754 research outputs found

    Alternating and variable controls for the wave equation

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    The present article discusses the exact observability of the wave equation when the observation subset of the boundary is variable in time. In the one-dimensional case, we prove an equivalent condition for the exact observability, which takes into account only the location in time of the observation. To this end we use Fourier series. Then we investigate the two specific cases of single exchange of the control position, and of exchange at a constant rate. In the multi-dimensional case, we analyse sufficient conditions for the exact observability relying on the multiplier method. In the last section, the multi-dimensional results are applied to specific settings and some connections between the one and multi-dimensional case are discussed; furthermore some open problems are presented.Comment: The original publication is available at www.esaim-cocv.org. The copyright of this article belongs to ESAIM-COC

    Controllability and observabiliy of an artificial advection-diffusion problem

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    In this paper we study the controllability of an artificial advection-diffusion system through the boundary. Suitable Carleman estimates give us the observability on the adjoint system in the one dimensional case. We also study some basic properties of our problem such as backward uniqueness and we get an intuitive result on the control cost for vanishing viscosity.Comment: 20 pages, accepted for publication in MCSS. DOI: 10.1007/s00498-012-0076-

    Modified logarithmic Sobolev inequalities on R

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    We provide a sufficient condition for a measure on the real line to satisfy a modified logarithmic Sobolev inequality, thus extending the criterion of Bobkov and G\"{o}tze. Under mild assumptions the condition is also necessary. Concentration inequalities are derived. This completes the picture given in recent contributions by Gentil, Guillin and Miclo

    Numerical controllability of the wave equation through primal methods and Carleman estimates

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    This paper deals with the numerical computation of boundary null controls for the 1D wave equation with a potential. The goal is to compute an approximation of controls that drive the solution from a prescribed initial state to zero at a large enough controllability time. We do not use in this work duality arguments but explore instead a direct approach in the framework of global Carleman estimates. More precisely, we consider the control that minimizes over the class of admissible null controls a functional involving weighted integrals of the state and of the control. The optimality conditions show that both the optimal control and the associated state are expressed in terms of a new variable, the solution of a fourth-order elliptic problem defined in the space-time domain. We first prove that, for some specific weights determined by the global Carleman inequalities for the wave equation, this problem is well-posed. Then, in the framework of the finite element method, we introduce a family of finite-dimensional approximate control problems and we prove a strong convergence result. Numerical experiments confirm the analysis. We complete our study with several comments

    Relation lifting, with an application to the many-valued cover modality

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    We introduce basic notions and results about relation liftings on categories enriched in a commutative quantale. We derive two necessary and sufficient conditions for a 2-functor T to admit a functorial relation lifting: one is the existence of a distributive law of T over the "powerset monad" on categories, one is the preservation by T of "exactness" of certain squares. Both characterisations are generalisations of the "classical" results known for set functors: the first characterisation generalises the existence of a distributive law over the genuine powerset monad, the second generalises preservation of weak pullbacks. The results presented in this paper enable us to compute predicate liftings of endofunctors of, for example, generalised (ultra)metric spaces. We illustrate this by studying the coalgebraic cover modality in this setting.Comment: 48 pages, accepted for publication in LMC

    Tracking the Tracker from its Passive Sonar ML-PDA Estimates

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    Target motion analysis with wideband passive sonar has received much attention. Maximum likelihood probabilistic data-association (ML-PDA) represents an asymptotically efficient estimator for deterministic target motion, and is especially well-suited for low-observable targets; the results presented here apply to situations with higher signal to noise ratio as well, including of course the situation of a deterministic target observed via clean measurements without false alarms or missed detections. Here we study the inverse problem, namely, how to identify the observing platform (following a two-leg motion model) from the results of the target estimation process, i.e. the estimated target state and the Fisher information matrix, quantities we assume an eavesdropper might intercept. We tackle the problem and we present observability properties, with supporting simulation results.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic System
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