239 research outputs found

    Providing guaranteed QoS in the hose-modeled VPN

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    With the development of the Internet, Internet service providers (ISPs) are required to offer revenue-generating and value-added services instead of only providing bandwidth and access services. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is one of the most important value-added services for ISPs. The classical VPN service is provided by implementing layer 2 technologies, either Frame Relay (FR) or Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). With FR or ATM, virtual circuits are created before data delivery. Since the bandwidth and buffers are reserved, the QoS requirements can be naturally guaranteed. In the past few years, layer 3 VPN technologies are widely deployed due to the desirable performance in terms of flexibility, scalability and simplicity. Layer 3 VPNs are built upon IP tunnels, e.g., by using PPTP, L2TP or IPSec. Since IP is best-of-effort in nature, the QoS requirement cannot be guaranteed in layer 3 VPNs. Actually, layer 3 VPN service can only provide secure connectivity, i.e., protecting and authenticating IP packets between gateways or hosts in a VPN. Without doubt, with more applications on voice, audio and video being used in the Internet, the provision of QoS is one of the most important parts of the emerging services provided by ISPs. An intriguing question is: Is it possible to obtain the best of both layer 2 and 3 VPN? Is it possible to provide guaranteed or predictable QoS, as in layer 2 VPNs, while maintaining the flexibility and simplicity in layer 3 VPN? This question is the starting point of this study. The recently proposed hose model for VPN possesses desirable properties in terms of flexibility, scalability and multiplexing gain. However, the classic fair bandwidth allocation schemes and weighted fair queuing schemes raise the issue of low overall utilization in this model. A new fluid model for provider-provisioned virtual private network (PPVPN) is proposed in this dissertation. Based on the proposed model, an idealized fluid bandwidth allocation scheme is developed. This scheme is proven, analytically, to have the following properties: 1) maximize the overall throughput of the VPN without compromising fairness; 2) provide a mechanism that enables the VPN customers to allocate the bandwidth according to their requirements by assigning different weights to different hose flows, and thus obtain the predictable QoS performance; and 3) improve the overall throughput of the ISPs\u27 network. To approximate the idealized fluid scheme in the real world, the 2-dimensional deficit round robin (2-D DRR and 2-D DRR+) schemes are proposed. The integration of the proposed schemes with the best-effort traffic within the framework of virtual-router-based VPN is also investigated. The 2-D DRR and 2-D DER-+ schemes can be extended to multi-dimensional schemes to be employed in those applications which require a hierarchical scheduling architecture. To enhance the scalability, a more scalable non-per-flow-based scheme for output queued switches is developed as well, and the integration of this scheme within the framework of the MPLS VPN and applications for multicasting traffics is discussed. The performance and properties of these schemes are analyzed

    Understanding CHOKe: throughput and spatial characteristics

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    A recently proposed active queue management, CHOKe, is stateless, simple to implement, yet surprisingly effective in protecting TCP from UDP flows. We present an equilibrium model of TCP/CHOKe. We prove that, provided the number of TCP flows is large, the UDP bandwidth share peaks at (e+1)/sup -1/=0.269 when UDP input rate is slightly larger than link capacity, and drops to zero as UDP input rate tends to infinity. We clarify the spatial characteristics of the leaky buffer under CHOKe that produce this throughput behavior. Specifically, we prove that, as UDP input rate increases, even though the total number of UDP packets in the queue increases, their spatial distribution becomes more and more concentrated near the tail of the queue, and drops rapidly to zero toward the head of the queue. In stark contrast to a nonleaky FIFO buffer where UDP bandwidth shares would approach 1 as its input rate increases without bound, under CHOKe, UDP simultaneously maintains a large number of packets in the queue and receives a vanishingly small bandwidth share, the mechanism through which CHOKe protects TCP flows

    Drop counters are enough.

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    Small Flow Completion Time (FCT) of short-lived flows, and fair bandwidth allocation of long-lived flows have been two major, usually concurrent, goals in the design of resource allocation algorithms. In this paper we present a framework that naturally unifies these two objectives under a single umbrella; namely by proposing resource allocation algorithm Markov Active Yield (MAY). Based on a probabilistic strategy: "drop proportional to the amount of past drops", MAY achieves very small FCT among short-lived flows as well as max-min fair bandwidth allocation among long-lived flows, using only the information of short history of already dropped packets. It turns out that extremely small amount of on-chip SRAM (roughly 1 bit per flow in Pareto-like flow size distributions) is enough for storing this drop history. Analytical models are presented and analyzed and accuracy of results is verified experimentally using packet level ns2 simulations

    Minimizing queueing delays in computer networks

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    FavorQueue: A parameterless active queue management to improve TCP traffic performance

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    This paper presents and analyzes the implementation of a novel active queue management (AQM) named FavorQueue that aims to improve delay transfer of short lived TCP flows over best-effort networks. The idea is to dequeue packets that do not belong to a flow previously enqueued first. The rationale is to mitigate the delay induced by long-lived TCP flows over the pace of short TCP data requests and to prevent dropped packets at the beginning of a connection and during recovery period. Although the main target of this AQM is to accelerate short TCP traffic, we show that FavorQueue does not only improve the performance of short TCP traffic but also improves the performance of all TCP traffic in terms of drop ratio and latency whatever the flow size. In particular, we demonstrate that FavorQueue reduces the loss of a retransmitted packet, decreases the number of dropped packets recovered by RTO and improves the latency up to 30% compared to DropTail. Finally, we show that this scheme remains compliant with recent TCP updates such as the increase of the initial slow-start value