3 research outputs found

    Approximation algorithms for maximally balanced connected graph partition

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    Given a simple connected graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E), we seek to partition the vertex set VV into kk non-empty parts such that the subgraph induced by each part is connected, and the partition is maximally balanced in the way that the maximum cardinality of these kk parts is minimized. We refer this problem to as {\em min-max balanced connected graph partition} into kk parts and denote it as {\sc kk-BGP}. The general vertex-weighted version of this problem on trees has been studied since about four decades ago, which admits a linear time exact algorithm; the vertex-weighted {\sc 22-BGP} and {\sc 33-BGP} admit a 5/45/4-approximation and a 3/23/2-approximation, respectively; but no approximability result exists for {\sc kk-BGP} when k4k \ge 4, except a trivial kk-approximation. In this paper, we present another 3/23/2-approximation for our cardinality {\sc 33-BGP} and then extend it to become a k/2k/2-approximation for {\sc kk-BGP}, for any constant k3k \ge 3. Furthermore, for {\sc 44-BGP}, we propose an improved 24/1324/13-approximation. To these purposes, we have designed several local improvement operations, which could be useful for related graph partition problems.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, accepted for presentation at COCOA 2019 (Xiamen, China

    Approximation Algorithms for Minimum Tree Partition

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    We consider a problem of locating communication centers. In this problem, it is required to partition the set of n customers into subsets minimizing the length of nets required to connect all the customers to the communication centers. Suppose that communication centers are to be placed in p of the customers locations. The number of customers each center supports is also given. The problem remains to divide a graph into sets of the given sizes, keeping the sum of the spanning trees minimal. The problem is NP-Complete, and no polynomial algorithm with bounded error ratio can be given, unless P = NP . We present an approximation algorithm for the problem assuming that the edge lengths satisfy the triangle inequality. It runs in O(p 2 4 p +n 2 ) time (n = jV j) and comes within a factor of 2p \Gamma 1 of optimal. When the sets' sizes are all equal this algorithm runs in O(n 2 ) time. Next an improved algorithm is presented which obtains as an input a positive integer x (x n \Gamm..