16 research outputs found

    Randomized Algorithms for the Loop Cutset Problem

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    We show how to find a minimum weight loop cutset in a Bayesian network with high probability. Finding such a loop cutset is the first step in the method of conditioning for inference. Our randomized algorithm for finding a loop cutset outputs a minimum loop cutset after O(c 6^k kn) steps with probability at least 1 - (1 - 1/(6^k))^c6^k, where c > 1 is a constant specified by the user, k is the minimal size of a minimum weight loop cutset, and n is the number of vertices. We also show empirically that a variant of this algorithm often finds a loop cutset that is closer to the minimum weight loop cutset than the ones found by the best deterministic algorithms known

    A tabu search heuristic based on k-diamonds for the weighted feedback vertex set problem

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    Given an undirected and vertex weighted graph G = (V,E,w), the Weighted Feedback Vertex Problem (WFVP) consists of finding a subset F ⊆ V of vertices of minimum weight such that each cycle in G contains at least one vertex in F. The WFVP on general graphs is known to be NP-hard and to be polynomially solvable on some special classes of graphs (e.g., interval graphs, co-comparability graphs, diamond graphs). In this paper we introduce an extension of diamond graphs, namely the k-diamond graphs, and give a dynamic programming algorithm to solve WFVP in linear time on this class of graphs. Other than solving an open question, this algorithm allows an efficient exploration of a neighborhood structure that can be defined by using such a class of graphs. We used this neighborhood structure inside our Iterated Tabu Search heuristic. Our extensive experimental show the effectiveness of this heuristic in improving the solution provided by a 2-approximate algorithm for the WFVPon general graphs

    FPT-space Graph Kernelizations

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    Let nn be the size of a parametrized problem and kk the parameter. We present a full kernel for Path Contraction and Cluster Editing/Deletion as well as a kernel for Feedback Vertex Set whose sizes are all polynomial in kk, that are computable in polynomial time, and use O(poly(k)logn)O(\rm{poly}(k) \log n) bits. By first executing the new kernelizations and subsequently the best known polynomial-time kernelizations for the problem under consideration, we obtain the best known kernels in polynomial time with O(poly(k)logn)O(\rm{poly}(k) \log n) bits

    Bounds for minimum feedback vertex sets in distance graphs and circulant graphs

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    Graphs and Algorithm

    Bounds for minimum feedback vertex sets in distance graphs and circulant graphs

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    Graphs and Algorithm

    Understanding the Scalability of Bayesian Network Inference Using Clique Tree Growth Curves

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    One of the main approaches to performing computation in Bayesian networks (BNs) is clique tree clustering and propagation. The clique tree approach consists of propagation in a clique tree compiled from a Bayesian network, and while it was introduced in the 1980s, there is still a lack of understanding of how clique tree computation time depends on variations in BN size and structure. In this article, we improve this understanding by developing an approach to characterizing clique tree growth as a function of parameters that can be computed in polynomial time from BNs, specifically: (i) the ratio of the number of a BN s non-root nodes to the number of root nodes, and (ii) the expected number of moral edges in their moral graphs. Analytically, we partition the set of cliques in a clique tree into different sets, and introduce a growth curve for the total size of each set. For the special case of bipartite BNs, there are two sets and two growth curves, a mixed clique growth curve and a root clique growth curve. In experiments, where random bipartite BNs generated using the BPART algorithm are studied, we systematically increase the out-degree of the root nodes in bipartite Bayesian networks, by increasing the number of leaf nodes. Surprisingly, root clique growth is well-approximated by Gompertz growth curves, an S-shaped family of curves that has previously been used to describe growth processes in biology, medicine, and neuroscience. We believe that this research improves the understanding of the scaling behavior of clique tree clustering for a certain class of Bayesian networks; presents an aid for trade-off studies of clique tree clustering using growth curves; and ultimately provides a foundation for benchmarking and developing improved BN inference and machine learning algorithms