6,331 research outputs found

    A Generative Model of Group Conversation

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    Conversations with non-player characters (NPCs) in games are typically confined to dialogue between a human player and a virtual agent, where the conversation is initiated and controlled by the player. To create richer, more believable environments for players, we need conversational behavior to reflect initiative on the part of the NPCs, including conversations that include multiple NPCs who interact with one another as well as the player. We describe a generative computational model of group conversation between agents, an abstract simulation of discussion in a small group setting. We define conversational interactions in terms of rules for turn taking and interruption, as well as belief change, sentiment change, and emotional response, all of which are dependent on agent personality, context, and relationships. We evaluate our model using a parameterized expressive range analysis, observing correlations between simulation parameters and features of the resulting conversations. This analysis confirms, for example, that character personalities will predict how often they speak, and that heterogeneous groups of characters will generate more belief change.Comment: Accepted submission for the Workshop on Non-Player Characters and Social Believability in Games at FDG 201

    Designing for Aesthetic Experiences from the Body and Felt-Sense

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    Third Wave Human Computer Interaction (HCI) has opened the door for research agendas placing the lived body in the centre of discussion. However, aspects such as the articulation of aesthetic experiences, as well as the transference of somatic values into the design practice require more systematic methods to analyse, articulate and frame those values into practical design solutions. Recognising this gap, this thesis investigates the use of bodily self-awareness and subjective experience as a material for accessing discoveries, by integrating theoretical and practical principles from Eugene Gendlin’s psychosomatic technique Focusing into the fields of design and HCI. Particularly important is Gendlin’s notion of felt sense, which can be defined as a state; a complex bodily sense of implicit knowing, consisting of an implicit source of sensations, feelings, memories, thoughts and other manifestations difficult to label through straightforward definitions. These manifestations are carefully articulated and documented by those who experience the felt-sense, becoming the material capture of aesthetic experiences used for research and practice. The research questions are developed around how aesthetic qualities emerging from the interaction with the felt-sense, objects and technology assist in the meaning-generation process, and how these outcomes can be utilised in design practice. In terms of methodology, this thesis is inspired by phenomenological research, and follows the conventions of design-oriented research towards the generation of knowledge for design. Four studies were run, dealing with the exploration of novel design methods, and the use of sensory stimuli on the body during the practice of Focusing. As a result, this thesis contributes with a set of Focusing-oriented design methods dealing with different stages of the design process, ranging from inspiration, data collection, ideation, evaluation and prototyping

    Player-Response: On the Nature of Interactive Narratives as Literature

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    In recent years, having evolved beyond solely play-based interactions, it is now possible to analyze video games alongside other narrative forms, such as novels and films. Video games now involve rich stories that require input and interaction on behalf of the player. This level of agency likens video games to a kind of modern hypertext, networking and weaving various narrative threads together, something which traditional modes of media lack. When examined from the lens of reader-response criticism, this interaction deepens even further, acknowledging the player’s experience as a valid interpretation of a video game’s plot. The wide freedom of choice available to players, in terms of both play and story, in 2007’s Mass Effect, along with its critical reception, represents a turning point in the study of video games as literature, exemplifying the necessity for player input in undergoing a narrative-filled journey. Active participation and non-linear storytelling, typified through gaming, are major steps in the next the evolution of narrative techniques, which requires the broadening of literary criticism to incorporate this new development

    Fans and Adaptation: An Analysis of the Use of Interactive Storytelling in The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

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    By using adaptations of Jane Austen’s classic novel Pride and Prejudice (1813) as a frame of reference, my thesis will demonstrate that transmedia narratives are most effective in tandem with original texts that have a history of successful adaptations due to the perpetual audience of fans and their previous knowledge of the story to meaningfully, as well as canonically, interact with the narrative. This thesis will first introduce theories surrounding adaptations and look at previous Pride and Prejudice adaptations in light of a devoted fan base. It will then introduce the concept of transmedia narratives and examine the culture of fans and their interactions with texts in the digital age. Lastly, I will analyze the success of the Internet production company Pemberley Digital and their transmedia YouTube adaptation of Pride and Prejudice that boasts a view count of 82.2 million views and secured an Emmy. This analysis will apply the theories on transmedia, fandom, and adaptation introduced in the first three sections to demonstrate that interactive transmedia narratives are most effective when they have an established fan base, which is most easily found in popular texts prone to adaptations. Digital storytelling will only continue to grow, especially as upcoming generations favor online streaming and independent producers as opposed to the cable television shows created by the larger media corporations. The research contained within this thesis will show the importance of appealing to wider audiences by creating richer, more immersive narratives through transmedia and paratexts that encourage collective authorship

    Agents for educational games and simulations

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    This book consists mainly of revised papers that were presented at the Agents for Educational Games and Simulation (AEGS) workshop held on May 2, 2011, as part of the Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS) conference in Taipei, Taiwan. The 12 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from various submissions. The papers are organized topical sections on middleware applications, dialogues and learning, adaption and convergence, and agent applications

    Towards Generating Stylistic Dialogues for Narratives using Data-Driven Approaches

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    Recently, there has been a renewed interest in generating dialogues for narratives. Within narrative dialogues, their structure and content are essential, though style holds an important role as a mean to express narrative dialogue through telling stories. Most existing approaches of narrative dialogue generation tend to leverage hand-crafted rules and linguistic-level styles, which lead to limitations in their expressivity and issues with scalability. We aim to investigate the potential of generating more stylistic dialogues within the context of narratives. To reach this, we propose a new approach and demonstrate its feasibility through the support of deep learning. We also describe this approach using examples, where story-level features are analysed and modelled based on a classification of characters and genres
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