12 research outputs found

    Approximation of Rough Functions

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    For given p∈[1,∞]p\in\lbrack1,\infty] and g∈Lp(R)g\in L^{p}\mathbb{(R)}, we establish the existence and uniqueness of solutions f∈Lp(R)f\in L^{p}(\mathbb{R)}, to the equation f(x)βˆ’af(bx)=g(x), f(x)-af(bx)=g(x), where a∈Ra\in\mathbb{R}, b∈Rβˆ–{0}b\in\mathbb{R} \setminus \{0\}, and ∣aβˆ£β‰ βˆ£b∣1/p\left\vert a\right\vert \neq\left\vert b\right\vert ^{1/p}. Solutions include well-known nowhere differentiable functions such as those of Bolzano, Weierstrass, Hardy, and many others. Connections and consequences in the theory of fractal interpolation, approximation theory, and Fourier analysis are established.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Approximation of rough functions

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    For given p ∈ [1,∞] and g ∈ L p(R), we establish the existence and uniqueness of solutions f ∈ L p(R), to the equation f (x) βˆ’ a f (bx) = g(x), where a ∈ R, b ∈ R\ {0}, and |a| ΜΈ= |b|1/p. Solutions include well-known nowhere differentiable functions such as those of Bolzano,Weierstrass, Hardy, and many others. Connections and consequences in the theory of fractal interpolation, approximation theory, and Fourier analysis are established.M. F. Barnsley, B. Harding, A. Vince, P. Viswanatha

    GPT-PINN: Generative Pre-Trained Physics-Informed Neural Networks toward non-intrusive Meta-learning of parametric PDEs

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    Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) has proven itself a powerful tool to obtain the numerical solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) leveraging the expressivity of deep neural networks and the computing power of modern heterogeneous hardware. However, its training is still time-consuming, especially in the multi-query and real-time simulation settings, and its parameterization often overly excessive. In this paper, we propose the Generative Pre-Trained PINN (GPT-PINN) to mitigate both challenges in the setting of parametric PDEs. GPT-PINN represents a brand-new meta-learning paradigm for parametric systems. As a network of networks, its outer-/meta-network is hyper-reduced with only one hidden layer having significantly reduced number of neurons. Moreover, its activation function at each hidden neuron is a (full) PINN pre-trained at a judiciously selected system configuration. The meta-network adaptively ``learns'' the parametric dependence of the system and ``grows'' this hidden layer one neuron at a time. In the end, by encompassing a very small number of networks trained at this set of adaptively-selected parameter values, the meta-network is capable of generating surrogate solutions for the parametric system across the entire parameter domain accurately and efficiently

    Error analysis for deep neural network approximations of parametric hyperbolic conservation laws

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    We derive rigorous bounds on the error resulting from the approximation of the solution of parametric hyperbolic scalar conservation laws with ReLU neural networks. We show that the approximation error can be made as small as desired with ReLU neural networks that overcome the curse of dimensionality. In addition, we provide an explicit upper bound on the generalization error in terms of the training error, number of training samples and the neural network size. The theoretical results are illustrated by numerical experiments

    A Multi-level procedure for enhancing accuracy of machine learning algorithms

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    We propose a multi-level method to increase the accuracy of machine learning algorithms for approximating observables in scientific computing, particularly those that arise in systems modeled by differential equations. The algorithm relies on judiciously combining a large number of computationally cheap training data on coarse resolutions with a few expensive training samples on fine grid resolutions. Theoretical arguments for lowering the generalization error, based on reducing the variance of the underlying maps, are provided and numerical evidence, indicating significant gains over underlying single-level machine learning algorithms, are presented. Moreover, we also apply the multi-level algorithm in the context of forward uncertainty quantification and observe a considerable speed-up over competing algorithms

    Fault Tolerant Computation of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations with the Sparse Grid Combination Technique

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    As the computing power of supercomputers continues to increase exponentially the mean time between failures (MTBF) is decreasing. Checkpoint-restart has historically been the method of choice for recovering from failures. However, such methods become increasingly inefficient as the time required to complete a checkpoint-restart cycle approaches the MTBF. There is therefore a need to explore different ways of making computations fault tolerant. This thesis studies generalisations of the sparse grid combination technique with the goal of developing and analysing a holistic approach to the fault tolerant computation of partial differential equations (PDEs). Sparse grids allow one to reduce the computational complexity of high dimensional problems with only small loss of accuracy. A drawback is the need to perform computations with a hierarchical basis rather than a traditional nodal basis. We survey classical error estimates for sparse grid interpolation and extend results to functions which are non-zero on the boundary. The combination technique approximates sparse grid solutions via a sum of many coarse approximations which need not be computed with a hierarchical basis. Study of the combination technique often assumes that approximations satisfy an error splitting formula. We adapt classical error splitting results to our slightly different convention of combination level. Literature on the application of the combination technique to hyperbolic PDEs is scarce, particularly when solved with explicit finite difference methods. We show a particular family of finite difference discretisations for the advection equation solved via the method of lines has solutions which satisfy an error splitting formula. As a consequence, classical error splitting based estimates are readily applied to finite difference solutions of many hyperbolic PDEs. Our analysis also reveals how repeated combinations throughout the computation leads to a reduction in approximation error. Generalisations of the combination technique are studied and developed at depth. The truncated combination technique is a modification of the classical method used in practical applications and we provide analogues of classical error estimates. Adaptive sparse grids are then studied via a lattice framework. A detailed examination reveals many results regarding combination coefficients and extensions of classical error estimates. The framework is also applied to the study of extrapolation formula. These extensions of the combination technique provide the foundations for the development of the general coefficient problem. Solutions to this problem allow one to combine any collection of coarse approximations on nested grids. Lastly, we show how the combination technique is made fault tolerant via application of the general coefficient problem. Rather than recompute coarse solutions which fail we instead find new coefficients to combine remaining solutions. This significantly reduces computational overheads in the presence of faults with only small loss of accuracy. The latter is established with a careful study of the expected error for some select cases. We perform numerical experiments by computing combination solutions of the scalar advection equation in a parallel environment with simulated faults. The results support the preceding analysis and show that the overheads are indeed small and a significant improvement over traditional checkpoint-restart methods

    On the approximation of rough functions with deep neural networks

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    The essentially non-oscillatory (ENO) procedure and its variant, the ENO-SR procedure, are very efficient algorithms for interpolating (reconstructing) rough functions. We prove that the ENO (and ENO-SR) procedure are equivalent to deep ReLU neural networks. This demonstrates the ability of deep ReLU neural networks to approximate rough functions to high-order of accuracy. Numerical tests for the resulting trained neural networks show excellent performance for interpolating functions, approximating solutions of nonlinear conservation laws and at data compression

    On the Approximation of Rough Functions with Artificial Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks and the ENO procedure are both efficient frameworks for approximating rough functions. We prove that at any order, the stencil shifts of the ENO and ENO-SR interpolation procedures can be exactly obtained using a deep ReLU neural network. In addition, we construct and provide error bounds for ReLU neural networks that directly approximate the output of the ENO and ENO- SR interpolation procedures. This surprising fact enables the transfer of several desirable properties of the ENO procedure to deep neural networks, including its high-order accuracy at approximating Lipschitz functions. Numerical tests for the resulting neural networks show excellent performance for interpolating rough functions, data compression and approximating solutions of nonlinear conservation laws