69,057 research outputs found

    Approximating the minimum directed tree cover

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    Given a directed graph GG with non negative cost on the arcs, a directed tree cover of GG is a rooted directed tree such that either head or tail (or both of them) of every arc in GG is touched by TT. The minimum directed tree cover problem (DTCP) is to find a directed tree cover of minimum cost. The problem is known to be NPNP-hard. In this paper, we show that the weighted Set Cover Problem (SCP) is a special case of DTCP. Hence, one can expect at best to approximate DTCP with the same ratio as for SCP. We show that this expectation can be satisfied in some way by designing a purely combinatorial approximation algorithm for the DTCP and proving that the approximation ratio of the algorithm is max{2,ln(D+)}\max\{2, \ln(D^+)\} with D+D^+ is the maximum outgoing degree of the nodes in GG.Comment: 13 page

    Discovering a junction tree behind a Markov network by a greedy algorithm

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    In an earlier paper we introduced a special kind of k-width junction tree, called k-th order t-cherry junction tree in order to approximate a joint probability distribution. The approximation is the best if the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the true joint probability distribution and the approximating one is minimal. Finding the best approximating k-width junction tree is NP-complete if k>2. In our earlier paper we also proved that the best approximating k-width junction tree can be embedded into a k-th order t-cherry junction tree. We introduce a greedy algorithm resulting very good approximations in reasonable computing time. In this paper we prove that if the Markov network underlying fullfills some requirements then our greedy algorithm is able to find the true probability distribution or its best approximation in the family of the k-th order t-cherry tree probability distributions. Our algorithm uses just the k-th order marginal probability distributions as input. We compare the results of the greedy algorithm proposed in this paper with the greedy algorithm proposed by Malvestuto in 1991.Comment: The paper was presented at VOCAL 2010 in Veszprem, Hungar

    Inapproximability of the independent set polynomial in the complex plane

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    We study the complexity of approximating the independent set polynomial ZG(λ)Z_G(\lambda) of a graph GG with maximum degree Δ\Delta when the activity λ\lambda is a complex number. This problem is already well understood when λ\lambda is real using connections to the Δ\Delta-regular tree TT. The key concept in that case is the "occupation ratio" of the tree TT. This ratio is the contribution to ZT(λ)Z_T(\lambda) from independent sets containing the root of the tree, divided by ZT(λ)Z_T(\lambda) itself. If λ\lambda is such that the occupation ratio converges to a limit, as the height of TT grows, then there is an FPTAS for approximating ZG(λ)Z_G(\lambda) on a graph GG with maximum degree Δ\Delta. Otherwise, the approximation problem is NP-hard. Unsurprisingly, the case where λ\lambda is complex is more challenging. Peters and Regts identified the complex values of λ\lambda for which the occupation ratio of the Δ\Delta-regular tree converges. These values carve a cardioid-shaped region ΛΔ\Lambda_\Delta in the complex plane. Motivated by the picture in the real case, they asked whether ΛΔ\Lambda_\Delta marks the true approximability threshold for general complex values λ\lambda. Our main result shows that for every λ\lambda outside of ΛΔ\Lambda_\Delta, the problem of approximating ZG(λ)Z_G(\lambda) on graphs GG with maximum degree at most Δ\Delta is indeed NP-hard. In fact, when λ\lambda is outside of ΛΔ\Lambda_\Delta and is not a positive real number, we give the stronger result that approximating ZG(λ)Z_G(\lambda) is actually #P-hard. If λ\lambda is a negative real number outside of ΛΔ\Lambda_\Delta, we show that it is #P-hard to even decide whether ZG(λ)>0Z_G(\lambda)>0, resolving in the affirmative a conjecture of Harvey, Srivastava and Vondrak. Our proof techniques are based around tools from complex analysis - specifically the study of iterative multivariate rational maps

    Inapproximability of the Partition Function for the Antiferromagnetic Ising and Hard-Core Models

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    Recent inapproximability results of Sly (2010), together with an approximation algorithm presented by Weitz (2006) establish a beautiful picture for the computational complexity of approximating the partition function of the hard-core model. Let λc(TΔ)\lambda_c(T_\Delta) denote the critical activity for the hard-model on the infinite Δ\Delta-regular tree. Weitz presented an FPTAS for the partition function when λ<λc(TΔ)\lambda<\lambda_c(T_\Delta) for graphs with constant maximum degree Δ\Delta. In contrast, Sly showed that for all Δ3\Delta\geq 3, there exists ϵΔ>0\epsilon_\Delta>0 such that (unless RP=NP) there is no FPRAS for approximating the partition function on graphs of maximum degree Δ\Delta for activities λ\lambda satisfying λc(TΔ)<λ<λc(TΔ)+ϵΔ\lambda_c(T_\Delta)<\lambda<\lambda_c(T_\Delta)+\epsilon_\Delta. We prove that a similar phenomenon holds for the antiferromagnetic Ising model. Recent results of Li et al. and Sinclair et al. extend Weitz's approach to any 2-spin model, which includes the antiferromagnetic Ising model, to yield an FPTAS for the partition function for all graphs of constant maximum degree Δ\Delta when the parameters of the model lie in the uniqueness regime of the infinite tree TΔT_\Delta. We prove the complementary result that for the antiferrogmanetic Ising model without external field that, unless RP=NP, for all Δ3\Delta\geq 3, there is no FPRAS for approximating the partition function on graphs of maximum degree Δ\Delta when the inverse temperature lies in the non-uniqueness regime of the infinite tree TΔT_\Delta. Our results extend to a region of the parameter space for general 2-spin models. Our proof works by relating certain second moment calculations for random Δ\Delta-regular bipartite graphs to the tree recursions used to establish the critical points on the infinite tree.Comment: Journal version (no changes

    Causal Dependence Tree Approximations of Joint Distributions for Multiple Random Processes

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    We investigate approximating joint distributions of random processes with causal dependence tree distributions. Such distributions are particularly useful in providing parsimonious representation when there exists causal dynamics among processes. By extending the results by Chow and Liu on dependence tree approximations, we show that the best causal dependence tree approximation is the one which maximizes the sum of directed informations on its edges, where best is defined in terms of minimizing the KL-divergence between the original and the approximate distribution. Moreover, we describe a low-complexity algorithm to efficiently pick this approximate distribution.Comment: 9 pages, 15 figure

    Optimising the Solovay-Kitaev algorithm

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    The Solovay-Kitaev algorithm is the standard method used for approximating arbitrary single-qubit gates for fault-tolerant quantum computation. In this paper we introduce a technique called "search space expansion", which modifies the initial stage of the Solovay-Kitaev algorithm, increasing the length of the possible approximating sequences but without requiring an exhaustive search over all possible sequences. We show that our technique, combined with a GNAT geometric tree search outputs gate sequences that are almost an order of magnitude smaller for the same level of accuracy. This therefore significantly reduces the error correction requirements for quantum algorithms on encoded fault-tolerant hardware.Comment: 9 page