4 research outputs found

    Cybernetically informed pedagogy in two tertiary educational contexts : China and South Africa

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    Abstract: Discussing cybernetics as an enacted practice within specific contexts, the paper identifies key similarities and differences of two cybernetically informed approaches to tertiary education in the distinct contexts of China and South Africa..

    Ethically resilient teachers, what might that be? A comparison across two educational levels : pre‐school and university in South Africa

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    Abstract: When comparing pre‐school teachers with university lecturers, society generally acknowledges the latter as a highly skilled professional while the former does not achieve such admiration or financial reward. Upon studying this status quo, the authors introduce ethically resilient teaching as a set of seven+1 common qualities that are shared by both levels of educators. The purpose of this paper is to present these qualities, describing how they relate to the function of teaching and learning with the aim of bridging the perceived gap between these two levels of educators..