64 research outputs found

    How to Play Unique Games against a Semi-Random Adversary

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    In this paper, we study the average case complexity of the Unique Games problem. We propose a natural semi-random model, in which a unique game instance is generated in several steps. First an adversary selects a completely satisfiable instance of Unique Games, then she chooses an epsilon-fraction of all edges, and finally replaces ("corrupts") the constraints corresponding to these edges with new constraints. If all steps are adversarial, the adversary can obtain any (1-epsilon) satisfiable instance, so then the problem is as hard as in the worst case. In our semi-random model, one of the steps is random, and all other steps are adversarial. We show that known algorithms for unique games (in particular, all algorithms that use the standard SDP relaxation) fail to solve semi-random instances of Unique Games. We present an algorithm that with high probability finds a solution satisfying a (1-delta) fraction of all constraints in semi-random instances (we require that the average degree of the graph is Omega(log k). To this end, we consider a new non-standard SDP program for Unique Games, which is not a relaxation for the problem, and show how to analyze it. We present a new rounding scheme that simultaneously uses SDP and LP solutions, which we believe is of independent interest. Our result holds only for epsilon less than some absolute constant. We prove that if epsilon > 1/2, then the problem is hard in one of the models, the result assumes the 2-to-2 conjecture. Finally, we study semi-random instances of Unique Games that are at most (1-epsilon) satisfiable. We present an algorithm that with high probability, distinguishes between the case when the instance is a semi-random instance and the case when the instance is an (arbitrary) (1-delta) satisfiable instance if epsilon > c delta

    Approximating Unique Games Using Low Diameter Graph Decomposition

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    We design approximation algorithms for Unique Gmeas when the constraint graph admits good low diameter graph decomposition. For the M2Lin(k) problem in K(r)-minor free graphs, when there is an assignment satisfying 1-eps fraction of constraints, we present an algorithm that produces an assignment satisfying 1-O(r*eps) fraction of constraints, with the approximation ratio independent of the alphabet size. A corollary is an improved approximation algorithm for the Min-UnCut problem for K(r)-minor free graphs. For general Unique Games in K(r)-minor free graphs, we provide another algorithm that produces an assignment satisfying 1-O(r *sqrt(eps)) fraction of constraints. Our approach is to round a linear programming relaxation to find a minimum subset of edges that intersects all the inconsistent cycles. We show that it is possible to apply the low diameter graph decomposition technique on the constraint graph directly, rather than to work on the label extended graph as in previous algorithms for Unique Games. The same approach applies when the constraint graph is of genus g, and we get similar results with r replaced by log g in the M2Lin(k) problem and by sqrt(log g) in the general problem. The former result generalizes the result of Gupta-Talwar for Unique Games in the M2Lin(k) case, and the latter result generalizes the result of Trevisan for general Unique Games

    Dimension-free L_2 maximal inequality for spherical means in the hypercube

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    We establish the maximal inequality claimed in the title. In combinatorial terms this has the implication that for sufficiently small ε > 0, for all n, any marking of an ε fraction of the vertices of the n-dimensional hypercube necessarily leaves a vertex x such that marked vertices are a minority of every sphere centered at x

    Faster generation of random spanning trees

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    In this paper, we set forth a new algorithm for generating approximately uniformly random spanning trees in undirected graphs. We show how to sample from a distribution that is within a multiplicative (1+δ)(1+\delta) of uniform in expected time \TO(m\sqrt{n}\log 1/\delta). This improves the sparse graph case of the best previously known worst-case bound of O(min{mn,n2.376})O(\min \{mn, n^{2.376}\}), which has stood for twenty years. To achieve this goal, we exploit the connection between random walks on graphs and electrical networks, and we use this to introduce a new approach to the problem that integrates discrete random walk-based techniques with continuous linear algebraic methods. We believe that our use of electrical networks and sparse linear system solvers in conjunction with random walks and combinatorial partitioning techniques is a useful paradigm that will find further applications in algorithmic graph theory