183 research outputs found

    Topological Stability of Kinetic kk-Centers

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    We study the kk-center problem in a kinetic setting: given a set of continuously moving points PP in the plane, determine a set of kk (moving) disks that cover PP at every time step, such that the disks are as small as possible at any point in time. Whereas the optimal solution over time may exhibit discontinuous changes, many practical applications require the solution to be stable: the disks must move smoothly over time. Existing results on this problem require the disks to move with a bounded speed, but this model is very hard to work with. Hence, the results are limited and offer little theoretical insight. Instead, we study the topological stability of kk-centers. Topological stability was recently introduced and simply requires the solution to change continuously, but may do so arbitrarily fast. We prove upper and lower bounds on the ratio between the radii of an optimal but unstable solution and the radii of a topologically stable solution---the topological stability ratio---considering various metrics and various optimization criteria. For k=2k = 2 we provide tight bounds, and for small k>2k > 2 we can obtain nontrivial lower and upper bounds. Finally, we provide an algorithm to compute the topological stability ratio in polynomial time for constant kk

    Improved Approximation Algorithm for Set Multicover with Non-Piercing Regions

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    In the Set Multicover problem, we are given a set system (X,?), where X is a finite ground set, and ? is a collection of subsets of X. Each element x ? X has a non-negative demand d(x). The goal is to pick a smallest cardinality sub-collection ?\u27 of ? such that each point is covered by at least d(x) sets from ?\u27. In this paper, we study the set multicover problem for set systems defined by points and non-piercing regions in the plane, which includes disks, pseudodisks, k-admissible regions, squares, unit height rectangles, homothets of convex sets, upward paths on a tree, etc. We give a polynomial time (2+?)-approximation algorithm for the set multicover problem (P, ?), where P is a set of points with demands, and ? is a set of non-piercing regions, as well as for the set multicover problem (?, P), where ? is a set of pseudodisks with demands, and P is a set of points in the plane, which is the hitting set problem with demands

    On Geometric Priority Set Cover Problems

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    We study the priority set cover problem for simple geometric set systems in the plane. For pseudo-halfspaces in the plane we obtain a PTAS via local search by showing that the corresponding set system admits a planar support. We show that the problem is APX-hard even for unit disks in the plane and argue that in this case the standard local search algorithm can output a solution that is arbitrarily bad compared to the optimal solution. We then present an LP-relative constant factor approximation algorithm (which also works in the weighted setting) for unit disks via quasi-uniform sampling. As a consequence we obtain a constant factor approximation for the capacitated set cover problem with unit disks. For arbitrary size disks, we show that the problem is at least as hard as the vertex cover problem in general graphs even when the disks have nearly equal sizes. We also present a few simple results for unit squares and orthants in the plane
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