901 research outputs found

    Polynomial Tensor Sketch for Element-wise Function of Low-Rank Matrix

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    This paper studies how to sketch element-wise functions of low-rank matrices. Formally, given low-rank matrix A = [Aij] and scalar non-linear function f, we aim for finding an approximated low-rank representation of the (possibly high-rank) matrix [f(Aij)]. To this end, we propose an efficient sketching-based algorithm whose complexity is significantly lower than the number of entries of A, i.e., it runs without accessing all entries of [f(Aij)] explicitly. The main idea underlying our method is to combine a polynomial approximation of f with the existing tensor sketch scheme for approximating monomials of entries of A. To balance the errors of the two approximation components in an optimal manner, we propose a novel regression formula to find polynomial coefficients given A and f. In particular, we utilize a coreset-based regression with a rigorous approximation guarantee. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability and superiority of the proposed scheme under various machine learning tasks

    Randomized matrix-free quadrature for spectrum and spectral sum approximation

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    We study randomized matrix-free quadrature algorithms for spectrum and spectral sum approximation. The algorithms studied are characterized by the use of a Krylov subspace method to approximate independent and identically distributed samples of vHf[A]v\mathbf{v}^{\sf H}f[\mathbf{A}]\mathbf{v}, where v\mathbf{v} is an isotropic random vector, A\mathbf{A} is a Hermitian matrix, and f[A]f[\mathbf{A}] is a matrix function. This class of algorithms includes the kernel polynomial method and stochastic Lanczos quadrature, two widely used methods for approximating spectra and spectral sums. Our analysis, discussion, and numerical examples provide a unified framework for understanding randomized matrix-free quadrature and shed light on the commonalities and tradeoffs between them. Moreover, this framework provides new insights into the practical implementation and use of these algorithms, particularly with regards to parameter selection in the kernel polynomial method

    A high-order scheme for solving wave propagation problems via the direct construction of an approximate time-evolution operator

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    ArticleThis is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis following peer review. The version of record IMA J Numer Anal (2015) is available online at http://imajna.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2015/06/16/imanum.drv021The manuscript presents a technique for efficiently solving the classical wave equation, the shallow water equations, and, more generally, equations of the form ∂u/∂t=Lu∂u/∂t=Lu, where LL is a skew-Hermitian differential operator. The idea is to explicitly construct an approximation to the time-evolution operator exp(τL)exp⁡(τL) for a relatively large time-step ττ. Recently developed techniques for approximating oscillatory scalar functions by rational functions, and accelerated algorithms for computing functions of discretized differential operators are exploited. Principal advantages of the proposed method include: stability even for large time-steps, the possibility to parallelize in time over many characteristic wavelengths and large speed-ups over existing methods in situations where simulation over long times are required. Numerical examples involving the 2D rotating shallow water equations and the 2D wave equation in an inhomogenous medium are presented, and the method is compared to the 4th order Runge–Kutta (RK4) method and to the use of Chebyshev polynomials. The new method achieved high accuracy over long-time intervals, and with speeds that are orders of magnitude faster than both RK4 and the use of Chebyshev polynomials