6 research outputs found

    Non-weighted aggregate evaluation function of multi-objective optimization for knock engine modeling

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    In decision theory, the weighted sum model (WSM) is the best known Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) approach for evaluating a number of alternatives in terms of a number of decision criteria. Assigning weights is a difficult task, especially if the number of criteria is large and the criteria are very different in character. There are some problems in the real world which utilize conflicting criteria and mutual effect. In the field of automotive, the knocking phenomenon in internal combustion or spark ignition engines limits the efficiency of the engine. Power and fuel economy can be maximized by optimizing some factors that affect the knocking phenomenon, such as temperature, throttle position sensor, spark ignition timing, and revolution per minute. Detecting knocks and controlling the above factors or criteria may allow the engine to run at the best power and fuel economy. The best decision must arise from selecting the optimum trade-off within the above criteria. The main objective of this study was to proposed a new Non-Weighted Aggregate Evaluation Function (NWAEF) model for non-linear multi-objectives function which will simulate the engine knock behavior (non-linear dependent variable) in order to optimize non-linear decision factors (non-linear independent variables). This study has focused on the construction of a NWAEF model by using a curve fitting technique and partial derivatives. It also aims to optimize the nonlinear nature of the factors by using Genetic Algorithm (GA) as well as investigate the behavior of such function. This study assumes that a partial and mutual influence between factors is required before such factors can be optimized. The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is used to balance the complexity of the model and the data loss, which can help assess the range of the tested models and choose the best ones. Some statistical tools are also used in this thesis to assess and identify the most powerful explanation in the model. The first derivative is used to simplify the form of evaluation function. The NWAEF model was compared to Random Weights Genetic Algorithm (RWGA) model by using five data sets taken from different internal combustion engines. There was a relatively large variation in elapsed time to get to the best solution between the two model. Experimental results in application aspect (Internal combustion engines) show that the new model participates in decreasing the elapsed time. This research provides a form of knock control within the subspace that can enhance the efficiency and performance of the engine, improve fuel economy, and reduce regulated emissions and pollution. Combined with new concepts in the engine design, this model can be used for improving the control strategies and providing accurate information to the Engine Control Unit (ECU), which will control the knock faster and ensure the perfect condition of the engine

    Multi-Objective Parametric Query Optimization

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    Classical query optimization compares query plans according to one cost metric and associates each plan with a constant cost value. In this paper, we introduce the Multi-Objective Parametric Query Optimization (MPQ) problem where query plans are compared according to multiple cost metrics and the cost of a given plan according to a given metric is modeled as a function that depends on multiple parameters. The cost metrics may for instance include execution time or monetary fees; a parameter may represent the selectivity of a query predicate that is unspecified at optimization time. MPQ generalizes parametric query optimization (which allows multiple parameters but only one cost metric) and multi-objective query optimization (which allows multiple cost metrics but no parameters). We formally analyze the novel MPQ problem and show why existing algorithms are inapplicable. We present a generic algorithm for MPQ and a specialized version for MPQ with piecewise-linear plan cost functions. We prove that both algorithms find all relevant query plans and experimentally evaluate the performance of our second algorithm in a Cloud computing scenario

    An Incremental Anytime Algorithm for Multi-Objective Query Optimization

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    Query plans offer diverse tradeoffs between conflicting cost metrics such as execution time, energy consumption, or execution fees in a multi-objective scenario. It is convenient for users to choose the desired cost tradeoff in an interactive process, dynamically adding constraints and finally selecting the best plan based on a continuously refined visualization of optimal cost tradeoffs. Multi-objective query optimization (MOQO) algorithms must possess specific properties to support such an interactive process: First, they must be anytime algorithms, generating multiple result plan sets of increasing quality with low latency between consecutive results. Second, they must be incremental, meaning that they avoid regenerating query plans when being invoked several times for the same query but with slightly different user constraints. We present an incremental anytime algorithm for MOQO, analyze its complexity and show that it offers an attractive tradeoff between result update frequency, single invocation time complexity, and amortized time over multiple invocations. Those properties make it suitable to be used within an interactive query optimization process. We evaluate the algorithm in comparison with prior work on TPC-H queries; our implementation is based on the Postgres database management system

    Spark-based Cloud Data Analytics using Multi-Objective Optimization

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    International audienceData analytics in the cloud has become an integral part of enterprise businesses. Big data analytics systems, however, still lack the ability to take user performance goals and budgetary constraints for a task, collectively referred to as task objectives, and automatically configure an analytic job to achieve these objectives. This paper presents a data analytics optimizer that can automatically determine a cluster configuration with a suitable number of cores as well as other system parameters that best meet the task objectives. At a core of our work is a principled multi-objective optimization (MOO) approach that computes a Pareto optimal set of job configurations to reveal tradeoffs between different user objectives, recommends a new job configuration that best explores such tradeoffs, and employs novel optimizations to enable such recommendations within a few seconds. We present efficient incremental algorithms based on the notion of a Progressive Frontier for realizing our MOO approach and implement them into a Spark-based prototype. Detailed experiments using benchmark workloads show that our MOO techniques provide a 2-50x speedup over existing MOO methods, while offering good coverage of the Pareto frontier. When compared to Ottertune, a state-of-the-art performance tuning system, our approach recommends configurations that yield 26%-49% reduction of running time of the TPCx-BB benchmark while adapting to different application preferences on multiple objectives

    From Massive Parallelization to Quantum Computing: Seven Novel Approaches to Query Optimization

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    The goal of query optimization is to map a declarative query (describing data to generate) to a query plan (describing how to generate the data) with optimal execution cost. Query optimization is required to support declarative query interfaces. It is a core problem in the area of database systems and has received tremendous attention in the research community, starting with an initial publication in 1979. In this thesis, we revisit the query optimization problem. This visit is motivated by several developments that change the context of query optimization. That change is not reflected in prior literature. First, advances in query execution platforms and processing techniques have changed the context of query optimization. Novel provisioning models and processing techniques such as Cloud computing, crowdsourcing, or approximate processing allow to trade between different execution cost metrics (e.g., execution time versus monetary execution fees in case of Cloud computing). This makes it necessary to compare alternative execution plans according to multiple cost metrics in query optimization. While this is a common scenario nowadays, the literature on query optimization with multiple cost metrics (a generalization of the classical problem variant with one execution cost metric) is surprisingly sparse. While prior methods take hours to optimize even moderately sized queries when considering multiple cost metrics, we propose a multitude of approaches to make query optimization in such scenarios practical. A second development that we address in this thesis is the availability of novel software and hardware platforms that can be exploited for optimization. We will show that integer programming solvers, massively parallel clusters (which nowadays are commonly used for query execution), and adiabatic quantum annealers enable us to solve query optimization problem instances that are far beyond the capabilities of prior approaches. In summary, we propose seven novel approaches to query optimization that significantly increase the size of the problem instances that can be addressed (measured by the query size and by the number of considered execution cost metrics). Those novel approaches can be classified into three broad categories: moving query optimization before run time to relax constraints on optimization time, trading optimization time for relaxed optimality guarantees (leading to approximation schemes, incremental algorithms, and randomized algorithms for query optimization with multiple cost metrics), and reducing optimization time by leveraging novel software and hardware platforms (integer programming solvers, massively parallel clusters, and adiabatic quantum annealers). Those approaches are novel since they address novel problem variants of query optimization, introduced in this thesis, since they are novel for their respective problem variant (e.g., we propose the first randomized algorithm for query optimization with multiple cost metrics), or because they have never been used for optimization problems in the database domain (e.g., this is the first time that quantum computing is used to solve a database-specific optimization problem)