtual learning environments so as to successfully fulfill their educational objectives. In particular, basic pedagogical methods are studied, focusing mainly on the efficient preparation, approach and presentation of learning content, and specific designing rules are presented considering the hypermedia, virtual and educational nature of this kind of applications. The paper also aims to highlight the educational benefits arising from the use of virtual reality technology in dietetics and study the emerging area of web-based dietetic simulations. Virtual reality simulation allows the visualization of data in three dimensions and provides interactive functionalities that reinforce the feeling of immersion into a computer-generated virtual world. Finally, the innovative virtual reality environment for dietetics education pedagogy and development is demonstrated

    Big Data Visualization Tools

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    Data visualization is the presentation of data in a pictorial or graphical format, and a data visualization tool is the software that generates this presentation. Data visualization provides users with intuitive means to interactively explore and analyze data, enabling them to effectively identify interesting patterns, infer correlations and causalities, and supports sense-making activities.Comment: This article appears in Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies, Springer, 201

    Computer-Aided System for Wind Turbine Data Analysis

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    Context: The current work on wind turbine failure detection focuses on researching suitable signal processing algorithms and developing efficient diagnosis algorithms. The laboratory research would involve large and complex data, and it can be a daunting task. Aims: To develop a Computer-Aided system for assisting experts to conduct an efficient laboratory research on wind turbine data analysis. System is expected to provide data visualization, data manipulation, massive data processing and wind turbine failure detection. Method: 50G off-line SCADA data and 4 confident diagnosis algorithms were used in this project. Apart from the instructions from supervisor, this project also gained help from two experts from Engineering Department. Java and Microsoft SQL database were used to develop the system. Results: Data visualization provided 6 different charting solutions and together with robust user interactions. 4 failure diagnosis solutions and data manipulations were provided in the system. In addition, dedicated database server and Matlab API with Java RMI were used to resolve the massive data processing problem. Conclusions: Almost all of the deliverables were completed. Friendly GUI and useful functionalities make user feel more comfortable. The final product does enable experts to conduct an efficient laboratory research. The end of this project also gave some potential extensions of the system

    Software Challenges For HL-LHC Data Analysis

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    The high energy physics community is discussing where investment is needed to prepare software for the HL-LHC and its unprecedented challenges. The ROOT project is one of the central software players in high energy physics since decades. From its experience and expectations, the ROOT team has distilled a comprehensive set of areas that should see research and development in the context of data analysis software, for making best use of HL-LHC's physics potential. This work shows what these areas could be, why the ROOT team believes investing in them is needed, which gains are expected, and where related work is ongoing. It can serve as an indication for future research proposals and cooperations

    i-JEN: Visual interactive Malaysia crime news retrieval system

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    Supporting crime news investigation involves a mechanism to help monitor the current and past status of criminal events. We believe this could be well facilitated by focusing on the user interfaces and the event crime model aspects. In this paper we discuss on a development of Visual Interactive Malaysia Crime News Retrieval System (i-JEN) and describe the approach, user studies and planned, the system architecture and future plan. Our main objectives are to construct crime-based event; investigate the use of crime-based event in improving the classification and clustering; develop an interactive crime news retrieval system; visualize crime news in an effective and interactive way; integrate them into a usable and robust system and evaluate the usability and system performance. The system will serve as a news monitoring system which aims to automatically organize, retrieve and present the crime news in such a way as to support an effective monitoring, searching, and browsing for the target users groups of general public, news analysts and policemen or crime investigators. The study will contribute to the better understanding of the crime data consumption in the Malaysian context as well as the developed system with the visualisation features to address crime data and the eventual goal of combating the crimes